He didn't come tradutor Russo
990 parallel translation
He didn't want to come to war!
Нет, нет.
He didn't come anywhere near my tabloids.
Только в моих газетах пишут правду.
He was to meet her at lunch and didn't come.
Он должен был встретиться с ней во время обеда, но не пришел.
He didn't come to discuss gossip. He came to discuss the case.
Он пришел обсуждать не сплетни, а иск.
- LittleJoe, LittleJoe - and he come face to face with a whole tribe of Injuns. - He didn't have nothin'on him except his bowie knife. - [Children Continue Singing]
И вот однажды утром он повстречал индейское племя а у него при себе был один нож.
A racehorse he bet on once. That didn't come in.
- Может имя лошади?
He promised to come if she didn't.
Он обещал приехать, если она не приедет.
Well, why didn't he come to me himself?
Почему тогда он сам не пришёл?
Oh, come on, he didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
Перестаньте, он не хотел вас задеть.
He didn't come today yet.
Он сегодня еще не приезжал.
He didn't come home last night.
Он не пришел вчера вечером домой.
I waited for him to come back with Emily and marry her, but he didn't.
Я ждал, что он вернется за Эмили, пригласит меня быть шафером.
He certainly didn't come here to witness a demonstration of your efficiency.
Ясно, что он приехал издалека не для того, чтобы наблюдать за эффективностью!
Why didn't he come out with you?
Почему он не пришел с вами?
- That ain't why he didn't come back.
- Он не поэтому не вернулся.
Betty dear, he didn't come along.
Он не приедет.
- He didn't come along?
- Не приедет? - Нет.
He didn't come back for nearly 3 months.
Он не возвращался почти 3 месяца.
I thought the prince might come to lunch, but he didn't.
Я думала, принц мог бы прийти обедать. Но он не пришел.
Then for about two years, he investigated husbands that played golf when it rained... and wives that didn't come back from the public library till midnight.
В течение где-то двух лет, он следил за мужьями, играющими в гольф, когда шёл дождь, и жёнами, которые не возвращались из библиотеки до полуночи.
He didn't come to see us because he was too high-powered a character.
Пришлось самим ехать к заказчику - он был слишком большой шишкой.
He didn't even come in to say hello.
Ему не пришпо в голову заити и поздороватыя.
He didn't come for me.
Он шел не за мной.
Bill didn't come at all. Margo didn't know where he was and didn't care, she kept saying.
Марго не знала, где он, и говорила, что... ей все равно.
And Mitch didn't come in here with roses, because I know where he is.
И Митч не возвращался с розами, посколькуя знаю, где он был.
- No, he didn't come today either.
He didn't come two days last week either.
На той неделе он также два дня не появлялся.
He didn't have to come back today.
Ему не нужно было возвращаться сюда сегодня.
Didn't he come?
Он не приходил?
He didn't say he'd come.
Он сегодня не должен был здесь быть.
He didn't come home last night.
Он не пришёл домой вчера ночью.
- And he didn't come another time?
И в другой раз он не приходил?
Oh, he's sure to come back. "And you did, didn't you, Peter?"
Ведь ты должен был прийти. И ты пришёл.
And if he didn't come in by those windows, how did he get in?
И если он не влез в окно, тогда как же он сюда попал?
When he said, "That little girl, come over," why didn't you go?
Когда он сказал, "Ты, куколка," почему не пошла?
Not that he didn't want to come.
Дело не в том, что он не захотел прийти.
When they come to counting up, he didn't have nothing but a spot on his shirt where the badge used to hang.
К тому же, весь его предвыборный капитал составляло выгоревшее пятно на рубашке, где висел его значок.
He didn't come across very slow.
Плутают? Он не похож на человека, который может заплутать.
I told Shannon to, but he said he didn't come over here to start a war.
Он сказал, что пришёл сюда не для того, чтобы начать войну.
He was supposed to come with me, but he didn't because I'm alone!
Потому что должен был пойти со мной, но не пошел, потому что я одна!
If he came from here and he didn't come out there, he must be in here!
Черт возьми, он что, испарился? Если он бежал оттуда и не пробегал вон туда, то должен быть вот тут.
I told you, he didn't come.
Я же сказал, он не пришел.
He didn't come
Он не пришёл.
He admitted he didn't come here by chance.
Потом он мне признался, что не просто так путешествует.
He didn't want to come back?
Он не захотел вернуться?
I'm babbling. Why didn't he come back?
Я уже не знаю, что и думать.
- He didn't come back here?
- Он не возвращался? - Сэм!
He was supposed to come back here and talk to us after he talked to the mother, and he didn't.
Он собирался все рассказать после беседы с матерью, но не приехал.
And he didn't come back?
И он не возвращался?
Only Sasha didn't have to come - he and his wide lived with his parents.
Саша не приезжал, он с женой жил вместе с родителями.
He was to come back soon, but he didn't.
Он должен был поехать не надолго, но он не вернулся.
he didn't come home last night 39
he didn't come back 19
he didn't mean to 22
he didn't 1210
he didn't make it 114
he didn't answer 29
he didn't have to 77
he didn't want to 25
he didn't tell me 71
he didn't say anything 96
he didn't come back 19
he didn't mean to 22
he didn't 1210
he didn't make it 114
he didn't answer 29
he didn't have to 77
he didn't want to 25
he didn't tell me 71
he didn't say anything 96