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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ Y ] / You'll know it when you see it

You'll know it when you see it tradutor Português

72 parallel translation
You'll know it when you see it.
Saberemos quando o vejamos.
You know, sometimes when I see a sad movie, I want to see the end again, just hoping it'll all come out better the second time.
Quando vejo um filme triste, quero ver o fim outra vez, na esperança de que tudo acabe melhor.
When I see the size and shape of it, and how to handle it I'll let you know what the price is.
Quando eu vir o tamanho, a forma e como lidar com ele, digo-te qual é o preço.
- You'll know when you see it.
- Vais descobrir quando vires.
It's unfortunate timing, I know... but we had no choice, as you'll see when you read this. Sorry to interrupt.
Sinto interromper.
- You'll know when you see it.
- Vai saber quando o vir.
You know what... When we'll see if it was anything other than roll.
Da próxima vez que nos encontramos, não vamos ficar todo o tempo no carro.
You train and you know you're capable... but when it comes time, you wonder what you'll do ; whether you'll take it up or bring it down... or whether you'll ever see an orange again.
Você treina e sabe que é capaz... mas quando isto ocorre, pergunta-mos a nós mesmo, o que irei fazer... se você continua ou sente medo... ou se verá uma laranja novamente.
You'll know what you're looking for when you see it.
Saberá o que está a procurar quando o vir.
Oh, I think you'll know it when you see it.
Saberá quando vir.
You'll know when you see it.
Saberás quando o veres.
You know, when I think of all the battles we fought side by side... and friendships we made. It'll be good to see Ajax again.
You'll know when you see it.
Saberás quando o vires.
Don't worry. You'll know the right dress when you see it.
Reconhecerá o vestido certo, assim que olhar para ele.
- I know it seems really weird, but trust me, when you talk to him, when you talk to him, you'll see what I'm...
Sei que parece muito estranho. Mas acredite, quando falar com ele, entenderá.
I'll know it when you see it.
Saberei quando o vires.
You'll know it when you see it.
Saberás quando vires.
But uh... but you know, I can see right where it is though, in my head. So when I get back, I'll give it to him.
Mas consigo visualizar perfeitamente onde ele está, por isso, quando voltar, dou-lho.
It won't help you see them... but it'll let you know when they're nearby.
Não te ajudará a vê-los, mas permite-te saber que estão perto.
- [Nervous Chuckle] Anyhoo, when these pills wear off, I don't know exactly what's gonna happen... but I imagine it'll involve this beer can breaking'out your teeth... your wife screaming'at me to stop kickin'you... and your children cryin'after they see what I've done to your face.
Quando o efeito dos comprimidos passar, não sei exactamente o que vai acontecer, mas deve ser isto a partir-lhe os dentes, a sua mulher a gritar para eu não lhe bater e os seus filhos a chorar quando virem o que eu fiz à sua cara.
You'll know it when you see it.
Quando vir, saberá.
Like, you'll know it when you see it.
Como..., tu vais saber quando encontrares.
But you'll, you'll know it when you see it.
Mas vocês, vocês saberão quando vocês a virem.
- You'll know it when you see it.
- Saberás quando o vires.
You know what? It'll be worth it to see their faces when we all roll up.
Sabes uma coisa, vai valer a pena ver as caras deles quando nós dançarmos.
How's he doing? It's a little too early to tell, but I know when he wakes up, he'll be happy to see you.
Ainda é cedo para dizer, mas sei que, quando ele acordar, vai ficar contente por vê-la.
Anyhoo, when these pills wear off, I don't know exactly what's gonna happen, but I imagine it'll involve this beer can breaking out your teeth, your wife screaming at me to stop kicking you and your children crying after they see what I've done to your face.
Deixando isso, quando o efeito dos comprimidos passar, eu não sei exactamente o que vai acontecer, mas imagino que possa envolver esta lata de cerveja a partir-te os dentes, a tua mulher a implorar-me para que pare de te bater
She said your answer's there and you'll know it when you see it.
Ela disse que as tuas respostas estão lá, e vais saber quando o vires.
Yeah, you'll see you'll know when it's lit because this flame's coming out of the back of the engine.
Sim, mas não se vê, porque as chamas estão a sair da parte de trás do motor.
Well, I'll tell you, I know a lack of motivation when I see it.
Reconheço a falta de motivação, quando a vejo.
You'll know it when you see it.
- Saberás quando vires.
I know I shouldn't tell you, but you'll still be surprised { \ when you see it }.
Eu sei que não te devia contar, mas ainda vais ficar surpreendida quando as vires.
When you see it, you'll know it's real.
Quando as vir, saberá que são verdadeiras.
When you see it, you'll know it's real.
Quando o vir, saberá que é verdade.
I think you'll know the blazer when you see it.
Creio que saberás qual é quando o vires.
And then it's back to work, and I never know when I'll see you again.
De seguida voltas logo para o trabalho e nunca sei quando te verei outra vez.
She wants their lives. Well, you know, when I see her, I'll ask her to stop wanting their lives and she'll do it because she's sweet.
Quando a vir digo-lhe para parar de querer as vidas deles, e vai fazê-lo porque é um doce de miúda.
- You'll know it when you see it.
Saberão quando o virem.
Oh, you'll know it when you see it.
Quando lá chegares, vais perceber.
You'll know it when you see it.
Você sabe que quando você vê-lo.
You'll want to look for somewhere secluded, close to water. I'm sure you'll know it when you see it.
Procurem algum lugar isolado, perto de água.
You'll know it when you see it.
Depois vês.
I'll let you know when I see it.
Quando o vir, digo-te.
And you'll know it when you see is.
Vais perceber quando a vires.
I don't know exactly what you're looking for, but I have a feeling you'll know it when you see it.
Não sei o que vais procurar mas sinto que saberás quando o vires.
You'll know when you see it.
Vais saber quando vires.
You know, I'll talk to it when I see it.
- Eu falo quando a vir.
You'll know it when you see it.
Vais saber quando as vires.
You'll know it when you see it... and it's gonna crack this thing wide open.
Vais saber o que é quando encontrares, e vai solucionar tudo isto.
You'll know it when you see it.
Tu irás saber isso quando vires.
I guess, you know, we'll probably figure it out when we see it.
Eu acho, sabe, que provavelmente iremos perceber, quando a virmos.

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