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Translate.vc / Espanhol → Inglês / Allì

Allì tradutor Inglês

23 parallel translation
El tipo de allì, Sopranelli, canta en la Ópera esta noche.
The guy there. Sopranelli. He sings at the Opera Lyrique tonight.
Allì va.
There he goes.
- Aquì, allì, en todas partes.
- Here, there, everywhere.
Allì hay arbustos altos.
There are tall bushes back there.
¡ Allì están las Scooby Galletas!
There are the Scooby Snacks!
Allì està el Peñòn del Vampiro.
There it is, Vampire Rock.
¿ Te refieres al vampiro que vive allì?
You mean the vampire who lives in there?
¡ Allì!
Over there!
Pero te gusta estar allì, verdad?
But you like it there, don't you?
Ha estado allì por años.
It's been there for ages.
- Allì?
- In there?
Allì estaré.
I'll be right there.
Allì estaré.
I'll be there.
No quiero vivir allì.
I don't think I want to live there.
Esa chica de allì. Hay alguna posibilidad de que yo pueda, um...
That girl there - is there any chance that I could, um...
Quizàs no te guste vivir allì, yo..
You may not like living there, I...
No vas a estar allì, noche tras noche, cerrando...
Like you're gonna be there, night after night, locking up...
Allì vas, mi amor.
There you go, my love.
¡ Hola, allì en el hoyo de fagala! ".
Hello, in the fagala hole.
¿ Está el cuarto de baño por allì?
Is the bathroom through here?
Todos mis amigos van a estar allì.
All my friends are gonna be there.
Una gran preocupación para la gente de allì, están empezando a ver el ablandamiento de los árboles de coco.
A big concern for the people there is, they are beginning to see softening of the coconut trees.

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