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Translate.vc / Inglês → Turco / [ D ] / Dirk gently

Dirk gently tradutor Turco

63 parallel translation
My name is Dirk Gently.
Adım Dirk Gently.
I'm looking for Dirk Gently.
Dirk Gently'yi arıyorum.
Dirk. Dirk Gently.
Dirk Gently.
" I'm Dirk Gently.
" Ben Dirk Gently.
"Pick up dry cleaning, renew subscription to Playboy, " send software prototype to Dirk Gently ".
Kuru temizlemeyi al, Playboy aboneliğini yenile, yazılım prototipini Dirk Gently'ye gönder.
Dirk Gently.
Dirk Gently.
Dirk Gently and Richard...
Dirk Gently ve Richard...
Dirk, Dirk Gently.
Dirk, Dirk Gently.
Pleased to meet you Dirk, Dirk Gently, holistic detective.
Tanıştığımıza memnun oldum Dirk, Dirk Gently, bütünsel dedektif.
Bye, Dirk, Dirk Gently.
Görüşürüz, Dirk, Dirk Gently.
Hello, Dirk, Dirk Gently.
Merhaba, Dirk, Dirk Gently.
Then goodbye, Dirk, Dirk Gently.
O zaman hoşça kal, Dirk, Dirk Gently.
Oh, my name is Dirk Gently.
Adım Dirk Gently.
Dirk Gently, you are a dead man!
Dirk Gently, sen öldün.
Who's Dirk Gently?
Dirk Gently de kim?
You're not Dirk Gently?
- Sen Dirk Gently değil misin?
Why didn't you just say "I'm not Dirk Gently?"
Neden "Dirk Gently değilim." demedin?
It's, uh... it's Dirk Gently.
Bu... Dirk Gently. - Dirk...
I'm Dirk Gently.
Dirk Gently.
Previously on "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency"...
"Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency" de daha evvel...
I'm gonna kill Dirk Gently.
- Dirk Gently'i öldüreceğim.
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency Episode 8
Çeviri : Ümid Gurbanov @ umidgurbanov
I think Dirk Gently came into your life for a reason.
Dirk Gently'nin hayatına girmesinin bir sebebi var.
Hey, that guy, um, Dirk Gently... you weren't supposed to kill him.
Şu adamı, Dirk Gently'i öldürmen gerekmiyordu.
So... Who is Dirk Gently?
Peki, kim bu Dirk Gently?
I'm like a leaf in the stream of creation... until I find Dirk Gently, whoever or whatever that is, and then I'm a piranha.
Evrenin akıntısında bir yaprak gibiyim. Kim ya da neyse Dirk Gently'yi bulana kadar. Sonra piranayım.
And Dirk Gently.
Ve Dirk Gently.
The one currently going by the name "Dirk Gently."
Dirk Gently adını kullanan kişi.
- And if you fail again, the former Black Wing subjects will be eliminated, starting with Dirk Gently.
Başarısız olursan eski Kara Kanatlar yok edilecek, Dirk Gently'den başlayarak.
John Dollow, this is Dirk Gently.
John Dollow, Dirk Gently.
What's interesting is that his instructions were not to give it to you unless you were in the presence of someone named... Dirk Gently.
İlginç olan ise verdiği talimata göre yanınızda Dirk Gently adlı biri yoksa bunu size vermemem gerekiyor.
You want to ask Dirk Gently about some stuff?
Dirk Gently'ye mi sorman gerek?
We have to find Dirk Gently.
- Dirk Gently'yi bulmalıyız.
We need to kill Dirk Gently.
Dirk Gently'yi öldürmeliyiz.
Did you connect to Dirk Gently?
Dirk Gently'yle iletişime geçtiniz mi?
No Dirk Gently, but Todd Brotzman walked himself in.
Dirk Gently yok, Todd Brotzman geldi.
Brotzman, Farah Black, Dirk Gently, what, these are just wild cards to you right now?
Brotzman, Farah Black, Dirk Gently. Bunları bilmiyor musunuz?
And he's close to Dirk Gently.
O da Dirk Gently'ye yakın.
There's no...
Burada... Burada Dirk Gently yok.
Look... you really think you'll miss your opportunity to kill Dirk Gently by... eating some human food?
- Bak Dirk Gently'yi öldürme fırsatını insan yemeği yedin diye kaçıracak değilsin.
That's Dirk Gently?
- Dirk Gently o mu?
I mean, how are you going to fulfill your mission to kill to Dirk Gently if you're locked up in a cell?
Tutuklanırsan Dirk Gently'yi öldürme görevini nasıl tamamlayacaksın?
Maybe that's where Dirk Gently is.
Belki Dirk Gently oradadır.
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency!
Dirk Gently'nin Holistik Dedektif Bürosu. "
Dirk Gently, here to help.
Dirk Gently, yardıma hazır.
Dirk Gently! Me!
Dirk Gently!
I am Dirk Gently!
Ben Dirk Gently'yim!
Dirk Gently.
Ben Dirk Gently.
"Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency"... name recognition and all that.
"Dirk Gently'nin Bütünsel Dedektiflik Bürosu"
Dirk Gently?
Dirk Gently mi?
Dirk Gently!
Ben, Dirk Gently!

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