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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ W ] / What have you got for us

What have you got for us tradutor Português

37 parallel translation
So what have you got for us now?
Então o que tens hoje para nós?
( Koenig )'Maya, what have you got for us?
Maya. O que tens a informar?
Randolph, Mortimer. What have you got for us?
- Que tens para nós, Winthorpe?
- What have you got for us, Constable?
- O que tem para nós, Comissário?
- What have you got for us, Dr. Jackson?
O que tem para nós, Dr. Jackson?
Madeline, Louise, what have you got for us?
Madeline, Louise, que têm para nós?
I understand Happy has a big surprise for us. What have you got for us, Hap?
Eu sei que o Happy tem uma grande surpresa para nós.
What have you got for us?
O que tem para nós?
What have you got for us, Sinead?
O que tens para nós, Sinead?
Now, what have you got for us?
Agora, o que você tem para nós?
What have you got for us this time?
O que tem para nós desta vez?
What have you got for us?
- O que tens para nós?
So, what have you got for us?
O que tem para nós?
What have you got for us, wonder boy.
O que achou, garoto maravilha.
What have you got for us, Scooby?
O que tem pra nos contar, Scooby?
What have you got for us? Outside bin Laden.
O que já fez para nós, além do Bin Laden?
Why? What have you got for us? Nothing.
E já tenho as suas traduções.
What have you got for us?
O que têm para nós?
Right, then, Kam, what have you got for us?
Então, o que tens aí para nós, Kam?
What have you got for us?
O que tens aí para nós?
What have you got for us?
O que tens para nós?
Beautiful Pema, what have you got for us?
Bela Pema, o que tem para nós?
- What have you got for us?
- O que trouxeste para nós?
Garcia, what have you got for us?
Garcia, o que tens para nós?
- Homer, what have you got for us?
Homer, o que tens para nós?
What have you got for us, girl?
O que conseguiste, miúda?
What have you got... for us to do?
Que tens para fazermos?
Because of human nature, in some cases, because we've got these kind of animal minds, designed for very different environments, facing novel problems, so the enlightenment part is going to require some real education and reflection and self-discipline, and may not come naturally. I think what we're up against here is human nature. We have to reform ourselves, remake ourselves in a way that cuts against the grain of our inner animal nature, and transcend that ice age hunter that all of us are, if you strip off the thin layer of civilisation.
a parte da iluminação algo que poderá não surgir naturalmente. de uma forma que vai contra a nossa natureza animal intrínseca. que todos somos se tirarmos a fina camada da civilização. mas nunca a controlámos.
What have you got for us?
If you can use your magic hands or your super-snatch whatever power it is you have over Eric to fix what's broken between us and you'll still owe me one... -... you've got a deal.
Se puderes usar as tuas mãozinhas mágicas ou a tua super ratinha, seja qual for o poder que usas sobre o Eric, para corrigir a nossa relação, e ainda me deveres uma... temos um acordo.
Mm-hmm. What do have you got for us?
O que tens para nós?
What have you got for us, kid?
O que tens para nós, rapaz?
What have you got for us?
Que tens para nós?

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