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Translate.vc / Inglês → Russo / [ I ] / Is he in some kind of trouble

Is he in some kind of trouble tradutor Russo

23 parallel translation
Is he in some kind of trouble?
Он попал в какие-то неприятности?
Is he in some kind of trouble?
Is he in some kind of trouble?
У него какие-то проблемы?
Is he in some kind of trouble or something?
Он что-то натворил или как?
Is he in some kind of trouble?
Он во что-то вляпался?
Why, is he in some kind of trouble?
В таком роде
Is he in some kind of trouble?
А что? У него какие-то неприятности?
Is he in some kind of trouble?
У него какие-то неприятности?
Is he in some kind of trouble?
Помощник менеджера. У него неприятности?
Is he in some kind of trouble?
У него неприятности?
Is he in some kind of trouble?
У него проблемы?
Is he in some kind of trouble?
Он что, попал в неприятности?
Is he in some kind of trouble?
- У него неприятности?
Is he in some kind of trouble?
У него что, какие-то неприятности?
Is he in, is he in some kind of trouble?
У него неприятности?
He's not in some kind of trouble, is he?
Неужели у Майкла проблемы?

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