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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ W ] / What have you done with it

What have you done with it tradutor Português

62 parallel translation
What have you done with it?
O que você fez com ele?
- Mary, what have you done with it?
- Não vi. - Mary, o que fizeste com ela?
- Johnny, what have you done with it?
Johnny, que lhe fez?
- What have you done with it?
- O que fez com ela?
What have you done with it?
Ah, sim, cérebro.
- what have you done with it?
O que é que lhe fez?
It's been a week since this thing's been coming to you and what have you done with it?
Já passou uma semana desde que começaste a receber o jornal, E o que fizeste?
What have you done with it?
O que fez com ela?
Where iss the book, What have you done with it?
Onde está o livro? O que você fez com ele?
What have you done with it?
Que lhe fizeram?
We gave you everything, we gave you your name, and what have you done with it?
Nós lhe demos tudo, nós demos-te o teu nome, e o que tens feito com ele?
What have you done with it?
- O que lhe fizeste?
What have you done with it?
O que lhe fizeste?
This is my department. What have you done with it?
- Que fizeram com ela?
Where's my wallet, where's my phone? What have you done with it?
A minha carteira, o meu telefone, o que lhes fizeram?
What have you done with it?
O que fizeste com ela?
What have you done with it, you scoundrel, spent it?
O que fizeste com elas, sacana, gastaste-as?
What have you done with it?
- O que fizeste com ela?
Where is it, what have you done with it?
Onde está ela? O que lhe fizeram?
What have you done with it?
- O que fizeste com ele?
Then what have you done with it?
Que lhe fizeram?
What have you done with it?
- O que fizeste com o teu... dom?
What have you done with it?
O que fizeste com ele?
- What have you done with it?
- O que é que fizeste com ele?
What have you done with it?
O que é que lhe fez?
- What have you done with it?
- O que fizeste com ela? - Com o quê?
What have you done with it?
- O que fizeste com ela? - Com o quê?
Abe, what have you done with it?
Abe... o que é que lhes fizeste?
But if this is true, if this is what you have done with your life... it is far worse than anything that's been said of you.
Se isso é verdade, se isto é o que fizeste com a tua vida é muito pior que tudo o que se diz de ti.
What have you done with Spock's brain? Where have you taken it?
O que fez ao cérebro do Spock?
But isn't it nice? Why you- - What have you done with Janet?
Que fizeste tu à Janet?
Now you have five days... to get the 360.000 together, then you will give it back... together with a 50 percent penalty... for what you have done to us.
Agora tem 5 dias... para juntar os 360 mil, devolvê-los... com multa de 50 %... pelo que fez connosco.
What have you done with it?
O que fez com eles?
"Yes, I am Daniel," and there starts out, "pleased to meet you," and there starts out what could turn into... well, as long as her name is Esther, if shes called Alice she keeps going, it doesnt register either, however much you say Esther to her....... once, one was coming, I said, "Esther" she turned around and said, "My name is José Luis," and nothing started out because I dont go for that sort, that sort of neither that guy nor any other guy, I mean, it isnt my thing, my parents brought me up in a certain manner and I have seen my way to responding to that education, honoring, honoring it, let us say, I was educated in the freedom to be able to think whatever I feel like, but yes, things were done in a certain manner ; it was also necessary to respect others, because each person could do what he or she wanted with her life, right?
"sim, eu sou Daniel", e começa, eh? , "muito prazer", e começa o que pode chegar a ser... bom, sempre e quando se chame Esther, se chama Alicia segue caminhando, tampouco percebe, por mais que lhe diga Esther....... uma vez vinha caminhando uma, lhe disse "Esther" se deu volta e me disse "eu me chamo José Luis", e não começou nada porque não me dou com esse tipo de, esse tipo de nem esse tipo nem nenhum tipo, quero dizer, não é o meu, meus padres me educaram de uma maneira e eu sempre soube responder a essa educação, honrando, honrando-a, digamos, me educaram com libertade de poder pensar em qualquer coisa,... .. mas se, as coisas eram de outra forma ; também tinhaa que respeitar os outros, porque cada um podía fazer de sua vida o que tivesse vontade, não?
What would you have done with it?
O que terias feito com ele?
Just for the record, if you'd have gotten the information and were able to control wormholes, what would you have done with it?
Dominaria o máximo possível do Universo... encontraria e destruiria seu planeta.
You came close to it once. But now we're in a place where my power has grown and yours is diminished. What have you done with my friend?
Chegaste perto uma vez, mas agora estamos num lugar onde o meu poder aumentou e o teu diminuiu.
this is not you, it passes that gekloot what they have done with you.
Isso foi a merda que te fizeram.
What would you have done with it?
O que é que terias feito com ela?
What I'm saying is, if you really had wanted to, you know, with them pills, then you'd have done it already, wouldn't you?
O que estou a dizer é que se tu realmente quissesses fazê-lo, sabes, com os comprimidos, já o terias feito, não tinhas?
What have you done it with?
Com o quê que o fizeste?
If I'd have simply done what she asked me, if I'd have said : "Sure, I'll go with you" I know it wouldn't have happened.
Se tivesse feito o que ela me pediu, se tivesse dito : "Claro, vou contigo", sei que não teria acontecido.
I can't quite believe it myself. What have you done with the gun that you had at the hotel?
O que fizeste com a arma que tinhas no Hotel?
What have you done with this, you little beggar? I knew it.
O que fizeste com isto, sua malandra?
I'm over it. What have you done with Wayne Rigsby?
Quem és tu e o que fizeste com o Wayne Rigsby?
What have you ever done with it? - I like my life now, Dicky.
- Gosto da minha vida como é, Dicky.
I thought it'd be romantic. Who are you, and what have you done with Ted Vanderway?
Por falar em romântico, nunca te imaginei de braço dado com um republicano.
He would be beside himself with joy with what you've done, and if he accomplished that goal, he might have sacrificed anything to protect it.
Ele ia estar muito contente com o que fizeste. E se atingisse esse objectivo, sacrificaria qualquer coisa para protegê-lo.
If you or Quinn, or you and Quinn, have got problems with this, with what I've done with "the boy," none of it would have been necessary if you had just done your job. You were supposed to recruit him.
Se tu ou o Quinn ou tu e o Quinn têm problemas com isto, com o que eu fiz com "o miúdo", nada seria necessário se tivessem feito o vosso trabalho.
I did this to give you a chance to live differently and what have you done with that chance, you've thrown it away.
Dei-te uma oportunidade de viver de outra forma e o que fizeste com essa oportunidade? Desperdiçaste-a.
Charlie would have hated it knowing that his whole family done went to hell. I don't know what you're doing with that joker, Patti.
O Charlie teria odiado isto, ao saber que a sua família foi para o inferno.

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