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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ W ] / Why would you think that

Why would you think that tradutor Português

473 parallel translation
- And why would you think that?
- E porque ia pensar isso?
Why would you think that?
Porque pensaram nisso?
Why would you think that?
Por que pensaste isso?
Well, why would you think that?
Porque é que acha isso?
Why would you think that Mr Clarke would get a kick out of that film?
Por que você acha, que o Sr. Clarke daria uma acertada com esse filme?
Why would you think that I'd give a shit about stuff like that?
Por que me mentiste? Pensei que se soubesses não quisesses ser mais meu amigo.
Why would you think that?
Por que pensaria isto?
Why would you think that?
- Não. Porque pensa isso?
Why would you think that?
Por que dizes isso?
- Why would you think that? - Because I won't give you the phone number.
- Porque eu não te dei o número do telefone.
Why would you think that?
Que te deu tal ideia?
I mean, w-why would you think that you would?
Quer dizer, porque achavas que terias?
No, why would you think that?
Não, o que a leva a pensar isso?
Why would you think that?
Por que iria pensar isso?
Why would you think that I would think that?
Por que pensas que eu ia pensar isso?
- Why would you think that?
- Porque é que ias achar isso?
Why would you think that?
Porquê? Tens de pensar assim, porquê?
Why would you think that?
Não, por que pensas isso?
Why would you think that...
Por que achas...
- Why would you think that?
- Por que pensou isso?
Why would you think that?
Porque achas isso? Francamente, Susan!
- Why would you think that?
- por que ia ter o?
Why would you think that now I'm not?
Porque é que pensas que agora não o estou a fazer?
Why would you think that?
Porque é que dizes isso?
Porque é que havias de pensar isso?
Why, Abrams, you don't think that these people would have anything... to do with a thing like that?
Ora, Abrams, não achas mesmo que estas pessoas tenham alguma coisa... a ver com uma coisa destas?
Well, why would you think like that?
Porque pensa assim?
Aside from the fact that this.... woman claims to be the late Mr. Brooks... is there any other reason why you might think that he would be dead?
Para lá do facto dessa....... mulher alegar que é o falecido Sr. Brooks, há alguma outra razão para achar que ele morreu?
Bob, why you think Leo would act to you like that?
Bob, porque você acha que Leo age com você assim? Não sei!
I think that I will be the noble one here, and I will graciously bow out while the bowing's good. Why does this man mean so much to you that you would give up untold wealth to spare his life? Well, let's face it.
Ivan, sei que o Sasha pode ter um pouco de raiva ou inveja, talvez até um pouco magoado... mas o que acontece se o Luke conseguir matá-lo?
Why do you think he'd be riding that car when it would be the easiest way to link him to the murder.
Porque acha que ele andaria com o carro do Burger se essa seria a forma mais fácil de o relacionar com o crime? Não sei.
Why do you think your mommy would say that?
Porque achas que a mamã diz isso?
Why would you think on this planet that you're one of those three?
Por que hás-de pensar que no planeta inteiro,
Why would you think that?
- Que ideia a sua!
- I think that would be- - - Why are you undermining me?
Acho que isso seria...
- Why did I think tonight would be any different? - You are insane. - It's the world that's insane!
Dizem que é um universo aleatório, mas aqui eles atacam estranhos apenas pelo seu dinheiro.
Once you do it, you think, "Why would I ever do that again?"
Assim que o fizesse pensaria "Porque faria isto novamente?"
Why would you think I was having an affair with George? Oh, because he said that he had to talk with you earlier about some problem that you were having.
Porque ele disse que tinha de falar contigo acerca de um problema qualquer com que estavas.
And I think we both know that's why you left us alone out there- - to see if I would.
E acho que ambos sabemos que foi por isso que nos deixaste lá : para ver se eu voltaria.
Why would you ever think that we would feel that so soon?
Porque foste pensar que sentiríamos isso tão cedo?
Why would I do something like that? Think I would try tricking you again?
Acha que quero te enganar outra vez?
[Chuckles] Why on earth would you think that?
Por que pensa isso?
I could see why you would think that.
Vejo porque pode pensar isso.
Why would you think a thing like that?
E por que pensaria uma coisa dessas?
Why do you think he would do that?
Porque terá feito isso?
Why would you think I'd be into that?
Porque pensas que estaria disposta a isso?
Now, why the fuck would you even think that?
- Onde é que foste buscar essa ideia?
I don't know why you would think I was like that.
Não sei porque pensaste que eu sou assim.
- Why would you think that?
Algo que tivesse relacionado com a indústria de entretenimento.
Um... why would you think that, beary?
Você é sim.
Well, I would like the opportunity... to explain to you why I'm no longer the person... that I was years ago... how I've changed... for the better, I think... and the direction that my life has gone in.
Gostaria de ter a oportunidade... de te explicar porque é que já não sou a pessoa... que era há uns anos atrás... como eu mudei... para melhor, acho eu... e o rumo que a minha vida tomou.

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