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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ Y ] / You just made that up

You just made that up tradutor Português

116 parallel translation
You just made that up, didn't you, dear? MOLLY :
Inventaste essa agora, não foi?
You just made that up, didn't you, dear?
Inventaste isso agora, não foi, querido?
I don't believe you just made that up.
Eu não acredito que aprendesse isto aqui.
You just made that up!
Tu acabaste de inventar!
- You just made that up.
- Acabaste de inventar esse.
- You just made that up.
- Inventaste isso agora.
- OK, you just made that up.
- Ok, acabaste de inventar isso.
- You just made that up. Something happened back there.
Algo se passou, ali.
You just made that up.
- Acabaste de inventar isso. - Revogo.
You just made that up.
- Refutado. Ok, três coisas.
You Just made that up.
Inventaste isso agora.
You just made that up.
- Inventaste isso.
You just made that up.
Pára de inventar.
You just made that up. No.
- Inventou isso agora.
- You just made that up. - Yes, I did.
- Inventaste isso mesmo agora.
You just made that up!
Você só inventou isso!
You just made that up.
Acaba de inventar isso.
I just made that up to get you over here.
Fui eu que representei para o fazer vir aqui.
So you just made up that little bit about the shoes, huh?
Então você acabou de fazer a história de sapatos?
That you just made up!
Que acabou de inventar!
I just thought it was time that you and I kissed and made up.
Achei que era altura de darmos um beijo e de fazermos as pazes.
- I made that up just for you.
- Inventei-o agora, para ti.
You--you just made up all that sex stuff?
- Tu inventaste isso tudo?
It's just that when you've made your first billion by the age of 19 it's hard to keep coming up with new ones.
Mas para quem fez os primeiros mil milhões aos 19 anos, são difíceis de encontrar novos.
You just made that up.
Tudo bem.
I just came by to tell you that me and Strozzi made it up this morning.
Vim apenas aqui dizer-te que eu e o Strozzi fizemos as pazes esta manhã.
You just made all that up?
Inventaste essa história toda?
You made up that whole story just to protect your brother?
Inventaste a história toda só para proteger o teu irmão?
That's a slanderous, filthy, stinking, slanderous lie that you just made up.
Isso é uma mentira suja, escandalosa, caluniosa que tu inventaste.
What, did you think I just made that part up?
Quê, achaste que eu tinha inventado essa parte "
/ just made that last part up for laughs, you guys.
Inventei essa última parte no gozo.
- You just made that up?
- Eu sou profunda.
- Please tell me you just made that up.
Se não os usas...
You think that Sherry could have sent the first letter... and made the whole thing up just to fuck with you?
Achas que ela te podia ter enviado a outra carta só para te atormentar?
Is there any truth to the rumor that there is no Earth... it doesn't exist and you just made it up?
Há verdade no boato que a Terra não existe? Que foi algo que inventaram?
It's a puzzle measuring just 3 inches by 3 inches on each side made up of multiple colours that you twist and turn and try to get to a solid colour on each side.
É um quebra-cabeças quadrado com apenas 7,5 cm de lado, constituído por múltiplas cores que rodam entre si para tentar alinhar apenas uma cor em cada face.
You just made all that up?
Inventou isso tudo.
They were putting up posters of your boy Dollar - ones that made him look a lot stupider than just hitting on blackjack, you know what I mean?
Não sei, não. Estavam a colar cartazes do Dollar, em que ele parecia muito mais estúpido do que se estivesse só a dar no blackjack, percebe?
But you watch time when you run and time is just numbers that people made up.
Mas tens atenção ao tempo quando corres.
I'm just here to follow up on that phone call Mr. Reynolds made, asking you to clean his boat.
Estou só aqui para dar seguimento ao telefonema que o Sr. Reynolds fez a pedir-lhe para limpar o barco.
I just wanted to tell you that all that junk that I said about my stepfather, I made it all up.
Só te queria dizer que toda aquela treta acerca do meu padrasto foi inventada.
Yeah, you made your point. Look, I'm just saying a guy who wants to take you away from all this on a sailboat, that's a step up.
Um tipo que te quer levar para longe num barco, é outra coisa.
Just tell her that you made all that up, all right?
Só diga que você inventou aquilo tudo.
You just made all that up.
Fora tudo invenção tua.
You just made all that up, didn't you?
Inventaste isso tudo, não foi?
So you made up your mind from the jump, which means that this so-called investigation is really just an exercise in closed-mindedness.
Então formou a sua opinião do nada, esta investigação é só um exercício de uma mente fechada.
You just made that up.
Vós acabastes de inventar isso.
Did you like that disappearing thing? I just made that up.
Gostou do meu quase desaparecimento?
You've just – You made that up.
Inventaste isso.
That's all just made up to scare you.
São tudo invenções para assustar-vos.
And, Maria, you know that when you look at Adam, yes, you know you've made him a better man, and that he should probably just give up and agree with you.
E Maria, tu sabes que, quando olhas para o Adam, sim, sabes que o tornaste num homem melhor e que ele provavelmente devia simplesmente desistir e concordar contigo.

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