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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ Y ] / You've been crying

You've been crying tradutor Português

73 parallel translation
- You've been crying.
- Estiveste a chorar.
She mustn't see you've been crying.
Ela não pode ver que estiveste a chorar.
- But you've been crying!
- Mas estavas a chorar!
I've been crying all morning because I thought I'd never see you again.
Chorei a manhã inteira porque pensei que não o veria mais.
You've been crying.
Elsie told me you've been crying...
Elsie disse-me que tinhas chorado...
- The one you've been crying into.
- Aquele que a tem feito chorar.
You've been crying.
Esteve a chorar.
Jan, you've been crying for 60 miles now.
Jan, há já 60 milhas que estás a chorar.
You've been crying.
Estiveste a chorar.
Not now, when you've been crying.
Não agora, que estiveste a chorar.
- You've been crying.
- O que foi? . Choraste?
You've been crying.
Estiveste a chorar?
Your tears tell me that you've been crying your heart out for me.
Tuas lágrimas me dizem, que tu choras o teu coração para mim.
You know how vile it is to hear the first bird of the morning when you've been crying all night?
Sabes como é horrível ouvir o primeiro pássaro de manhã, quando se passou a noite a chorar?
Can you tell I've been crying?
Nota-se que chorei?
You don't want your dad to know you've been sitting here crying, do you?
Queres que o Pai perceba que estiveste a chorar?
Mom, you definitely would've been crying, straight up.
Ia fartar-se de chorar.
You've been crying.
- Estiveste a chorar?
No, you've been crying.
- É claro que estiveste a chorar.
You know, I've been crying all day, but what did he do?
Chorei todo o dia, e ele, o que faz?
She's probably been crying and crying since you've been gone which will just wreck those perfect features.
Provavelmente deve estar a chorar desde que desapareceste o que vai acabar por estragar aquelas feições perfeitas.
Mind you, they do say the second one is easier since you've already been through all the diapers and the endless crying and the sleepless nights.
Costumam dizer que o segundo é mais fácil, visto que já passou pelas fraldas, o choro interminável e as noites sem dormir.
Oh, you've been crying.
Estiveste a chorar.
They've been crying for you like a bunch of whimpering pussies.
Choraram por ti como um monte de carpideiras.
When you hit that mound I feel like crying, thinking about what we've been through.
Quando vais lançar, apetece-me chorar, ao pensar em tudo o que passámos.
He can't see you've been crying.
Que ele não note que você esteve chorando.
You've been crying. What's happening?
Estiveste a chorar ; porquê?
You look like you've been crying.
Parece que esteve chorando.
- You've been crying.
Não. Estiveste a chorar.
I've been crying since eight hours, you want me to cry some more?
Eu já estou a chorar há oito horas, queres que eu chore mais?
You look like you've been crying.
Parece que estiveste a chorar
You've been crying?
Tens estado chorando?
You've been crying.
- Esteve a chorar.
As you can tell, I've been crying.
Como podes ver, estive a chorar.
Well, you look like you've been crying.
Parece que esteve a chorar.
- You've been crying.
- Esteve a chorar.
I know what it looks like. You've been crying.
Tens andado a chorar.
- You look like you've been crying.
- Parece que esteve.
You've been crying, Joey?
Estava a chorar, Jo?
You think you know. Is there any specific reason why you've been crying?
Há alguma razão especifica de teres andado a chorar?
That's why you've been crying since she left.
É por isso que tens estado a chorar desde que ela se foi embora.
You've been crying for an hour.
Estás a chorar há horas.
You've been crying a lot, mr. Chapman.
Tem chorado muito, Sr. Chapman.
What's the matter, you've been crying?
Um pouco.
You've been on "hang out till 10 : 00, start crying, then make us come pick you up" overs.
Já foste, aguentavas até às dez, começavas a chorar e tínhamos de ir buscar-te.
- Yeah, but, you know, actually, it's pretty hard to see your watch when you've been crying.
- Sim, mas, não se consegue ver as horas quando estamos a chorar.
Is he the reason you've been crying?
- É ele a razão por que choras?
You've been crying again.
Estiveste a chorar outra vez.
You've been crying for the last two hours.
Tens estado a chorar nas últimas duas horas.
You've either been smoking or crying.
Ou estiveste a fumar ou a chorar.

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