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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ Y ] / You wanna know what i think

You wanna know what i think tradutor Português

101 parallel translation
I don't think you wanna know what I think.
Acho que já dei a minha opinião.
- Hey, Philly, you wanna know what I think?
- Philly, sabe o que acho? - O quê?
Do you wanna know what I think?
Queres saber o que penso?
Do you wanna know what I think?
Querem saber o que acho? - Não.
You wanna know what I think?
Sabe o que eu acho?
You wanna know what I think of your powders?
Quer saber o que penso dos seus pós?
- You wanna know what I think?
- Queres mesmo saber o que eu penso?
- You wanna know what I think?
- Queres saber o que eu penso?
You wanna know what I think?
Quer saber o que eu penso?
You wanna know what I think about it?
Queres saber o que acho disso?
But if you wanna know what I think I think the only thing that keeps people truly safe and happy is love.
Mas, se queres saber o que penso a única coisa que nos mantém seguros e felizes, é o amor.
- Stan, you wanna know what I think?
- Stan, queres saber o que eu penso?
You wanna know what I think, Scully?
Queres saber o que acho?
Querem saber o que eu acho disso?
You wanna know what I think?
Sabes o que penso?
You wanna know what I think?
Sabes o que eu acho?
You wanna know what I think?
Queres saber o que acho?
You wanna know what I think?
Queres saber o que eu acho?
You wanna know what I think is going on?
Queres saber o que acho?
You wanna know what I think happened?
Quer saber o que acho que aconteceu?
You wanna know what I think?
Queres saber o que penso?
You wanna know what I think?
Querem saber o que eu acho?
You wanna know what I think? I think... It would be a good time to take the semester off.
Penso... que é um óptimo momento para encerrar o semestre.
- You wanna know what I think?
- Queres saber o que penso?
You wanna know what I think?
Queres saber o que eu penso?
Do you wanna know what I think?
Queres saber a minha opinião?
I don't know why you think anyone'd wanna follow us anyway. You'd be amazed what some people would do for a story like this.
De qualquer modo, não sei porque é que alguém nos iria seguir.
I wanna know what you think about it.
Quero saber o que achas disso.
Oh, you really wanna know what I think?
Querem mesmo saber o que penso?
Oh, you don't wanna know what I really think.
Tu não queres mesmo saber o que eu penso.
You wanna know what I think?
Mas sabe o que eu acho?
I wanna know what you think about making Meredith... part of the family.
- Parte da nossa família?
I wanna know more about what you think is fair.
Quero saber o que é justo para si.
Anyway, I know that I owe her a lot of money, and I was thinking that... possibly, I would put the money into a trust for Luca... and I wanna know what you think about that.
Sei que lhe devo muito dinheiro e estava a pensar que, possivelmente, poderia colocar esse dinheiro num fundo para o Luca e quero saber o que pensa disso.
- You wanna know what I think?
- Porque não?
I think if you wanna know what my friends were thinking, talk to them.
Se quer saber o que os meus amigos pensavam, fale com eles.
Lady Heather, you don't wanna know what I think.
Lady Heather, a senhora não quer saber o que eu penso.
You know, Castillo, sometimes I think you don't... wanna know what happened.
Às vezes, Castillo, penso que não quer saber o que aconteceu.
Fine, you wanna know what I really think?
Óptimo, quer saber realmente o que penso?
Okay, you know what? I don't want you to think for a second that I know how I would deal with this situation and I'm sure that you've thought about it a gazillion times but the fact that there is an answer out there waiting for you, inside of you don't you wanna know so you can take it off the table?
Olha, não quero sequer que penses que eu acho que sei como lidaria com a situação e de certo que pensaste nisso N vezes, mas o facto de haver uma resposta à tua espera dentro de ti...
I really think it's time to, you know, move on. Get serious about what I wanna do with my life.
Está na hora de avançar, levar a sério o que quero da vida.
Yeah when I wanna care what you think, I'll let you know.
Pois... Quando quiser ouvir a tua opinião, aviso-te.
You really wanna know what I think killed those men?
Na verdade querem saber o que acho que os matou?
Joey, I'm in your bedroom, my bra is off, I think you know what I wanna do.
Estou no teu quarto, sem soutien acho que sabes o que quero fazer.
I don't know what's going on with you, and I don't think I wanna know... but the bitch of it is... all the stuff my mom's been saying -
Não sei o que se passa contigo e não sei se quero saber... mas o mais tramado é que... todas as coisas que a minha mãe tem dito...
do you wanna know what I really think?
Quer saber o que eu acho?
I don't know exactly what I mean, but I just think that when I come here you don't feel so comfortable and I certainly don't wanna do that.
Mas penso que quando venho aqui, não te sentes bem. E não quero fazer isso.
Look, you do what you wanna do. But I think you should know that, when I was freaking out about the whole pregnancy thing, Rachel was the one that got through to me.
Faz o que quiseres, mas acho que devias saber que, quando eu estava passado com a cena da gravidez, foi a Rachel que me ajudou.
I think too much of you to wanna, you know do what I wanna do with your daughter.
Penso muito no que queres fazer, sabes, fazer o que eu quero fazer com a tua filha.
I think you know what I wanna watch.
Acho que sabes o que quero ver.
- I wanna know what you think.
- Eu quero saber o que acha.

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