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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ Y ] / You broke up with me

You broke up with me tradutor Português

209 parallel translation
We're so in sync that when you broke up with me for my own good you figured I'd probably know it was for the best because we're so in sync.
Estamos em tanta sincronia que quando acabaste comigo pelo meu bem calculaste que eu ia saber que era pelo melhor porque estamos em sincronia.
You broke up with me, which was the right thing to do.
Rompeste comigo, era a coisa certa a fazer.
Cause you broke up with me.
Isto aconteceu porque você terminou comigo.
You know, when you broke up with me- - you broke up with me- - because I was, to use your charming expression, tight- -
Quando acabaste comigo - tu é que acabaste comigo - por eu ser, usando a tua maravilhosa expressão, uma "complicadinha"
Look, I know why you broke up with me in college... and not that it wasn't messed up... but I should have been there for you.
Olha, eu sei porque acabaste comigo na faculdade... e não, que não tenha sido mau... mas eu devia ter estado lá para ti.
That's why you broke up with me?
Foi por isso que acabaste comigo?
Isabel, you broke up with me.
Isabel, tu rompeste comigo.
You were right about 99 percent of what you said before, when you broke up with me.
Tu tinhas razão acerca de 99 % do que disseste quando rompeste comigo.
Um, after you broke up with me, I was so disgusted with my life.
Depois de tu acabares comigo, estava repugnada com a minha vida.
When you broke up with me or when I killed you?
O momento em que terminou comigo ou o momento em que eu te matei?
When you broke up with me, I thought that it was because you knew I was never gonna be a great doctor.
Quando acabaste comigo, pensei que fosse por saberes que eu nunca seria um bom médico.
You broke up with me.
Acabaste comigo.
You broke up with me, right?
Acabaste comigo.
You broke up with me because I was not out!
Acabaste comigo porque não me assumi!
I find it so interesting... that you broke up with me on the day Nicole gets married.
Acho tão interessante, que tenhas acabado comigo no dia em que a Nicole se casa.
I mean, you broke up with me, right?
Tu é que acabaste comigo, não?
- You broke up with me, Eric.
- Tu acabaste comigo, Eric.
You broke up with me.
Tu é que acabaste comigo.
You broke up with me for Marissa.
Rompeste comigo para ficares com a Marissa?
Um, I thought that you broke up with me because... okay, all right, um...
Pensei que tinhas acabado comigo porque... Pronto. Está bem.
You pretty near broke me up with your bad beat.
Quase deste cabo de mim com o mau ritmo.
Like when I tangled with Ely Jacobson and broke his jaw in two places and they had to tie it up with wires, you understood.
Quando me encetei com o Ely Jacobson e lhe parti a mandíbula por dois sítios e tiveram que sujeitar-lhe con alambres, comprendiste. com arames, compreendeu.
Didn't you tell me you broke up with that dog?
Não me tinhas dito que tinhas acabado com essa cadela?
You just broke up with me.
Acabas de me deixar.
I don't know what Elaine told you, but I broke up with my girlfriend a couple of weeks ago. Actually, she broke up with me, and... Well, I was the cause of it, and...
Não sei, exactamente, o que lhe disse a Elaine, mas eu acabei com a minha namorada há uma semana, aliás, ela é que acabou comigo e a culpa foi minha e queria descobrir consigo o...
'l spoke to you and I took your advice - I broke up with my girlfriend.'
Eu falei consigo e tomei o seu conselho - separei-me da minha namorada
And we'll see if you really just broke up with me or not.
E veremos se acabaste comigo ou não. Vamos, amor.
You always said to me that you were glad that he broke up with you... because otherwise you would have never met me.
Sempre me disseste que ficaste feliz por ele ter acabado contigo, porque de outra forma nunca me terias conhecido.
I broke up with her the second that you called.
Acabei com ela logo que me ligaste.
Take it and quit leering at me. People will think I just broke up with you.
Pára de olhar assim, vão pensar que terminamos um romance.
You know. no one took me on vacation when I broke up with... what's-his-face. uh... bleached hair. tattoo. goatee.
Ninguém me levou de férias quando eu acabei com o... qual-era-a-cara-dele... cabelo oxigenado, tatuagem, pêra.
I waited until you broke up with her, but me too.
Esperei que te separasses dela, mas eu também.
I ran into Megan, and she told me that you broke up with her.
Porque a Megan contou-me que acabaste com ela.
What makes you think he broke up with me?
O que o leva a pensar que ele acabou comigo?
You know, Jackie broke up with me, and I needed a girlfriend... and Laurie's it. Kelso, man, you're not seriously coming to dinner tonight, are you?
Kelso, meu, tu não estás mesmo a pensar vir cá jantar hoje à noite, pois não?
I... wanted to be reminded why I broke up with you.
Queria recordar-me porque razão rompi contigo.
You know, she broke up with me today.
Ela acabou tudo comigo.
Don't tell me you just broke up with that guy.
Não me diga que acaba de romper com esse tio.
Well, you know what happened. She broke up with me for that other guy.
Sabe o que se passou, ela acabou comigo para ficar com o outro gajo.
You know I don't like to get between you and mom, but she's feeling down right now. She broke up with Kent.
Sabe que não gosto de me meter entre ti e a mãe mas, ela anda em baixo.
If you broke up with your boyfriend, because of me, I'm so sorry.
Se acabaste com o teu namorado, por minha causa, lamento muito.
It is so amazing that I met you on the same day that Eric broke up with me.. because it's like, you lose a boyfriend, and you get a boyfriend.
É espantoso eu ter-te conhecido no mesmo dia em que o Eric acabou comigo porque perde-se um namorado, mas ganha-se outro.
What's going on with you? Well. You know me and Peyton broke up.
Pois, não me esforcei o suficiente.
Look, I don't wanna drag you into this... but Berger broke up with me on a Post-it.
Não te quero envolver nisto, mas... O Berger acabou comigo através de um post-it.
- She broke up with me. The great thing is, she was so moved by what you said tonight that we're back together.
Mas o melhor é que ficou... tão comovida com o que lhe disseste hoje que voltámos.
Why would you just assume Anna broke up with me?
Por que é que presumiste que foi a Anna que acabou comigo?
You're the one that broke up with me, remember?
Foste tu que acabaste comigo, lembras-te?
You're telling me she got careless over a guy... who broke up with her a year-and-a-half ago?
Diz-me que ela se descuidou devido a um tipo... que acabou com ela há um ano e meio?
And it gets better, she broke up with me because you hate her.
E ainda há mais. Acabou comigo porque tu a odeias.
- Because my dad broke up with you for me?
- Porque o meu pai acabou contigo por mim?
When I broke up with you, I realised I was stupid.
Quando acabei contigo, apercebi-me que fui estúpido.

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