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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ W ] / What were you doing here

What were you doing here tradutor Português

271 parallel translation
- What were you doing here?
- Que fazes aqui?
Yeah, what were you doing here in the first place?
O que estavam a fazer aqui, para já?
And what were you doing here yesterday?
O que fazia aqui ontem?
What were you doing here?
O que estavas a fazer aqui?
- What were you doing here?
- Que veio cá fazer?
- What were you doing here?
- Que estava a fazer aqui?
- What were you doing here?
- Que fazem aqui?
What were you doing here in the first place?
O que estavas aqui a fazer, para começar?
What were you doing here?
Que estas aqui fazer?
- What were you doing here? - Eating a big samosa.
- O que estavas a fazer aqui?
Look here, young fellow, I want you to tell me... just exactly what were you doing tonight?
Quero que me diga exactamente o que andaram a fazer.
What were you doing out here?
- Porque veio aqui?
What in Hades were you doing here anyway?
E o que é que diabos estava aqui a fazer?
Won't you tell me what you're doing here and why you were crying?
Por favor, vai dizer-me o que está a fazer aqui? E por que estava a chorar?
I wasn't even polite enough to ask you what you were doing here.
Nem fui educado o bastante para perguntar o que estavas a fazer aqui.
I'll depend on you to explain to them what you were doing here and why you were here.
Voltem pro quarto e discutam lá. Ellie, depois explique a elas porque veio aqui.
I didn't know what the hell you were doing here.
Não sabia o que estava aqui a fazer.
I asked what you were doing here :
Perguntei o que estão a fazer aqui.
What were you doing over here?
Ficaste maluco?
What were you doing out here?
O que fazias ali?
I asked you what you were doing here!
Que raio faz aqui?
What are you doing here? I thought you were working.
Pensei que estava trabalhando.
What were you doing creeping around here like that?
O que estavas a fazer ao andar por aqui assim?
What were you doing creeping around here like that?
O que estavas fazendo rastejando ao redor?
What were you doing out here?
Que faz aqui?
What were you doing in here?
Que ias fazer?
And you two, what the hell were you two doing here?
E vocês? Que fazem aqui?
What were you doing up here?
O que estavas a fazer aqui em cima?
What were you planning on doing here?
Estavas a contar fazer o quê?
What are you doing here? How did I know you were here?
Como adivinhei que estava aqui?
What were you doing way out here, Harold?
O que estás a fazer por aqui, Harold?
- What were you doing here?
- O que estavas a fazer aqui?
What the hell were you doing here?
Que merda está fazendo aqui?
I was wondering what you were doing here.
Estava a pensar o que farias aqui.
- Sally, what are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be out investigating your chemical attraction to Mr. Randell.
Não devias estar a investigar a tua atração pelo Sr. Randall?
What is left requires that you be dangerous and I think you would be more comfortable doing that if I were not here.
O que falta requer que sejas perigoso... e eu acho que estarás mais confortável a fazer isso... se eu não estiver aqui.
What were you doing back here?
Que fazes aqui dentro?
Mulder, what am I doing here? You were airlifted here...
Mulder, por que estou aqui?
What were you doing in here?
Que estavas e fazer aqui?
Marc found out what you were doing here and you had the police kill him?
O Marc descobriu o que estavas a fazer aqui e tu mandas-te a policia lhe matar.
What were you doing here?
O que é que estás a fazer aqui?
What are you doing here? I thought you were gonna pick me up at 2 : 00.
Pensei que me viesses buscar às 14 : 00.
What were you doing out here? I was relieving myself.
Estava me aliviando
Retrace your steps. Try to- - Try to remember what you were doing before you ended up here.
Gostavaa de saber o que fiz para o trazer para cá, mas não sei.
Bet you can't even remember what you were doing here.
Aposto que já nem te lembras porque é que cá moravas.
What the hell were you guys doing down here?
O que faziam aqui os dois?
Now, what on earth were you doing way over there in dreary London when everyone loves you so much here?
Que fazia num sítio tão soturno e distante como Londres, quando é tão amado aqui?
But I'd be interested to know what you two were doing here?
Mas gostaria de saber o que vieram aqui fazer.
I was wondering what you were doing out here.
Já me perguntava o que andariam a fazer por aqui.
- What the hell were you doing in here?
O que fazes aqui?
What are you doing here? I thought you were an anti-Semite.
- Pensei que eras um anti-semita.

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