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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ W ] / What i did was wrong

What i did was wrong tradutor Português

230 parallel translation
Grandma what I did was wrong.
Avó o que eu fiz foi errado.
- I realize what I did was wrong.
- Percebo que o que fiz foi errado.
What i did was wrong.
O que fiz foi errado.
I know what I did was wrong. I'll never forget...
" Eu sei que fiz tudo errado... e nunca esquecerei... nem procurarei perdão, porque vi o olhar daquela mãe.
Monique, look, I'm sorry... and I know what I did was wrong.
Monique, desculpa, sei que o que fiz está errado. Monique, gosto mesmo de ti.
If I imprint that confession, I'll be admitting that what I did was wrong.
Se puser a impressão naquela confissão, estarei a admitir que o que fiz foi errado.
Look, I'm sorry. I know what I did was wrong.
Eu sei que o que fiz está errado.
Look, I know what I did was wrong, but this isn't about me. It's about him.
Eu sei que me portei mal, mas agora ele é que interessa.
What I did was wrong, but... I'd do it again.
O que fiz foi errado, mas voltaria a fazê-lo.
But what I did was wrong! This is wrong!
Mas o que eu fiz foi errado!
Zelda, Hilda, what I did was wrong.
Zelda, Hilda, o que fiz foi errado.
- But what I did was wrong.
Mas o que eu fiz está errado. Muito.
What I did was wrong.
Não está tudo bem.
What I did was wrong!
Fiz uma puta duma besteira!
I know what I did was wrong.
Eu sei o que fiz está mal.
What I did was wrong.
O que fiz esteve mau.
I know what I did was wrong.
Eu sei que não devia ter feito.
What I did was wrong, and I know that now.
- Sabes que eu errei, e eu também sei.
But what I did was wrong.
Mas o que eu fiz foi errado.
I've got to try to make her see that I know that what I did was wrong.
Devo tratar de fazê-la ver que sei que o que fiz esteve mau.
If I did anything wrong that I was ashamed of, I was ashamed to go to my parents and tell them what I had done.
Se fizesse algo errado, de que me envergonhasse, tinha vergonha de dizer aos meus pais o que tinha feito.
What did I say that was wrong?
Que foi o que disse mal?
In the mad rush ol lile, I got the time to sit and think,... what was wrong in what I said, did and believed in.
Na corrida louca da vida, eu tenho o tempo para sentar e pensar... o que estava errado no que eu disse, fiz e acreditava.
As I was said, in the mad rush ol lile,... I lound the time to sit and think,... what was wrong in what I said, did and believed in.
Como eu dizia, na corrida louca da vida... eu tenho o tempo para sentar e pensar... o que estava errado no que eu disse, fiz e acreditava.
Asking what I did was my only way of staying and it was wrong.
Pedir o que pedi foi a minha única maneira de ficar e isso foi um erro.
I don't know what it was I did wrong.
Não sei o que fiz de mal.
What did I do that was so wrong?
O que te fiz de tão mau?
Even though i kept dating him, I always felt that what he did was wrong.
Apesar de termos continuado a namorar, sempre achei que ele fora incorrecto.
What I did was 100 % wrong.
Aquilo que eu fiz está errado.
If what we did was wrong, I'II accept my punishment.
Se o que fizemos foi errado, aceito o castigo.
I heard about what they did to your women. That was wrong.
Soube do que fizeram às vossas mulheres.
- What did I do that was so wrong?
Que é que fiz de tão grave?
Look, I know you know what you did was wrong... or else you wouldn't be calling.
Ouça, sei que sabe que o que fez foi errado, senão não telefonava.
What I did was wrong.
Agi mal.
I think what you did was wrong.
Acho que procedeu de modo errado.
I know what he did was wrong.
Eu sei que o que ele fez está errado.
I don't know yet if it was wrong, what you did.
Não sei, ainda... Se foi errado o que fizeste.
I understand rules. But what Warden Michaels did to me was wrong.
Eu entendo as regras, mas o que o director me fez, está errado.
Was I wrong in doing what I did then?
Eu estava errada em fazer o que eu fiz?
Sometimes I wish that I had stayed, you know...,... stand up to him, tell him what he did was wrong...,... instead of running.
Não posso. Tenho medo de meu padrasto. Sabe?
Now, what you did was wrong... But perhaps i deserve some of the blame. I should've spent more time with you this week.
O que fizeram foi errado, mas talvez eu tenha culpa.
You know, I guess it was wrong, what I did with Laurie.
Acho que foi errado o que fiz com a Laurie.
I know what we did was wrong.
Sei que o que fizemos está errado.
What I did was... very wrong.
O que eu fiiz foi... um grande erro.
Um, what I did to Miss Lee was wrong.
O que eu fiz à Sra. Lee está errado.
And I couldn't give it to her... because I still had something inside of me that said that... what she did was wrong.
E não lho pude dar porque ainda tinha algo dentro de mim que me dizia que o que ela fez era errado.
What Robert did was wrong. And I've told him as much.
O Robert agiu mal, e eu já lhe disse isso mesmo.
And I did what I knew was wrong.
E fiz o que sabia que era errado.
You're upset, and what I did was so wrong.
Está chateado, e o que fiz foi muito errado.
I know how difficult it is to acknowledge your parents'faults, but what they did was wrong.
Eu sei o quão difícil deve ser reconhecer os erros de seus pais. Mas o que eles fizeram foi errado.
What I did was very wrong.
O que fiz foi muito errado.

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