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Translate.vc / Espanhol → Inglês / Aün

Aün tradutor Inglês

11 parallel translation
Aün no se acabaron las opciones.
We are not out of options yet.
- Aün no.
- Not yet.
Le escribi a Edward, pero aün no sé si lo veré mucho.
I wrote to Edward, yet I do not know how much I may see of him.
Veo que aün vives...
Still alive, I see...
Es mejor asi que si vuestro compromiso hubiese durado aün más.
It is better than if your engagement had carried on before he ended it.
Beth está aün en la Ciudad?
Is Beth still in town?
Aün no he visto a Edward, pero es seguro que pronto lo veré.
I have not yet seen Edward, but I feel sure to, very soon.
Aün respira.
Still breathing.
Aün así, es bueno oírte reír.
Still, it's nice to hear you chuckle.
Sabes que esto sera verdad y aün asi no puedes evitar servir a su proposito.
You know this is true. And still you can not help but serve their purpose.
- Aün no hemos hablado de los derechos.
- I haven't mentioned the fee yet.

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