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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ Y ] / You have a good day

You have a good day tradutor Português

398 parallel translation
Did you have a good day?
Tu tiveste um bom dia?
Sir, you have a good day.
Passe um bom dia.
Did you have a good day?
Teve um bom dia?
Did you have a good day?
Tiveram um bom dia?
You have a good day now, you hear?
Tem um bom dia.
Did you have a good day?
Tiveste um bom dia?
Did you have a good day at school?
As aulas correram bem?
Dear audience! I hope you have a good day!
( Estimados ouvintes, ) ( desejamo-lhes um bom dia. )
Right over there. You have a good day.
Tudo bem, tem um bom dia.
Did you have a good day or a bad day? What kind of day was it? "
O dia, hoje, correu-te bem ou mal?
Did you have a good day?
Tiveste um dia feliz?
You have a good day, ma'am.
Tenha um bom dia, minha senhora.
- You have a good day too.
- Bom dia para si, também.
You have a good day.
Tenha um bom dia.
I hope you have a good day, Father.
Espero que você tenha um bom dia, pai.
Did you have a good day?
Tiveste um dia bom?
- Did you have a good day? - Yes, I did.
- Tiveste um bom dia?
- You have a good day.
- Passa um bom dia.
You have a good day.
Tenham um bom dia.
- Did you have a good day at work?
- Tiveste um bom dia de trabalho?
So, did you have a good day at school?
Então, tiveste um bom dia na escola?
- You have a good day.
- Passe um bom dia.
Well, you have a good day now.
Bom, tenha um bom dia.
You have clone a good day's work - you have saved your life and your soul.
Tiveste um bom dia de trabalho, salvaste a tua vida e a tua alma.
Would you have imagined, my good Lord Mayor... were't not, by great preservation... we live to tell it you... the subtle traitor this day had plotted in the council house... to murder me and my good lord of Gloucester?
Senhor Camareiro-Mor, graças à proteção de Deus... vivemos para contá-lo. Este sutil traidor tinha planejado, hoje, durante o conselho, me matar e a meu bom senhor de Gloucester?
E quantas horas acha que tem, que praticar para ser bom no gatilho?
Hey, all in all, you fellows must have had a pretty good day, huh?
No final, vocês devem ter tido um dia muito bom, não?
- Good, you'll like bed too, because you have a Very big day ahead of you tomorrow.
- E também gostas da cama, Porque amanhã espera-te um dia muito importante.
Now that you're not getting the three good meals a day from the king, you'll have to make a living somehow.
Agora que não tens mais a pose de rei, vais precisar de ganhar a vida.
If you were to ask me, I'd have to tell you I'm not having a very good day.
Se me perguntasses, eu teria de te contar que não estou a ter um bom dia.
Have a good day. Okay. Hey, wait up, will you, guys?
Tenha um bom dia!
See a penny, pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck.
Se vires uma moeda, apanha-a, dá-te sorte o dia inteiro.
Passe bem.
Not even 9 : 30 and you have already done a good day's work.
Ainda não são nove e meia e já justificaste o trabalho de um dia inteiro.
You all have a good day.
Tenham um bom dia.
One day you'll look back on this and have a good chuckle.
Um dia olharás para atrás e darás uma boa gargalhada.
You just have yourself a good day.
Passe um bom dia.
You have a good day, now, huh?
Tiveste bem.
OK, buddy. You have a good day.
Pronto, filho.
Have a good day. See you later.
Tenha um bom dia.
I have been working up a good mad all day and I am not about to let you undercut it by agreeing with me.
Eu estive a trabalhar como um doido o dia todo... e não vou deixar que me mines ao concordares comigo.
You know that thing where, um, if you say "rabbit," you'll have good luck all day? I was gonna do that first thing in the mornin'.
A tradição diz que, se tu pronunciares a palavra coelho quando acordas, terás boa sorte durante todo o dia eu ia fazer isso, mas esqueci-me completamente.
If you are really living in the year of 1998, have a good day.
Se está realmente a viver no ano de 1998, tenha um bom dia.
You should be alive while you're making a movie, I think was the idea of that... and know that when you finish the day, you're gonna have a good meal.
Acho que foi esse pensamento, saber que ao fim do dia ias comer uma boa refeição.
I didn't get a chance to say have a good day before, you know, with Mommy all around. So, I thought I'd come out here.
Não tive oportunidade de te desejar um bom dia, porque a mamã não me largava, por isso, pensei em vir até aqui.
So, did you kids have a good day today?
Então, meninos, hoje tiveram um bom dia?
Have a good day. gentlemen. and thank you for visiting us at NBC.
Tenham um bom dia, senhores, e obrigado por visitarem a NBC.
Have a good day. See you girls later.
Tenha um bom dia.
You gonna have a good day?
- Você vai ter um bom dia? - Sim.
You fellas have a good rest of the day.
Pessoal tenham um óptimo resto de dia.
- You gonna have a good day at school? - Uh-huh.
Vais ter um bom dia na escola?

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