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When i was in high school tradutor Português

220 parallel translation
So let me tell you this story. When I was in high school, I had this boyfriend, and we were madly in love.
Então deixa-me contar uma história Quando eu andava no liceu, tinha um namorado, e estávamos muito apaixonados.
I mean, it started back when I was in high school.
Bem, tudo começou quando eu andava no liceu.
Oh, I wish I'd known you when I was in high school.
Quem me dera ter-te conhecido quando andava no liceu.
Once when I was in high school I got drunk one night, and I...
Uma vez... quando andava no liceu... embebedei-me uma noite e...
When I was in high school... I used to fantasize about being tied up... and ravaged by the entire swim team.
Quando estava no colégio... fantasiava que me amarravam... toda a equipa de natação me agarrava.
You know, when I was in high school... I ran for president of the student council.
Sabes, quando estava no liceu, concorri á presidência da Associação de Estudantes.
Yeah, well, when I was in high school, I was thinking mostly of the aerospace field.
Sim, quando eu andava no liceu, dedicava-me à área aeroespacial.
When I was in high school, there was a piano teacher, Ms. Lehmann, who used to invite us to go to her house listening to records.
Quando andava no liceu, havia uma professora de piano, a Sra. Lehmann, que costumava convidar-nos a ir a casa dela ouvir discos.
I used to live in Radio Shack when I was in high school.
Mexia com rádio na escola.
When I was in high school, I made nothing but A's.
Quando estava no liceu só tirava "A".
I used to listen to your show when I was in high school.
Ouvia o programa quando estava no colégio.
When I was in high school, I so wanted to live in Tokyo.
Quando estava no secundário, eu só queria viver em Tóquio.
well, when I was in high school...
Se eu não existisse, talvez tivesse o que eu tive.
When I was in high school, I learned that light... from distant galaxies was shifted to the red.
Quando andava no liceu, aprendi que a luz das galáxias distantes se desviava para o vermelho.
My dad is... but Mom died when I was in high school.
Meu pai está mas minha mãe morreu quando eu estava na escola.
You know, when I was in high school, I wanted to be someplace else, you know.
Quando eu estava no colégio... queria estar noutro lugar.
When I was in high school, my teachers were all priests and nuns.
Quando estava no colégio, os meus professores eram padres e freiras.
She stole my boyfriend when I was in high school.
Roubou-me o namorado, quando eu andava no liceu.
When I was in high school,
Quando eu estava no Secundário,
When I was in high school I read The Eighty Yard Run, and I wept, I just cried in class.
No Secundário, li "The Eighty Yard Run", e chorei na aula.
I suffered a major head injury when I was in high school.
Tive uma lesão grave na cabeça, quando andava no liceu.
I was in the art club when I was in high school.
Eu estava no clube de arte quando eu era do segundo grau.
Oh, man, where were you when I was in high school?
Onde estavas tu, quando eu andava no liceu?
Aconteceu algo assim comigo no liceu.
When I was in high school... there was a girl named Loralee Sherman... that claimed she was raped by... 4 drunken seniors.
Quando eu andava no liceu, havia uma rapariga chamada Loralee Sherman, Ela disse que tinha sido violada, por quatro finalistas bêbedos.
- I had one when I was in high school.
- Eu tive um quando andava no liceu.
Like, take-take me for instance, When i was in high school, I got-i got beat up more than neal, you know.
Olha para mim por exemplo, quando andava na secundária, levava porrada mais vezes que o Neal.
You know, when i was in high school, I was working in a department store, And learning all about retail,
Sabes, quando eu andava na escola secundária, trabalhava numa loja onde aprendia tudo sobre a venda a retalho e só tirava grandes notas.
When I was in high school, I had a Paris.
Quando eu andava no liceu, havia uma Paris.
I want to tell you about this thing that happened to me when I was in high school.
- Isso mesmo. Quero contar-te uma coisa que me aconteceu no liceu.
Look, when I was in high school, I was one of the best backs in the state.
Quando andava no liceu, era um dos melhores pontas do estado.
That guy was the shit when I was in high school.
Aquele tipo era o máximo no liceu.
It never hurt when I was in high school,'cause we didn't have a baseball team.
Nunca me doeu quando andava no líceu porque não havia equipa de baseball.
We used to come out here and neck when I was in high school.
Vínamos para aqui beijar-nos quando eu estava no liceu.
When I was in high school... even the biggest losers had birds of a feather.
Quando eu estava no colégio... mesmo os maiores perdedores tinham penas para voar.
When I was in high school, I had a thing with this guy, right?
Quando eu estava no colégio, eu tinha um problema com um tipo, certo? O encrenqueiro.
She died when I was in high school.
Morreu quando eu andava no liceu.
God, when I was in high school, the things we used to do in there.
Deus, quando andava na secundária, as coisas que costumávamos fazer ali.
That was taken when I was in our high-school play.
Foi tirada numa peça de teatro do liceu.
I saw Hamlet, but that was back in high school. I mean, tonight when you stood there with that bloody dagger...
Eu vi "Hamlet" no liceu, mas quando a vi hoje no palco com aquele punhal...
When I was a kid, I was in high school, I used to dread gym class.
Quando era rapaz no colégio, eu faltava á aula de ginástica. Sabe porquê?
I wish you could have seen your father when he was in high school before all this happened.
Quem me dera que tivessem visto o vosso pai no liceu, antes de tudo isto acontecer.
I saw Advise and Consent when I was in my senior year in high school.
Vi "Advise and Consent" quando no último ano de secundária.
Then when I was a senior in high school I had a huge fight with my dad, and I moved out.
No último ano do liceu, tive uma discussão enorme com o meu pai e saí de casa.
When she died I was already doing grad work, but Michael was in high school.
Quando ela morreu eu já era licenciado, mas o Michael ainda estava no liceu.
When I was a senior in high school... all I wanted to do was attend a famous black college... and study journalism.
Quando era finalista do liceu, queria ir para uma faculdade negra estudar jornalismo.
I was number four in high school when I played ball.
Eu era o número 4 no liceu.
When I was a sophomore in high school... like most high school kids... you get all the energy and all the motivation and excitement... of making your varsity team, which is a big thing.
Quando eu era caloiro no liceu... como a maior parte dos rapazes da escola... vai-se buscar toda a energia e toda a motivação e excitação... para conseguir um lugar na equipa, o que é muito importante.
... I was -... I was 18 when my high-school men's choir performed at the grand opening of a sporting-goods store in Denver.
Tinha... Tinha 18 anos quando o coro do meu licei actuou na grande abertura da loja Sporting Goods, em Denver.
but we just turned up the volume and ignored the burning smell we should all rot in hell i went to high school with whitey as a joke i told him to meet me at the prom when he got there i said, "i can't believe you thought i was serious"
mas nós só aumentámos o volume e ignorámos o cheiro a queimado devíamos arder no inferno eu andava na escola com o Whitey e como piada combinei ir com ele ao baile de finalistas que a gente tinha quando lá chegou eu disse-lhe : "Nem acredito que pensaste que era a sério"
I thought people would call me that in high school when I was in The Wiz.
Pensava que me iam chamar isso na secundária quando entrei no "The Wiz".

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