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Affair tradutor Inglês

12,390 parallel translation
Habréis notado que no he comido mucho durante todo el festín.
You'll notice I didn't eat much during that whole affair.
- Sabes lo de nuestra aventura.
- You know about our affair.
Y en realidad, si su aventura fue en noviembre de 1975, usted tendría 15 años, cuando ese sacerdote de 28 años tuvo relaciones sexuales con usted.
And actually, if your affair was in November'75..... actually, that would've made you 15. When the 28-year-old priest had sex with you.
Cinco semanas antes de que fuéramos Va a casarse, aprendí estaba teniendo una aventura.
Five weeks before we were gonna get married, I learned he was having an affair.
Me enteré que tenía una aventura.
I learned he was having an affair.
La mató porque yo estaba teniendo una aventura con ella.
He killed her because I was having an affair with her.
Si. El affair, el asesinato, el esconderme en el closet
Yeah, the affair, the murder, the hiding in the closet.
Tuvimos una aventura hace unos mil años.
We had an affair about a thousand years ago.
Una con la que has estado teniendo una aventura durante más de un año.
One you've been having an affair with for over a year.
Sabes, por mucho tiempo, pensé ella debía estar teniendo una aventura.
You know, uh, for the longest time, I thought she must've been having an affair.
Mira, Odio eso tanto como tú, pero es un asunto de Irán.
Look, I hate it just as much as you do, but it's Iran's affair. We don't get a vote.
Costi, ¿ crees que no se que estás teniendo una aventura con Liliana?
Costi, do you think I don't know you're having an affair with Liliana?
Yo no tengo ningún romance con Liliana.
I'm not having any kind of affair with Liliana.
Mi mujer va a creer que tengo una aventura.
My wife will think I'm having an affair.
Tuvisteis una aventura y yo lo permití.
You had an affair and I allowed it.
No es un romance que salió mal.
It's not one affair gone wrong.
Hay una evidencia de nuestra aventura.
There is evidence of our affair.
Pero Bentley grabó a Joe Parks teniendo una aventura, y después lo chantajeó.
But Bentley recorded Joe Parks having an affair, and then blackmailed him.
Tu marido no tenía una aventura, tú la tenías.
Your husband didn't have an affair, you did.
Cuando los confronté, mamá me dijo que había tenido un romance para tapar la verdad.
When I confronted them about it, Mom told me she was having an affair to cover up the truth.
Anteriormente en Fingiendo Es... amante de mi madre.
My mom's having an affair.
Estaba teniendo una aventura.
He was having an affair.
Primer años. ¿ Entonces esta aventura ha durado siete años?
Freshman. So this affair had been going on for 7 years?
Me dijo que había terminado con ella y se lo contó a mi madre.
He said he ended the affair and came clean with my mom.
La aventura se supo.
The secret affair was out.
LeAnn Stockwell... Con la que has tenido una aventura desde hace un año.
LeAnn Stockwell... one you've been having an affair with for over a year.
Si eso significa tener una aventura, si, lo creemos.
If that means having an affair, yeah, we do.
O su marido se enteró de su aventura y preparó el golpe sobre Galen ;
Either the husband found out about the affair and he arranged the hit on Galen ;
o Galen amenazó de hacer pública la aventura, y Lydia montó el golpe.
or Galen threatened to expose the affair, and Lydia set up the hit.
La relación duró exactamente seis meses.
The affair lasted exactly six months.
O esta chica está teniendo una relación con su jefe...
Either this girl is having an affair with her boss...
Abby y tú teníais una relación.
You and Abby have been having an affair.
Las historias de amor continúan...
Phil : The love affair continues...
Mi mujer tenia una aventura con su marido.
My wife was having an affair with your husband.
La aventura se había acabado.
The affair was over.
- Bueno... por desgracia, mi teoría implica a la ayudante del fiscal Geneva Pine... que por entonces tenía una aventura con Prima.
- Well, unfortunately, my theory involves ASA Geneva Pine, who was having an affair with Prima at the time.
No hubo aventura, son e-mails de coqueteo.
It's just flirtation. There was no affair, these are flirtatious e-mails.
- sugiera una aventura real?
- Are there any e-mails that suggest an actual affair?
Solo puedo confirmar lo que mi mujer me ha contado... y es que ella no tuvo una aventura con el Sr. Gardner.
I can only confirm what my wife has told me, which is she did not have an affair with Mr. Gardner.
Ted Willoughby, son solo la prueba... de una coqueteo, no de una aventura.
Ted Willoughby, they are simply an artifact of a flirtation, not of an affair.
El hombre con el que tuve la aventura.
That's the man I had the affair with.
Estábamos teniendo una aventura.
We were having an affair.
Sabemos que estaban teniendo una aventura.
We know that you two were having an affair.
¿ Te hicieron tener una aventura con él?
That what? Made you have an affair with him?
Raj y Meera tuvieron un romance.
Raj and Meera had an affair.
podría tener una aventura con la hermana mayor de todas las chicas hermosas.
I might have an affair with every beautiful girl's elder sister.
La canción de Salomón habla sobre el romance de un hombre con Dios.
The Song of Solomon is about man's love affair with God.
Él estaba teniendo una aventura!
He was having an affair!
¿ Qué pasa con la chica con la que estaba teniendo la aventura con?
What about the girl he was having the affair with?
En un mundo en el que ella estaba teniendo una aventura con nuestro hijo.
In a world where she was having an affair with our son.
Committed suicide because of incredible affair with Anna Ekdahl

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