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Translate.vc / Inglês → Russo / [ G ] / Giverny

Giverny tradutor Russo

5 parallel translation
I'll take you to Giverny.
Я возьму тебя в Дживерни.
He worked out of Giverny, where he was frequently...
Он писал под Живерни, где его часто...
All right, there's a plane ticket to Paris... and a pre-paid hotel room in Giverny.
Здесь билет на самолет в Париж... и оплаченная комната в отеле.
Giverny is where Monet had his studio and his gardens.
Где у Моне была своя студия и его сад.
He knew it was my dream to go to Giverny.
Он знал что это была моя мечта.

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