He would have been tradutor Russo
753 parallel translation
But he's no friend of mine. Oh, a pity. In paris, he would have been the rage.
или что то в этом роде но мы не друзья как жаль. в Париже он бы имел успех
He would have been safely buried before I discovered it.
Он был бы благополучно захоронен до процедуры опознания с моим участием.
- Surely he would have been concerned. - Yes. You see, that was it.
Я уверен, узнай он об этом, эго бы это обеспокоило.
Of course, he would have been at hand, if I did not speak.
Конечно, ему было бы на руку, если бы я не заговорил.
Without me'he would have been just a small-time swindler.
Без меня из него получился бы просто мелкий жулик.
Well, he could have... he could have he would have been told someone else you can't possibly accuse me of... of... of for that!
Ему мог бы подсказать кто угодно. Ты не можешь обвинять меня... За что!
He would have been rather difficult to stop. You saw how capricious he is.
Его довольно сложно остановить.
He would have been drowned.
Он вроде утонул.
"You would have been, he would have been...."
Вы были бы... он был бы... мы были бы... они были бы...
If he had given us his permission, he would have been responsible in case something happened.
Либо он бы нас отпустил, но взял бы всю ответственность на себя, если бы с нами что-то случилось.
he would have been awfully frightened once he saw my fish tail.
когда б увидел мой рыбий хвост.
He would have been 78 now.
Сейчас ему исполнилось бы 78.
he should have come. he would have been proud.
он должен это посетить. потом он будет гордиться.
- Why ask? He would have been dead five times on your hands.
Он уже 5 раз бы у вас умер.
- I thought there were eight of us. He would have been the ninth.
- Я думала, нас восьмеро, он был бы девятым.
But if Michael had succeeded, he would have been independent of him.
Но если бы Майклу удалось осуществить перелёт, он бы перестал зависеть от дяди.
If there was a ball given last night and any jewels were stolen... had we been there, he would have gotten them.
Даже если бы он пришёл на бал в украденном ожерелье, он ничего бы не заметил.
He would no more have loaded that pistol than he would have left me helpless, which would have been quite absurd.
Думаю, он не зарядил пистолет, чтобы вы не сделали глупость. Посмотрим.
Well, if he'd been shot from the window he would have had to be holding his head back like this, which is unlikely.
Если он был застрелен через окно, он должен был держать голову вот так, что маловероятно.
- The captain's. If he'd been up on the bridge where he belonged instead of where he was... there never would have been any accident.
Если бы он находился на мостике, на своём рабочем месте, ничего этого не случилось бы.
I was so young, they asked Henri to hide me and if he'd been caught, it would have been the end of him.
Я была совсем маленькой, и они просили Анри позаботиться обо мне Если бы не он... Меня бы просто не было.
- Because if he had the key would still have been on him when he died.
Будь это так, дубликат ключа был бы при нем в момент смерти.
If Swan had used Mr. Wendice's key, it would have been on him when he died.
Если бы Свон взял ключ Вендиса, он был бы при нем после смерти.
He would not have married me and I'd have been left to starve in the rubble.
Он бы не женился на мне, он бросил бы меня умирать на мостовой.
If you had been a soldier, he would have been a general.
Твой отец говорил :
Because if I would have said he has been inside they would suspect him. Because they are crazy.
Потому что, если бы я сказала, что позволила этому произойти они начали бы подозревать, потому что...
Well had he been dealing with our own people his reaction would have been completely different.
Конечно, если бы мы были из его окружения, результат был бы совсем другим.
If he, and all of the other defendants, had been degraded perverts, if all of the leaders of the Third Reich had been sadistic monsters and maniacs, then these events would have no more moral significance than an earthquake, or any other natural catastrophe.
Если бы он, как, впрочем, и все подсудимые, был аморальным извращенцем, если бы все вожди Третьего рейха были только садистами и маньяками, тогда бы то, что здесь творилось, по значению могло бы быть приравнено к, скажем, землетрясению или другому стихийному бедствию.
If he'd been told about it, he would have organised something.
Знал бы - организовал бы торжественную встречу.
Yes, in my time nobody did what he does. He would have been hanged too.
У него сломано 4 ребра...
Like the other two, his family name would have been revoked, and he and his household banished, but I could have at least had his life spared.
Как и у тех двоих, его семейное имя было конфисковано, а поместье уничтожено. Н я помог, по крайней мере, сохранить им жизнь.
