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Usr tradutor Turco

29 parallel translation
What sysadmin is gonna have dot slash in their path before usr / local / bin?
What sysadmin is gonna have dot slash in their path before usr / local / bin?
But what sysadmin is gonna have dot slash in their path before usr / local / bin?
But what sysadmin is gonna have dot slash in their path before usr / local / bin?
An uplink to USR central computer provides this state-of-the-art robot with new programs daily.
USR merkez bilgisayarina bagli bir link bu sanat saheseri robota gunluk programlar saglar
USR... shitting'on the little guy.
My general fields are advanced robotics and psychiatry, although, I specialize in hardware to wetware interfaces in an effort to advance USR's robotic anthropomorphization program.
Ana alanim gelismis robotiks ve psikolojisi ve ayrica USR'in robotlari gelistirme programina dahilim.
Hansel and Gretel. Is that on the USR reading list?
Hansel and Gretel buda USR okuma listesindemiydi?
- These robots are USR property.
- Bu robotlar USR'in malidir.
It's the property of USR.
O USR'in malidir.
As a matter of course... faulty machinery will be returned to USR for diagnostics then decommissioned.
Isin ozu Hatali makineler USR'a iade edilir ve orada da geregi yapilir.
In a bizarre turn, the roll out of USR's new generation of robots was marred by the death... of Alfred Lanning, co-founder of the company and designer of the NS5.
- Bu tuhaf devirde Usr'in yeni nesil robotlarindan biri Dr. Alfred Lanning'in olumunden sorumlu tutuluyor.
Dr. Lanning died early this morning at USR's headquarters.
Dr.Lanning sirketin ana binasinda olu bulundu.
USR, demolition robot, serial 9-4.
USR yikim robotlari seri 9-4.
It's downloading its daily upgrades from USR.
Usr'dan gunluk verilerini yukluyor.
Lanning linked his home system to USR.
Lanning evini USR'a bagladi.
somebody at USR was using those systems to watch him.
USR'dan bazilari bu sistemleri onu izlemek icin kullaniyordu.
With daily uplinks, your new... robot will never be out of communications with USR.
Gunluk updateler ile, yeni robotlariniz USR ile olan baglantilarini asla kaybetmezler.
But hurry. This offer cannot last. Available from USR.
ama acele edin cunku bu teklif sonsuza kadar suremez.
Access USR mainframe.
- USR'a erisim istiyorum
You don't have an uplink to USR... and for some reason your alloy is far denser than normal.
USR'ra olan baglantin yok ve nedense alasimin normalden daha yogun.
Look, whatever's going on down at USR, that robot is the key.
Bak, USR'da her ne oluyorsa bu robot bunun anahtari.
The USR cybernetics program.
USR sibernetik program..
USR's planned redevelopment of the derelict site was announced by CEO
USR'in CEO'su terk edilmis yerlerin tekrar gelistirme planlari oldugunu acikladi.
It's just another way USR is improving our world.
Bu da USR'in dunyamizi gelistirme yollarindan bir baskasi.
John, get a squad over to USR. Send somebody over to G.G.'s.
John USR'a bir ekip yolla ve Gigi'ye de birilerini gonder.
The uplink to USR!
USR'a uyduyla baglilar.
Defense Department uses all USR contracts.
Savunma departmani USR antlasmalarini kullanir.
Who could manipulate the robots, use USR's systems to make Lanning's life a prison?
Lanning'in hapis hayati yasamasina neden olan USR sistemini kullanan kimdi?
Radical socialists, 106 members. Free left, 26 members. Usr : 25.
Radikal Sosyalistler 106 üyeyle, Bağımsız Solcular, 26 üyeyle USR : 25 üyeyle...
I can walk right across the street to USR and get high-speed transfer for that.
USR'a bizzat kendim giderek en hızlı şekilde çözebilirim.

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