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Wentworth tradutor Turco

229 parallel translation
- Wentworth Avenue.
- Wentworth Caddesi.
- Wentworth 35098.
- Wentworth 35098.
Wentworth 35098.
Wentworth 35098.
"Rear Admiral Wentworth."
"Tuğamiral Wentworth'ün malıdır."
If it makes you feel any better, Admiral Wentworth says this is the worst ship he's ever seen in his entire naval career!
Bu kendini daha iyi hissettirecekse, Amiral Wentworth bunun denizcilik... kariyerinde gördüğü en beter gemi olduğunu söyledi.
- Amanda Wentwon'th.
- Amanda Wentworth.
- Wentwon'th Consolidated.
- Wentworth Ortaklığı.
You leave the Port Royal Road out of Kingston. Then along the Wentworth Road until you get to the cement factory.
Kingston'ın dışındaki Port Royal Yolundan çıkın, sonra çimento fabrikasına kadar Wentworth yolunu takip edin.
Mrs. Alma Wentworth.
Bayan Alma Wentworth.
Mrs. Wentworth, 100 percent.
Bayan Wentworth'e yüzde 100.
Bay Wentworth, buraya gelip fabrikada sorun çıktığını söyle dedi.
- Wentworth, Dr. Philip Wentworth.
- Wentworth, Dr. Philip Wentworth.
- Wentworth!
If we receive any additional information about Wentworth, we'll call you.
Eğer Wentworth hakkında herhangi bir bilgi elimize geçerse, sizi ararız.
Get your mind off the Wentworth murder.
Wentworth cinayetini kafanızdan atın.
I want to see if there's any mention of Wentworth's death.
Wentworth'un ölümünden bahsediliyor mu, görmek istiyorum.
I killed Ashley and Wentworth.
Ashley ve Wentworth'u öldürdüm.
First Ashley, then Wentworth.
Önce Ashley, sonra da Wentworth.
- Wentworth?
- Wentworth?
is that you, Wentworth?
Sen misin, Wentworth?
Get out of here, Wentworth!
Çık oradan, Wentworth!
127, Wentworth, Melbourne?
127, Wentworth, Melbourne?
Oh, well, I once told a girl I was a member at Wentworth when I wasn't, but she didn't play golf anyway.
Asla. Bir keresinde bir kıza olmadığım halde Wentworth'un üyesi olduğumu söylemiştim. Ama kız golf oynamıyordu zaten.
She thought Wentworth was a lunatic asylum.
Wentworth'un deliler hastanesi olduğunu sanmıştı.
Mrs. Wentworth... London-Amsterdam, 5 : 30 tonight.
Bayan Benfords Londra-Amsterdam, bu gece 21,30'ta.
It was Wentworth.
- Wentworth?
- Wentworth mu?
Oh, Wentworth the curate.
Oh, Papaz Yardımcısı Wentworth.
Wentworth the curate is nobody, quite unconnected!
Papaz Yardımcısı Wentworth önemsiz biridir, gayet bağlantısızdır!
papa has met Captain Wentworth.
Babam Yüzbaşı Wentworth ile karşılaşmış.
I'm here solely to invite you to the great house this evening, to meet Captain Frederick Wentworth.
Bu akşam büyük evde... Yüzbaşı Frederick Wentworth ile tanışmanız için...
I do wish to meet Captain Wentworth, and you, Anne, are by far the properest person to sit with the boy.
Yüzbaşı Wentworth ile görüşmeyi çok istiyorum. Ve sen Anne, oğlanla oturmak için en uygun kişisin.
Captain Wentworth follows with Henrietta and Louisa.
Yüzbaşı Wentworth Henrietta ve Louisa'yı izliyordu.
The Miss Musgroves, ma'am, and Captain Wentworth.
Bayan Musgrove'lar efendim ve Yüzbaşı Wentworth.
Captain Wentworth.
Yüzbaşı Wentworth.
But that Captain Wentworth... he's not very gallant towards you, Anne.
Fakat bu Yüzbaşı Wentworth... sana karşı pek kibar değil Anne.
Then I should only have been a gallant Captain Wentworth in a small newspaper paragraph and you'd not have heard of me.
Böyle bir durumda en cesur Kaptan, Kaptan Wentworth olurdu ve gazetede küçük bir paragrafta bahsedilirdi ve siz bunu hiç duymazdınız.
And then, Captain Wentworth, what came next?
Sonra Yüzbaşı Wentworth sonra hangi gemideydiniz?
Captain Wentworth, this is our cousin from Winthrop, Henry Hayter.
Yüzbaşı Wentworth, bu Winthrop'dan kuzenimiz Henry Hayter.
Captain Wentworth, I don't believe you know Mr Hayter.
Yüzbaşı Wentworth, Bay Hayter'ı tanıdığınızı sanmıyorum.
Captain Wentworth, Henry.
Yüzbaşı Wentworth, Henry.
Good morning, Captain Wentworth.
Günaydın Yüzbaşı Wentworth.
- Captain Wentworth of the Navy.
- Donanmadan Yüzbaşı Wentworth.
- Captain Wentworth!
- Yüzbaşı Wentworth!
- Good day, Captain Wentworth.
- İyi günler Yüzbaşı Wentworth.
Charles, please assure Captain Wentworth and Captain Harville that we hope to see them tonight.
Charles, lütfen Yüzbaşı Wentwort ve Yüzbaşı Harville'e bu gece onları görmeyi umduğumuzu hatırlat.
When Captain Wentworth arrives you must not monopolise him.
Yüzbaşı Wentworth geldiğinde onu tekeline almamalısın.
Captain Wentworth and Captain Harville.
Yüzbaşı Wentworth ve Yüzbaşı Harville.
Captain Wentworth, come in!
Yüzbaşı Wentworth, buyurun!

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