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Translate.vc / Inglês → Russo / [ M ] / Magistrate

Magistrate tradutor Russo

982 parallel translation
It's not that I have any desires to be a Magistrate or anything, but looking at you right now, my heart just hurts.
что бы я хотел быть Судьёй или что-то такое... и сердце кровью обливается.
It says that there will be funeral for the daughter of the former Magistrate Lee.
что состоятся похороны дочери прежнего Судьи Ли.
Aigo... the new Magistrate knows nothing at all.
Айгууу... новый Судья ничего об этом не знает.
I would talk to the new Magistrate about Bang Nap. ( Preparing the tribute for people with some interest )
Я поговорю с новым Судьей о налогах.
Magistrate, you-- -
- Written by Miryang Magistrate.
- Написано Судьёй.
So, Magistrate, let's find the truth about my death in earnest...
давай узнаем правду о моей смерти...
What's the use of going first? Without the Magistrate.
Какой смысл идти без Судьи?
The Magistrate... will leave right after the burial.
Судья... уедет сразу поле похорон.
The Magistrate said not to come.
Судья сказал не ходить.
Magistrate, you've arrived.
Вы приехали?
What will you do now Magistrate?
Do you know what I was concerned the most when Magistrate Kim decided to stay?
когда Судья Ким решил остаться!
I was worreid if they come to the office often as the new Magistrate is appointed.
потому что теперь тут новый Судья.
I knew that when no one came for the funeral of the previous Magistrate's daughter.
что никто не придёт на похороны дочки бывшего Судьи.
Magistrate, you've never died before, so you wouldn't know.
никогда не умирал? Откуда можешь знать?
When will the magistrate come back?
Когда вернётся Судья?
We have a favor to ask the magistrate about.
У нас есть одобрение на разговор с Судьёй.
You seem to be unaware but that magistrate isn't the kind of magsitrate you think he is.
на самом деле совсем не Судья.
This magistrate here doesn't have any interest for his job as a magistrate, not even this much. I'm not sure, but whatever you folks were imagining about this magistrate, he will be less than that.
Он совсем не интересуется своей работой.
That's right. Our Young Master isn't interested in the world at all to work hard as a proper magistrate.
кроме своего дела.
Anyway, what has happened to the Magistrate?
что произошло с Судьёй?
As for the Magistrate, I will get rid of him too.
я сам избавлюсь от него.
Didn't we first meet at the former Magistrate's daughter's funeral?
Не встречались ли мы на похоронах дочери бывшего Судьи?
Anyone who mentions about it will become a fool, whether that's the Magistrate or what-not.
станет посмешищем. Судья это или кто-то другой.
Do you mean, the Magistrate?
Вы имеете в виду Судью?
You know the Magistrate?
Вы знаете Судью?
When the corpse of the previous Magistrate's daughter was found.
Когда был найден труп дочки бывшего Судьи.
The Magistrate knew who you are?
кто Вы?
Good work, all of you. As the Magistrate went out, it was done easily.
пока Судья отсутствовал.
Don't worry! The Magistrate is going crazy as that wench is dead just in time!
как та мёртвая девка!
Magistrate, w-w-why...
Do you really want to know how serious the crime is for the officers to ignore their own Magistrate?
насколько серьёзно наказание за не подчинение должностному лицу?
Magistrate, we were just... You're going to pretend you didn't do that? If it wasn't done by the office, who would dare to touch that crime scene?
Судья... мы просто... то кто ещё посягнёт на подобного рода преступление?
Last time, when the Magistrate Lee's daughter was found, I mentioned that subtly, didn't I?
разве нет?
This is what this town is, Magistrate!
Aigo, Magistrate, why are you out here? Until I give you a separate message, please stay inside.
оставайтесь внутри.
So you are the new Magistrate.
Вы - новый Судья?
Eolja bastard, moreover, an offspring of a traitor became this town's Magistrate?
Потомок предателей стал Судьёй этого города?
I have no intention to respect you as this town's Magistrate, either!
как Судью этого города!
Then this Magistrate will get his mother back.
Тогда Магистрат получит свою мать обратно.
Magistrate, you have to listen to me.
ты должен выслушать меня.
The one who stabbed me was the Magistrate's mother.
была мама Магистрата.
So that's why the Magistrate asked about that before.
Поэтому Магистрат и спрашивал об этом раньше.
How did the Magistrate's mother end up in that situation?
Как мать Магистрата оказалась в такой ситуации?
So... isn't there some way to get that girl out of the Magistrate's mother's body?
Тогда... нет никакого способа вытащить ее из тела матери Магистрата?
In any cae, the first thing you need to do is find out what it is that the Magistrate's mother values most.
что мать Магистрата ценит больше всего.
The thing that is most precious to the Magistrate's mother... The Magistrate probably knows what that is.
что мама Магистрата ценит больше всего... что это.

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