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Translate.vc / Inglês → Turco / [ X ] / Xlll

Xlll tradutor Turco

5 parallel translation
You are Cardinal Armand du Plessis de Richelieu first minister of Louis XIII?
Siz Kardinal Armand du Plessis de Richelieu müsünüz? Xlll. Louis'nin başbakanı?
By joint edict of His Majesty the King, Louis Xlll... and His Eminence Cardinal Richelieu... the Musketeers are officially disbanded.
Majesteleri Kral 13. Louis ve Ekselansları... Cardinal Richelieu'nün ortak emirleriyle...
I'm the one who threw the bomb at Alfonso Xlll.
13. Alfonso'yu bombalayan da bendim.
Now, the AUK Xlll was the only one that we couldn't find that day.
Şimdi, the AUK Xlll o gün bulamadığımız tek roketti.
Presenting your royal highness, our illustrious King Julien Xlll, self-proclaimed lord of the lemurs, et cetera.
Size lemurların saygın hükümdarı majesteleri Xlll. Kral Julien'i sunmaktan gurur duyarım.

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