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Winifred tradutor Português

221 parallel translation
Sister Winifred has baked some gingerbread!
A Irmã Winifred cozeu pão de gengibre!
It's kippers, but Sister Winifred has poached you an egg.
São arenques, mas a Irmã Winifred escalfou-lhe um ovo.
I told him that I would accompany you, and he'd like to speak to Sister Winifred too.
Eu disse-lhe que a acompanharia, e ele gostaria também de falar com a Irmã Winifred.
So, Sister Winifred, the booking-in list,
Assim, Irmã Winifred, a ordem de serviço,
- Winifred, where are the children?
- Winifred, e as crianças?
Michael! - Winifred, please don't be emotional.
- Winifred, por favor, nao seja emotiva.
Winifred, never confuse efficiency with a liver complaint.
Winifred, nunca confunda eficiencia com problema de figado.
- Are you getting this, Winifred? - Oh, yes, dear.
- Esta anotando, Winifred?
I'm well aware they're just children, Winifred.
Eu sei disso, Winifred.
You know, Winifred, I think she will.
Sabe, Winifred, acho que sim.
Winifred, will you be good enough to explain this unseemly hullabaloo?
Quer me explicar a razao para essa fanfarra?
Winifred, I should like to make a slight differentiation between the word cheerful and just plain giddy irresponsibility.
Quero explicar a diferença entre ser alegre e ser levianamente irresponsavel.
I can tell you one thing, Winifred. I don't propose standing idly by and letting that woman Mary Poppins undermine the discipline...
E digo que nao ficarei de braços cruzados... enquanto essa Mary Poppins, estraga a disciplina...
Winifred, it is my wish that you be present!
Quero que esteja presente.
I believe I do, Winifred.
Acredito que sim.
Winifred, did I say that I was going to take the children to the bank?
Eu disse que levaria as crianças ao banco?
Winifred Van Dankelein...
Winifred De Dankelein...
Nonsense, Winifred, old girl.
Que tolice, Winifred, minha linda.
But, Winifred, old girl, that's an entirely different matter.
Mas, Winifred, minha linda, é um assunto completamente diferente.
Melinda Winifred Waine Tentrees.
Melinda Winifred Wayne Tentrees.
There's a Winifred in there.
Falta um Winifred aí.
Yes, Winifred?
Sim, Winifred?
Yes, I'll talk to him, Winifred.
Oh, oh, sim.
That'll be all today, gentlemen.
Eu falo com ele, Winifred. Bem, isso vai ser tudo hoje, cavalheiros.
Winifred, would you get me Mr. Forsythe at the Medfield Inn?
Winifred, podia tentar o Sr. Forsythe em Medfield Inn?
Winifred, if that's somebody else calling to congratulate me would you just thank them and take their names? Who?
Oh, Winifred, se é mais alguém que liga a felicitar-me, apenas agradeça-lhes e anote os seus nomes.
Winifred, would you call the airport and get me two tickets to Oceanview City?
Winifred, ligue para o aeroporto... e arranje-me 2 bilhetes para Ocean View City?
- Winifred!
- Winifred!
Mr. Hallorann, I'm Jack. This is my wife, Winifred.
Sr. Hallorann, sou o Jack, e esta é a minha esposa, Winifred.
Mrs. Torrance, your husband introduced you as Winifred.
Sra. Torrance, o seu marido apresentou-a como Winifred.
Anyone up for the Winifred Beecher Howe Memorial?
Quem quer ir ao Memorial Winifred Beecher Howe?
Winifred, thou art a mere sprig of a girl. But I shall be a sprig forever, once I suck the life out of all the children in Salem! Liar!
Winifred, tu és um mero rebento de moça.
Sucking the lives out of little children! - Winifred Sanderson?
Sugando as vidas das criancinhas.
"This is the spell book of Winifred Sanderson."
" Esse é o livro de feitiços de Winifred Sanderson.
Billy Butcherson was Winifred's lover, but she found him sporting with her sister Sarah, so she poisoned him and sewed his mouth shut with a dull needle... so he couldn't tell her secrets even in death.
Billy Butcherson era o amante de Winifred... mas ela o encontrou nos braços da sua irmã Sarah. Ela o envenenou e costurou-Ihe a boca com uma agulha rebota... para que ele não contasse seus segredos nem morto.
- Winifred always was the jealous type.
A Winifred sempre foi ciumenta.
But Winifred's curse of immortality kept me alive.
Mas a praga da imortalidade de Winifred me manteve vivo.
When Winifred and her sisters returned, I'd be there to stop them.
Quando Winifred e suas irmãs retornassem... eu as impediria.
It holds Winifred's most dangerous spells.
Ele contém os feitiços mais perigosos da Winifred.
My name's Winifred!
Meu nome é Winifred.
Sarah, Mary and Winifred Sanderson.
Sarah, Mary e Winifred Sanderson.
Farewell, Winifred Sanderson!
Adeus, Winifred Sanderson!
- Winifred said... the candle's magic will soon be spent... and dawn approaches.
Winifred disse... "A mágica da vela está acabando"... e "O alvorecer se aproxima".
My name is Major Benson Winifred Payne.
Sou o major Benson Winifred Payne!
"You'll never take Major Benson Winifred Payne alive!"
Não apanhas vivo o major Benson Winifred Payne! "
My name is Major Benson Winifred Payne!
Sou o major Benson Winifred Payne!
Brother Columbanus... did she say her name this time? Is her name Winifred?
Irmão Columbanus, desta vez ela disse como se chamava?
Pull it in, Winifred.
Encolher, Winifred.
- Yes?
Winifred Sanderson.

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