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Translate.vc / Inglês → Turco / [ W ] / Where were you that night

Where were you that night tradutor Turco

146 parallel translation
Where were you that night?
O gece neredeydin?
Where were you that night?
O gece siz neredeydiniz?
Where were you that night, Jack?
O gece neredeydin Jack?
Okay, so, where were you that night?
- Peki, o gece neredeydin? - Burada.
Where were you that night?
O gece neredeydiniz?
- Where were you that night?
- O gece neredeydin?
- Where were you that night?
- Ne kanıtı Al? - O gece neredeydin?
Then where were you that night, Patrick?
Öyleyse, o gece nereye gittin, Patrick?
Where were you that night your boyfriend was shot, Miranda?
O gece, erkek arkadaşın vurulduğunda neredeydin, Miranda?
Where were you that night, ginny, between 12 : 00 and 2 : 00?
O gece 00 : 00 ilâ 02 : 00 saatleri arasında neredeydin, Ginny?
- Where were you that night?
- Dün gece neredeydin?
Where were you that night?
O gece nerdeydin?
Where were you that night?
Sen neredeydin o gece?
The day of the murder. where were you that night?
- Cinayet günü. O gece neredeydin?
Where were you bound that night?
O gece nereye zıpladın?
Where were you that night, when Paul got home at three in the morning?
Paul'ün ev aldığı gecenin üçünde neredeydin?
Where were you standing on the night that it happened?
Bunun olduğu o gece nerede duruyordunuz?
Is this the house where you were dropped off that night?
O gece adam sizi bu eve mi bıraktı?
That detective asked where you were the night of Naomi's murder.
O dedektif, Naomi'nin öldürüldüğü gece nerede olduğunu sordu.
That's where you were last night?
Dün gece orada mıydın?
So would that mean that the part where you were rude and insensitive and sent me off into the cold, dark night unescorted...
- Yani bana kabalık edip, duyarsızca beni tek başıma bütün gece soğukta boşa mı bırakmışsın?
Where you were that night and what you did.
O gece nerede olduğunu, ve neler yaptığını.
Now that we have all agreed to tell the truth... where were you sleeping last night?
O zaman gerçeği söyleme konuşunda anlaştık. Geçen gece nerede uyuyordun?
That explains where you were last night, out having a ball with your chums, but it doesn't explain something much more important.
Dün gece ne yaptığın belli oldu. Arkadaşlarınla egleniyormuşsun. Ama çok daha önemli bir şey hâlâ belli olmadı.
Is that where you were all night?
Bütün gece orada mıydın?
Where were you the night that MacDonald went overboard.
MacDonaid'ın gemiden düştüğü gece neredeydin?
No offense hajji, but where were you last night that your clothes smell so much?
Affedersin Hocam, dün gece neredeydin?
That was months ago. Where were you the night Ed was killed?
Ed'in öldürüldüğü gece neredeydin?
If I hadn't come up with a diarrhea to end up in the hospital where you were on duty that night,
Eğer ishal olup hastaneye gelmeseydim sen işimin ne olduğunu bana sormamış olsaydın
Where were you the night that April was killed, say, around 12 : 30?
April'in öldürüldüğü gece yaklaşık 12 : 30 sularında nerdeydiniz?
Because I knew you were coming that night, and I knew where you would be in the field and I have known since I was a child that you would sit here with me as you do now.
Çünkü o gece geldiğini biliyordum... Alanda nerede olacağını biliyordum... Çocukluğumdan beri burada şimdiki gibi benimle oturacağını biliyordum.
- Bobby, all due respect, where the fuck were you that night?
- Bobby,... kusura bakma ama dün gece neredeydin be?
where were you on the night that Summers was murdered?
... bütün haklar geçersizdir. Summers'ın öldürüldüğü gece neredeydin?
I knew where you were going that night and he wasn't ready to see all that.
O gece nereye varmak istediğini biliyordum ve o, bunları görmeye hazır değildi.
Let's start with where you were The night that anthony giles died.
Anthony Giles öldüğünde nerede olduğunuzla başlayalım mı?
Allison, is it possible that in all the hubbub last night, that you missed the part where the home invaders were shot to death?
Allison, dün gece ki şamatadan sonra bu mümkün mü? Saldırganların yakalandığı kısmı kaçırıyorsun.
No one has to know where you were that night. No one except me.
O gece nerede olduğunu, benim dışımda hiç kimsenin bilmesi gerekmiyor.
Where you were that night and what happened.
O gece nerede olduğunu ve neler yaşandığını yani.
We didn't ask you where you were exactly that night,
O gece tam olarak nerede olduğunuzu sormadık.
Then where were you between 7 : 45 and 8 : 10 that night?
Madem öyle o gece 7.45 - 8.10 arası neredeydin?
That's where you were all night? Deb...
Bu saate kadar balıkta mıydın?
Where were you on the night that Dr. Ian Wexler died?
Oh, lütfen. Dr. Ian Wexler öldüğü gece, neredeydin?
Where were you that's more important than Wii bowling night?
Wii bovling gecesinden daha önemli ne işin vardı?
Where were you that night, Reg?
- O gece neredeydin Reg?
You see, I sort of might have maybe admitted to the police that you asked me to lie - about where you were the night of the party. - Wait.
Parti gecesi nerede olduğun konusunda yalan söylememi istediğini polise söyledim.
Where were you the night that she disappeared?
Kaybolduğu gece neredeydiniz?
Where were you that night?
- O gece neredeydin?
That's good. Where were you the night Sean was killed?
Sean öldürüldüğü gece neredeydiniz?
Do you happen to remember where you were the night that Robin was murdered?
Robin'in öldürüldüğü gece nerede olduğunuzu hatırlıyor musunuz?
Is that you can't tell me where you were last night
- Söyledim ya.
Do you know where you were that night?
O gece nerede olduğunu biliyor musun?

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