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Bañó tradutor Inglês

112 parallel translation
Se bañó en agua helada, y os sorprendería, capitán, lo que hace el agua fría.
She jumped into cold bath, and you'd be surprised, Captain, what a cold water can do.
Pobrecito, se bañó y se afeitó y está esperando que nos vayamos a casa.
Poor Zon! He faked and shaved and hope we will all go home!
Si se bañó tiene que tener los pies limpios.
If you've taken a bath, your feet should be clean. Let's see.
- Es muy tímido, por eso apagó la vela y se bañó a oscuras.
- Well, he's a very modest fellow, so he blew out the candle and took his bath in the dark.
Su madre le bañó.
Your mother did.
Hoy no se bañó, Guayaba.
- What's that smell?
¿ Bañó a los monos esta mañana?
- Good morning. Oh, Gus. - Did the monkeys take a bath this morning?
Lo bañó Peter John.
Peter John washed the dog.
Maria Teresa vivió y se bañó aqui.
Maria Teresa lived and took bath here.
Se bañó en el río.
He bathed in the river.
Se bañó en una fuente de Roma el verano pasado, ¿ no?
She is the one who jumped into a fountain in Rome last summer, isn't she?
La bañó.
She bathed her.
La bañó y habló con ella, como si no hubiera Pasado nada.
She bathed her and talked to her while she was doing it, like it was normal.
¿ Cuándo se bañó por última vez?
When did you bathe last?
La investigación médica forense detectó una apoplejía, provocada porque se bañó después de comer, y se había bebido casi una botella de vino.
The medical inquiry reported it was apoplexy as a result of taking a bath after a dinner which included a whole bottle of wine.
Pero si ayer se bañó.
But yesterday he bathed.
¡ Oh, él se bañó esta mañana!
He had a shower this morning.
- ¿ Este tipo ya se bañó?
- Has he had a bath?
Dedujo que mi tío se bañó.
I mean, you've deduced my uncle took a bath.
Ella se bañó con él.
She bathed with him.
El bañó está listo.
Bath's ready.
Nunca le cambió los pantalones ni le sonó la nariz ni le enseño a rezar, ni a saber qué está bien o mal, ni lo bañó.
Never did she change his pants... or wipe his nose... teach him his prayers, tell him right from wrong, give him a bath.
Coach bañó a su mujer en sales cuando se embarazó, para desinflamarla.
First time his wife got pregnant, coach probably had her soak it in Epsom salts keep the swelling down.
Esperé hasta las 11 : 00, cuando se bañó el viejo.
I had to hole up until 11 : 00, when the old man took his bath.
Es decir, el tipo que pasó seis semanas en el bañó obtuvo 91.
I mean, that guy who spent six weeks in the bathroom got a 91.
Wally, ¿ se bañó tu perro alguna vez?
Wally, your dog ever had a bath before?
Su hija ya se bañó, y le preparé una habitación.
Your daughter's had a bath, and I have a room ready for her.
Tu madre te bañó hasta que estabas en el bachillerato.
Your mother gave you baths until high school.
El año pasado se bañó 4 veces.
But he bathed only 4 times a year before.
Qué maravilloso se siente un baño... cuando uno no se bañó en semanas.
It's amazing how good a bath feels when you haven't had one for two or three weeks.
Un tipo se bañó en gasolina y se quiere prender.
A guy poured gasoline all over himself. Says he'll drop a match.
Le bañó los pies con agua sagrada.
Washed his feet with holy water.
Sargento Warden, si olía a licor de Ginebra, fue porque se bañó en él, no porque lo bebiera.
Sergeant Warden, if he reeked of Geneva liquor, it was because he'd bathed in it, not swallowed it.
bañó de rojo tu rostro?
with the blood of your father?
Dave y Jane Austen no son una pareja corriente, pero he pensado que - ella está asociada al Bath del siglo XIX, ¡ y esa fue la última vez que Dave se bañó! Bath = baño )
Dave and Jane Austen are not an obvious pairing, but think about it - she's identified with Bath in the 19th century, and that was the last time Dave had one!
Recibió 6 tiros. Bañó las balas en oro.
He got shot six times, had the bullets moulded into gold.
Me bañó con saliva.
I got spit all over me here.
Una vez se bañó con un tipo en el baño común.
Once, she showered with a guy in the community bathroom.
Pensar que el tipo se bañó bajo la ducha que instalé... me pone furioso.
To think that that guy was showering under the showerhead I installed makes me very angry.
El Ogro bañó su garrote en veneno de víbora.
The Ogre dipped his club in viper's venom.
Parece que la bañó.
It looks like he washed her.
El agua en que Sogo se bañó, es para los caimanes, una nueva ribera.
The water thatSogo bathed in Caymans found in it A new shore
Trish se bañó en whisky.
Trish took a bath in Southern Comfort.
Me bebería el agua donde se bañó.
I could drink her bath water.
El abuelo ahora Christen su nieto En madera de sándalo, se bañó el bebé... puede alegrías abundan en su vida... puede el arco mundo a sus pies
The grandfather will now christen his grandson ln sandalwood, the baby is bathed... may joys abound in his life... may the world bow at his feet
¿ Que intentas hacer, matarme? Chris dijo que estaba caliente cuando se bañó hace un rato.
Chris said it was cool when he took a shower earlier.
Brad se bañó rápido, sintiendo que había una oportunidad escasa... de tener sexo con su esposa.
Brad showered quickly, sensing a rare opportunity to have sex with his wife.
Él se bañó en pétalos de rosa.
He washed in rose petals.
¿ Por qué escribes en el bañó de damas?
Why are you writing it in the girls'bathroom?
me bañó en perfumes.
Washed me with perfumes... gave me lace to wear.
como probablemente sabrás, estamos pensando en vivir juntos, todo empezó aquella noche en que ella se bañó en mi camarote, ¿ recuerdas?
It started that night she had a bath in my quarters, remember?

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