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You're going back tradutor Português

1,810 parallel translation
You're going to get your old life back.
Vais ter a tua vida de volta.
You're going to get your powers back.
Vais recuperar os teus poderes.
You're going to put this back together by hand?
Vão juntar isto à mão? Tivemos algum treino.
You're going back inside because of Alphonse Gangitano, no-one else.
Vais de novo dentro por causa do Alphonse Gangitano, de ninguém mais.
And if this is what I think it is, we're gonna be going right back to work, so I need you to charge those scuba tanks.
Se isto for o que eu espero, vamos voltar já ao trabalho. Preciso que carregues as botijas de oxigénio.
- So you're going to get Giovanna back.
- Vais reconquistar a Giovanna?
- So, you're really going back at it?
- Vais mesmo voltar?
You're not going anywhere until we get the tests back.
Não sai daqui antes de fazer os exames.
You're going to go in there and beg for your old job back?
Vais lá para implorar pelo teu antigo emprego?
You're going back to krypton now Before it's too late.
Vais voltar agora para Krypton antes que seja tarde demais.
We're going to need you to postpone your trip home until we get ballistics back.
Terá de adiar o seu regresso a casa, até termos os resultados da balística.
You're going back on the street, Jack.
Vais voltar para as ruas, Jack.
Vais voltar para...
You're going back.
You're going back.
Vais voltar.
- Well, you're not going back in there.
Não vai voltar para lá?
I don't suppose we're going to be particularly delightful company this evening, but if you'd like to come back to the house with Andrew for a drink...
Não acho que seremos uma boa companhia essa tarde, Mas se quiserem vir a nossa casa com Andrew para um drink...
- You're going back?
- Vais lá voltar?
If you're going out Could you bring me back some cotton candy?
Se vais sair podes trazer-me algodão doce?
Ha ve you gotten the Daedalus back? Because we're going to need the help.
Já que recuperaram a Daedalus precisamos da vossa ajuda.
You're not planning on going back on our agreement, are you?
- Quanto tempo?
But, um, if you're going back to Grandview, Would you mind riding with me?
Como vais para Grandview, importas-te de vir comigo?
You make up your mind. 'cause when i come back in this room, you're going to tell me what i need.
Decide o que queres fazer, porque quando eu voltar, vais dizer-me tudo o que quero saber.
You're going back to the lockup.
Vais voltar para trás das grades.
You're going to bring it back up here, let me check it, and then I go.
Vai trazê-los para aqui, eu verifico e depois vou-me embora.
You're going back to work?
Vais voltar a trabalhar?
Okay, you're not going to believe this, but she's back.
Bom, não vais acreditar nisto, mas ela voltou.
You're just going to sneak it back into Edie's house?
Vais voltar a pôr isso em casa da Edie?
I am going to kill you, but first I'm gonna get Jamie back. And you're gonna help me.
Eu vou matá-lo, mas, primeiro... vou recuperar o Jamie e você vai ajudar-me.
Right after dinner we're going to dive into the second act, but before you all run off, I just want to say how glad I am that I came back for this.
Após o jantar, entraremos na segunda cena, mas, antes que saiam a correr daqui, gostaria de vos dizer que estou feliz por ter voltado.
And you're not going back to that shelter.
E não voltarás para o abrigo.
So you're going to turn your back on us.
Então, ides abandonar-nos?
If you trace back light sources, you're going to be disappointed if you want solar logic.
Se rastreias as fontes de luz, seguramente vais decepcionár-te se queres uma lógica solar.
You're gonna love it. I'm going to attach this chair to some weather balloons, float up to where the planes fly, high-five God, then jump back down with this parachute...
Vou prender esta cadeira a alguns balões meteorológicos, voar tão alto quanto os aviões, bater na mão de Deus.
You're not thinking of going back out, are you?
Tu não estás a pensar em ir lá outra vez, estás?
You're not going back out there, are you?
Tu não vais voltar lá, pois não?
We're going to have a little internal discussion and we'll get back to you with the follow-up.
Vamos ter uma discussão interna e informamo-los mais tarde.
Sir, you're not going to believe this. That thing is back.
Chefe, aquela coisa voltou.
You're going to the back.
Vais atrás.
When you get back in that car, you're going to drive at a safe speed, right?
Quando voltares para o carro, vais conduzir a uma velocidade segura, certo?
You're going back to New York in the morning.
Voltas a Nova Iorque de manhã.
Are you afraid they're going to come back?
Tens medo que voltem?
So precisely when is it you're going to start kicking my black ass back to Africa?
Então quando é que precisamente vais começar a mandar-me de volta para África?
But you're going to keep at it so you don't end up back in your parents'basement.
Mas vais continuar a fazê-lo, para não voltares à cave dos teus pais.
What do you mean you're not going back to the boat?
Como assim, não vais voltar para o barco?
You're going back all right.
E vais voltar.
You're an excellent leader and you are going back.
És um líder excelente e vais voltar.
- You're not going back!
- Não vais voltar!
Ok, I'm going shopping and if you're still here when I get back, I'm beating the shit out of you.
Vou fazer compras, se estiveres aqui quando voltar... dou-te uma coça.
You're going back to Amman.
Vais voltar a Amã.
You're going back home!
Vais voltar para casa.

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