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Whitbrook tradutor Turco

10 parallel translation
Two of the vice presidents of the bank that were killed were from Whitbrook-Balsille.
Öldürülenlerden ikisi,... Whitbrook-Balsille bankası yöneticilerinden.
Anyway, Richard Balsille- - uh, he of Whitbrook-Balsille- - saw mine, got in contact, said he was in the business of talent acquisition, and he dragged me on board.
Neyse, Richard Balsille - Whitbrook-Balsille'deki adam- - Bendeki madeni görüp, bana iş teklif etti.
Probably be working at Whitbrook-Balsille in ten years.
Muhtemelen 10 yıldan fazladır Whitbrook-Balsille'de çalışmıştır.
Seated there were Lawrence Iver and Christine Danoff, both executive vice presidents at Whitbrook-Balsille, and...
Lawrence Iver ve Christine Danoff oturduğu yer... Her ikisi de Whitbrook-Balsille yönetici başkanlar.
Christine Danoff was Lawrence Iver's underling at Whitbrook-Balsille.
Christine Danoff ise Whitbrook-Balsille'de... Lawrence Iver'ın altında çalışıyor.
Whitbrook-Balsille Iver?
Whitbrook-Balsille'deki Iver mı?
I've got e-mails which confirm you knew about Lawrence Iver's plans to stage a coup at Whitbrook-Balsille.
Elimde Lawrence Iver'ın Whitbrook-Balsille'de darbe yapacağını onaylayan e-postalar da var.
The Whitbrook-Balsille executive...
The Whitbrook-Balsille yönetici...
The Whitbrook-Balsille executives were beef-witted sociopaths who had sold the world on the idea that playing Three-card Monte was somehow a respectable profession.
The Whitbrook-Balsille yöneticileri sosyapatlık derecesinde tüm kartlarını oynayarak dünyaya fikirlerini satan saygın meslek sahibi adamlardı.
She won an internship with Whitbrook-Balsille.
Whitbrook-Balsille'de staj hakkı kazandı.

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