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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ W ] / Who was that on the phone

Who was that on the phone tradutor Português

71 parallel translation
- Darling, who was that on the phone?
- Querida, quem estava ao telefone?
Who was that on the phone just now?
Quem era ao telefone?
- Who was that on the phone?
- De quem era o telefonema?
Then who was that on the phone?
Então quem era aquela ao telefone?
Who was that on the phone?
Quem era ao telefone?
Who was that on the phone?
Quem estava a telefonar?
Hi, honey. Who was that on the phone?
- Quem era ao telefone?
- Who was that on the phone?
- Quem era ao telefone?
So, uh, who was that on the phone?
Quem é que estava ao telefone?
- Who was that on the phone?
Quem era no telefone?
- Who was that on the phone? Um...
- Com quem falavas ao telefone?
- Who was that on the phone?
- Quem era? - O pai.
- So who was that on the phone?
- Quem era ao telefone?
Who was that on the phone Phil?
Ei, quem era ao telefone, Phil?
Hey, who was that on the phone?
- Fogo! - Quem telefonou?
Who was that on the phone?
- Ficará bem? - Estava falando com quem?
Who was that on the phone?
Quem foi que te telefonou?
- Who was that on the phone, Rita?
- Quem estava ao telefone, Rita?
Who was that on the phone?
- Quem era ao telefone?
- Who was that on the phone?
- Quem era?
Who was that on the phone?
O que fiz? Quem era ao telefone?
So, who was that on the phone?
Então, quem era ao telefone?
Who was that on the phone earlier?
- Com quem estavas ao telefone?
Oh, who was that on the phone?
Quem é que estava ao telefone?
That was a woman who just called you on the phone, wasn't it?
Foi uma mulher que acabou de lhe telefonar, não foi?
Who was that on the phone?
O que é que ele fez e quanto é que nos vai custar?
- That's who was on the phone.
- Sim, era o Ace.
- Who was that on the phone?
Quem telefonou?
Well, the thing is, if this Kodoroff guy was on that train, and he's so dead, who's bouncing calls to Laina in Helsinki off some satellite over southern Russia? That's a secure phone, I need it.
Se esse Kodoroff morreu no comboio, quem anda a fazer chamadas para a Laina, através de um satélite sobre o Sul da Rússia?
That man who was talking on the phone, where did he go?
O homem que estava a falar ao telefone, onde foi?
You tell me who was on the other end of that phone, and I'll make it quick.
Diga-me quem estava do outro lado do telefone e abreviarei isto.
- Who was that woman on the phone?
- Quem era a mulher do telefone?
No, really, I appreciate you being cool about the phone thing... because I once went on a date with this guy who got so angry I was on the phone... that he grabbed it out of my hand, and he threw it in the fish tank.
Não, a sério... agradeço-te por seres tão porreiro com esta coisa do telemóvel... porque uma vez saí com um gajo... que se chateou tanto por eu estar ao telemóvel... que o tirou da minha mão e mandou-o para o aquário dos peixes.
I'd like to know who was on the other end of that cell phone.
Mas gostaria de saber quem estava no outro lado daquele telemóvel.
Okay. First off, i don't even want to know who was on the other end of that phone.
Antes de mais, nem quero saber com quem falavas ao telefone.
Last night on the phone, she told me that she was gonna meet someone, but she didn't say who.
Ontem à noite, ao telefone, disse que ia encontrar-se com alguém. Não disse quem era.
Only one person could have made that call- - the one who wasn't in the room when Fermat was on the phone.
Só uma pessoa pode ter feito esse telefonema. A única pessoa que não estava na sala, quando o Fermat estava ao telefone.
Get me the Perry file and find out who that was on the phone so I can fire him.
Arranje-me o ficheiro Perry, e descubra quem estava ao telefone, para que eu o despeça.
Who was that you were talking to on the phone earlier?
Com quem estava a falar antes ao telefone?
Who was that woman on the phone?
Quem era a mulher ao telefone?
Congressman, I was on the phone this very day with the governor of Texas, who told me personally... that all of his congressional districts... are gonna vote no on the bill.
Sr Congressista, estive hoje mesmo ao telefone com o Governador do Texas que me disse pessoalmente que todos os distritos dele vão votar Não no decreto.
I'd gotten to work and I was on the phone with my brother-in-law, who had just started teaching, and he said that he was off from school.
Quando cheguei telefonei ao meu cunhado que se tinha iniciado na carreira de professor disse-me que teve folga
Well, when I first got, you know, got a hold of the shelter, they put me on the phone with Jonathan Dorian who said that he worked for the, a shelter, and that he was the one who was talking with Nicholas
Bem, quando tentei a primeira vez, sabe, ter uma confirmação do asilo, eles puseram-me a falar pelo telefone com o Jonathan Dorian, que me disse que trabalhava no asilo, e que era o único que tinha falado com o Nicholas,
- Who was the last person to use that phone? - - Get on the ground!
Quem foi a última pessoa a usar o telefone?
That's who was on the phone.
É quem estava ao telefone.
So then who was that on the phone?
Então quem era ao telemóvel?
I don't know who Gates was talking to on the phone, but that was not Emily.
Não sei com quem é que a Gates falou ao telefone, mas não foi com a Emily.
Anyway, that number that you pulled from Nigel's cell phone, did you ever figure out who was on the other end?
Seja como for, aquele número que tiraste do telemóvel do Nigel, chegaste a perceber de quem era?
Who was that man on the phone? It's nothing.
- Não é nada.
I can get those myself. Who was that on the phone?
Quem era ao telefone?
Who was that on the phone...
Quem era... Ao telefone?

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