You'd love that tradutor Português
468 parallel translation
You love me that much that you'd frame Gus to get me?
Ama-me tanto que incriminaria o Gus para me ter?
I guess I'd be anything you want, Toni, if you love me that much.
Acho que vai ser o que tu queres que seja, Toni, se me amas assim tanto.
But if I were to tell you that I love you you might suppose I'd do it to save my life.
Mas, se eu vos dissesse que vos amo poderíeis pensar que o fazia para me salvar.
- Naturally, we'd love to have you. That's very kind of you.
É claro que adoraríamos acompanhá-la.
You knew she was in love with Carpenter, that he'd given her your cigarette case.
Sabia que ela gostava do Carpenter, e ele lhe tinha dado a sua cigarreira.
And then I'd... I'd want to tell you that I love you and I want to marry you right away.
E depois... diria que te amo e que queria casar contigo imediatamente.
You'd love that.
Iria adorar.
If you had any sense in that surveyor's head you'd go upstairs to that girl of yours, tell her you're in love with her and marry her.
Se te fica algo de sentido comum, subirás a por ela, lhe dirás que as amas e te casarás com ela.
You love that rat so much, you'd risk all our lives just to keep me from getting him?
Ama tanto aquele verme, que arriscaria as nossas vidas para eu não o apanhar?
It's just that I loved you so all-fired much I thought you'd have to love me back.
Mas te queria tão apaixonadamente que pensava que você tinha que me querer a mim.
It's true, I thought that in a way, you didn't love him any more, so so I'd have done anything to make you love me.
Eu... na realidade... pensei que... de certo modo você não o amasse mais e assim... quis fazer com que... quis mesmo fazer com que pudesse me amar.
If I had the nerve, I'd stay and lie, hoping that I could make you love me again as I am for myself.
Se tivesse coragem, ficava e mentia, esperando que me amasses outra vez, sendo quem sou, por mim..
FRANK : It's fine. It's fine to have you tell me that you love me but I'd be much happier if you said that you loved your mother as well.
É bom saber que você me ama, Anne... mas eu ficaria bem mais feliz se me dissesse que também ama a sua mãe.
A guy like that, he'd kill a woman like you because he couldn't love you, not the way you are loved.
Um homem assim mataria uma mulher como tu. Porque não poderia amar-te. Não da forma que és amada.
is he in love with her? You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Seria cômodo para ti, assim ficavas com a consciência tranquila.
Thank you, I'd love one. Fred, that feed you sold me is no good.
Fred, a ração que me vendeu não presta.
Oh, Mrs. Lampert, I'd love to see you try and convince them of that.
Sra. Lampert, gostava de a ver a convence-los disso.
You'd love pressing that button.
Adoraria carregar naquele botão.
Since you love jokes, that'd be good, then.
Como gostam de piadas, pode ser que apreciem.
- Gostava de o ver assim mais vezes.
That I'd love only you?
Que não amaria mais ninguém?
let us not be so confined by learning That love becomes an outcast... quite abjur'd. Glad that you thus continue your resolve To suck the sweets of sweet philosophy. Tranio!
I had made this clear before that I'd never love you.
Eu disse-lhe antes que eu nunca iria amá-la.
- That's very kind of you. I'd love it.
- É muito simpático da sua parte.
You know, I'll go out with you or I'll stay in with you or I'll do anything that you'd like for me to do if you would tell me that you love me.
Sabes que saio contigo ou que fico aqui contigo ou que faço tudo o que quiseres se me disseres que me amas.
We thought that you'd love to know how fond everybody is of you.
Pensámos que adoraria saber como todos gostam de si.
Only I would've bet that you'd never been in love.
Mas eu teria apostado que nunca tinha estado apaixonada.
I'd love to come down on the platform with you and wave a tiny, white handkerchief etcetera but there is that interview.
Eu gostava de descer à plataforma contigo e acenar com um pequeno lenço branco etc. etc mas há aquela entrevista.
I'd love another drink, sir, but I think you'll find that the bottle is empty.
Eu adoraria, mas a garrafa está vazia.
Well, I always did want to give them what I'd learned about flying, if that's what you mean by love, but I never found the way.
Bom, eu sempre lhes quis dar o que aprendi sobre voar, se é isso que entendes por amor, mas nunca descobri como.
You'd better say in that message, "Love, affection and $ 20 cash."
Então escreva, "Amor, afecto e 20 dôIares."
In that case, I'd love to dine with you.
Nesse caso, adorava jantar contigo.
You'd love to prove that, wouldn't you?
- Gostava de provar isso.
And now I'd like to do a special old favorite, the song that got me started in this business that's been so kind to me, a song you've loved through the years... and one I'm sure you're gonna love tonight.
E agora eu gostaria de interpretar uma de minhas velhas favoritas, a canção com que comecei neste negócio que tão bem me tratou, uma canção que apreciaram durante anos... e que estou seguro que gostarão nesta noite.
'Happy birthday, Father. I love you.'lf l'd met that young lady, I'd know it.
Feliz aniversário, Pai. Adoro-te. Lamento, saberia, se tivesse conhecido uma jovem assim.
I'd always hoped you wouldn't, that you'd fall in love with a girl.
Sempre esperei que tu não fosses... enfim, que tu te apaixonasses por uma rapariga.
No matter what's happened, I still love you, Dizzy "D :" Remember that :
Não importa o que aconteceu, ainda gosto de ti, "Estonteante D". 136 00 : 12 : 39,639 - - 00 : 12 : 41,732 Estonteante D?
D'you still love me, or has that worn off or what?
Ainda gostas de mim ou isso já te passou?
I even thought I'd seen you in love before. I guess that was just my vanity.
Até julguei que já te tinha visto apaixonado.
She told me she was so madly in love with me that she'd leave the show she was in... She was an actress, you know.
Ela disse que me amava, e que por mim, deixaria o espectáculo, ela é actriz, certo.
You see, sometimes I wonder what would have happened if we'd made love that night.
Às vezes pergunto-me o que teria acontecido se tivéssemos feito amor.
I could lay a big line on you, we could do lots of role-playing but the simple truth is, I find you very interesting and I'd really like to make love with you. " Simple as that.
Podia vir-te com conversa, representar um bocado mas a verdade é que te acho interessante e gostaria de fazer amor contigo. " Tão simples quanto isto.
You know I could lay a big line on you and we could do a lot of role-playing, but the simple truth is that I find you very interesting. And I'd really like to make love to you.
Sabe podia dizer muita coisa ou até representar, mas a verdade é que a considero muito interessante e gostaria de fazer amor consigo.
How do you know that you'd love it?
Como sabe que iria gostar?
Come on, you'd love that!
Vá lá você vai adorar
I'd love to see you on that boat.
Gostava de navegar naquele barco.
And New York, you'd love that.
E Nova Iorque... ias adorá-la.
You'd love that, wouldn't you?
Isso querias tu, não era?
Well, you'd love that, wouldn't you?
Adoravas que fosse assim.
Oh ho ho! You'd love that, wouldn't you?
Las adorar isso, não era?
If you want to play the game, you'd better know the rules, love. That's our report. I'm Patrick Snow.
Quem entra num jogo, deve conhecer as regras terminamos o nosso programa.
you'd love it 36
love that 51
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
love that 51
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19