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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ Y ] / You'll know soon enough

You'll know soon enough tradutor Português

60 parallel translation
You'll get to know everybody soon enough.
Logo conhecerá toda a gente.
You'll know soon enough.
- Em breve se saberá.
- You'll know soon enough.
Para que? - Já o saberá.
Just as soon as I feel strong enough, I'll let you know.
Oh, sim, Travis. Assim que me sentir forte, eu te direi.
You'll know soon enough.
Em breve saberá.
When you get near the killer's house, you'll know about it soon enough because the Sarcophagus will go crazy and head straight for the dead bodies.
Quando chegar perto da casa do assassino, logo saberá com antecedência, porque o sarcophagus enlouquecerá... e dirigir-se-á para os cadáveres.
- You'll know soon enough.
- Saberás em breve.
I need to know what's going on. You'll know soon enough! Here.
- Nestor, que menino travesso.
I don't know when but I think it'll be when you're sleeping'cause I know you'll sleep soon enough.
Não sei quando, mas acho que vai ser quando dormires, porque sei que em breve irás dormir.
You'll know soon enough... because the only way to kill an Anubis warrior is by taking off its head.
Já vais ver... porque a única forma de matar um guerreiro de Anúbis, é decapitá-lo.
But I know if I give you enough time, pretty soon you're going to slip up, and then I'll be able to send you back to your miserable existence.
Mas eu sei se der bastante tempo, brevemente vocês vão escorregar, e então poderei mandá-los de volta para sua existência miserável.
You'll know soon enough.
Vais saber em breve.
Necessary. You'll know my reasons soon enough.
Saberás as minhas razões o mais cedo possível.
You'll know my reasons soon enough.
Você saberá minhas razões muito em breve.
You'll know soon enough
Saberá muito em breve.
- You'll know soon enough.
- Em breve saberás.
Don't you? If it's about the money we'll know soon enough.
Se for pelo dinheiro, não tardaremos a saber.
- Well, you'll know soon enough.
- Verdade.
- You'll know soon enough.
- Vai saber em breve.
You'll know him soon enough.
Vais conhecê-lo em breve.
You'll know soon enough, Brian.
Saberás em breve, Brian.
- You'll know soon enough.
- Em breve irás sabê-lo.
Because, My Lady, you know you'll have me soon enough.
Porque, minha senhora, Sabe que vai ter-me.
We'd love to, but- - ... my kid is sick. You'll know what that means soon enough.
Adoraríamos, mas o meu filho está doente.
Well, you'll know soon enough.
Vai percebê-lo em breve.
Peter, you have to relax. If we have the wrong Brigitte, we'll know soon enough.
Se temos a Brigitte errada, sabê-lo-emos em breve.
It'll be over soon enough, that is all you need to know.
Vai estar tudo terminado em breve, só precisa saber isso.
You'll know everything soon enough, babe.
Vais saber tudo em breve, querida.
You know, if you're right, she'll move on soon enough.
Se estiveres certa, partirá para outra rapidamente.
I know it's going to take some getting used to, but you'll fit in soon enough, I promise.
Eu sei que vai demorar um bocado até te habituares, mas vais-te integrar rapidamente, eu prometo.
You'll know soon enough.
Saberá em breve.
We'll know the truth soon enough. I know how difficult this must be for you, sir.
Imagino que isto seja muito difícil para si.
You'll know soon enough.
- Saberás na altura certa.
If she does know, you'll find out soon enough.
Se ela sabe, saberás em breve.
Know you'll be trying soon enough.
Sei que vais tentar outra vez.
Did you fix the audio? Well, we'll know soon enough.
- Reparaste o áudio?
You'll know soon enough.
Saberás em breve.
You'll know soon enough.
Saberão em breve.
They'll be released soon enough. And you know that for a fact how?
Eu era a ligação da força aérea com os russos durante a guerra.
You'll know everything soon enough.
Brevemente saberás o que te espera.
Well, you'll know them soon enough because we're learning them today.
Vais passar a conhecê-las brevemente, porque vamos aprendê-las hoje.
You'll know soon enough.
Vai saber em breve.
Trust me on this, you'll know soon enough.
Confia em mim, saberás em breve.
You'll know soon enough.
Em breve saberás!
You'll know it soon enough.
Brevemente saberás.
So know, soon enough, I'll have to murder you for that.
Por isso, agora terei de o matar por isso.
If there's a connection to you, I'll know about it soon enough.
Se tiver alguma ligação consigo, Eu saberei em breve.
We'll know soon enough if you are Leonardo da Vinci or just think you are, but in the meantime, it would be great...
Em breve saberemos se és o Leonardo Da Vinci ou se apenas pensas que és. Entretanto, seria óptimo...
But I'll know soon enough when I subpoena you for national records.
Saberei em breve, quando te intimarmos pelos registos fiscais.
I'll know what I have for you soon enough.
Vou saber o que dar-te em breve.
- You'll know soon enough.
Em breve saberá.

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