But a symbolic retribution would have been enough for the Archbishop. Only he was completely overtaken by events.
Но архиепископ хотел символического наказания и он был бы удовлетворен какой-нибудь мелкой местью.
Had the master of the Fifth Galaxy been less arrogant he would have gone with me to the meeting.
Если бы у хозяина 5-й галактики было чуть меньше высокомерия, он пошёл бы со мной на встречу.
How indignant Pierre would have been seven years before, when he'd returned from his sojourn abroad, if someone had told him that there would be no need for him to seek or plan anything, that his path had long ago been traced and predetermined for him.
Как бы Пьер ужаснулся, ежели бы 7 лет назад, когда он приехал из-за границы, кто-нибудь сказал бы ему, что ему ничего не нужно искать и выдумывать что его колея давно пробита и определена предвечно.
It would have been a mistake to disintegrate him he is a man of extraordinary strength and skill he is the kind of terrestrial specimen that we must take back to our planet
Это было бы ошибкой распылить его, он человек экстраординарной ( чрезвычайной ) силы и ловкости, он образец земного вида, который мы должны забрать на нашу планету.
He would have killed you too had it not been for Richard.
Он мог бы убить тебя, если бы Ричарда там не было.
Pete would have been a bit of a handicap... in the marriage stakes, wouldn't he?
- О, нет, тебе лучше подумать над тем сколько у него осталось родственников.
and this conversation was going on around all these thousands of books with titles and words in them and thoughts in it and interpretations of everything but Julius kept asking that the most primitive kind of questions he kept asking things that most of the people in the books would have been embaressed to
Разговор проходил среди этих тысяч книг, названий, слов, мыслей, интерпретаций всего. А Джулиус продолжал задавать эти простейшие вопросы.
If he had been, I would have...
Если бы он попросил, я бы...
If he had have done, it would have been all so simple.
Если бы он любил, всё было бы гораздо проще.
And then, when it would have been easy enough to stay out of danger, he used his own body as a guinea pig to give me a calmer brain
И затем,..... когда ему было бы так легко избежать опасности..... он использовал собственное тело..... чтобы подарить мне нормальный мозг...
If there had been a DE on the Master, the first thing he would have done would be to destroy it.
Если бы на Мастера было досье, первым делом он уничтожил бы его.
If he did, we would have been ordered back to the port.
Если бы дал, нам бы приказали вернуться в порт.
Your boss would have given that horse an injection and he'd have been OK in half an hour.
Ваш начальник бы просто впрыснул этой лошади что-нибудь и через полчаса все было бы в порядке.
Coroner says they should have been there. He says that even after the fire, the frames would've been seared right into his...
Следователь говорит, что даже после пожара, оправа должна была сохраниться.
It would've have made more sense, if he'd been killed by his wife or something.
Бывали случаи, когда женщины убивали собственных мужей и то было не в новинку
Think of it, if it had been an amateur at work, he would have massacred the kids!
Подумай, если бы это был любитель, он бы перестрелял детей!
If only he had signed those papers... we would have been spared all this trouble.
Если бы он тогда подписал те бумаги, мы были бы от всего этого избавлены.
He certainly would have known about this pagan religion, may even have been involved.
Он несомненно знал об этой языческой религии. Но мог её и исповедовать.
That Newt's about the same age my Jim would have been if he'd lived.
Ньюту столько же лет сколько было бы Джиму, будь он жив.
If so... he would... have warned us, and as far as I remember he's been out of touch with his mother.
Если бы так... он бы... нас предупредил, а во-вторых, насколько я помню, он с матерью не общается.
he wouldn't hurt a fly 20
he wouldn't do that 83
he wouldn't listen to me 16
he wouldn't dare 22
he wouldn't have 16
he wouldn't 192
he wouldn't say 50
he wouldn't tell me 33
he wouldn't listen 42
he would never do that 37
he wouldn't do that 83
he wouldn't listen to me 16
he wouldn't dare 22
he wouldn't have 16
he wouldn't 192
he wouldn't say 50
he wouldn't tell me 33
he wouldn't listen 42
he would never do that 37
he would have killed me 16
he would have 36
he would 208
he would be 16
he would never 36
he would say 35
he won't be long 18
he won't wake up 17
he won't be there 16
he won't talk to me 33
he would have 36
he would 208
he would be 16
he would never 36
he would say 35
he won't be long 18
he won't wake up 17
he won't be there 16
he won't talk to me 33