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Translate.vc / Espanhol → Inglês / Bey

Bey tradutor Inglês

654 parallel translation
Ardath Bey.
Ardeth Bay.
- Me llamo Ardath Bey.
I am Ardeth Bay.
Ardath Bey. ¿ Dónde se metió cuando abrimos la tumba?
Ardeth Bay. Where did you disappear to when we opened the tomb?
Soy Ardath Bey.
I am Ardeth Bay.
No creo que nadie pudiera olvidar a Ardath Bey.
I don't think one would forget meeting you, Ardeth Bay.
¡ Ardath Bey!
Ardeth Bay.
Ardath Bey, el Dr. Muller.
Ardeth Bay, Dr. Muller.
Ardath Bey ya se ha presentado.
Ardeth Bay introduced himself.
Entonces, Ardath Bey, au revoir.
Then, Ardeth Bay, au revoir.
Sé que estabas con Ardath Bey.
We know that you were with Ardeth Bay.
Zorah Bey.
Zorah Bey.
¿ Qué aspecto tiene este Zorah Bey?
What's this Zorah Bey look like?
Zorah Bey, no me mates.
Zorah Bey, don't kill me.
¿ Está segura de que no la asustó Zorah Bey?
- You sure you weren't frightened by Zorah Bey?
- ¿ Zorah Bey?
- Zorah Bey?
¿ Quién es Zorah Bey?
Who's Zorah Bey? Here.
Estaba casada con Zorah Bey y trabajaba con él en su acto de magia.
I was married to Zorah Bey... and worked with him in his magic act.
Pero seis meses después, Zorah Bey apareció.
But six months later, Zorah Bey turned up.
Verá, sucede que sé... que Zorah Bey no regresó a este país hasta hace un mes.
You see, I happen to know... that Zorah Bey didn't return to this country until one month ago.
Es un amigo mío que conocía a Zorah Bey y a su esposa.
He's a friend of mine that knew Zorah Bey and your wife.
Bien, cuando Zorah Bey regresó a este país... encontró a su esposa y se enteró de que se había casado con usted.
Well, when Zorah Bey returned to this country... he located his wife and found out that she was married to you.
Zorah Bey vino a ver a Anna y exigió dinero.
Zorah Bey came to Anna and demanded money.
Ud. lo golpearía y luego el Dr. Haggard declararía que estaba muerto... aprovechándose de la capacidad de Zorah Bey de entrar en trance... parte de su famoso truco de "enterrado vivo".
You were to hit him, and then Dr. Haggard was to pronounce him dead... taking advantage ofr Zorah Bey's ability to go into a trance... part ofrhis framous "buried alive" trick.
Luego, sin su conocimiento... arreglarían la fuga de Zorah Bey y lo presionarían con su asesinato.
Then, without your knowledge... they were to arrange for Zorah Bey's escape and hold his murder over you.
Pero estos dos ya habían tramado traicionar a Zorah Bey... enterrándolo vivo de verdad, a más de un metro bajo la tierra.
But these two had already plotted to double-cross Zorah Bey... by really burying him alive, four feet under the ground.
Una vez libre, naturalmente, el motivo de Zorah Bey se convirtió en la venganza.
Once he was free, naturally, Zorah Bey's motive became revenge.
- Pero ¿ cómo obtuvo todos esos hechos... sobre Zorah Bey y Anna y el Dr. Haggard?
But how on earth did you get all those facts about Zorah Bey and Anna and Dr. Haggard?
Ante nuestro dios Amón Ra... ¿ eres Yousef Bey... hijo de Abdul Melek?
Before our god, Amon-Ra... you are Yousef Bey... son of Abdul Melek?
Hiciste bien tu labor, Yousef Bey.
You have done Your work well, Yousef Bey.
¿ Por qué no habría de vivir?
Why should she not live, Yousef Bey?
Las hojas de tana.
The tana leaves, Yousef Bey.
Tómalas, Yousef Bey.
Take them, Yousef Bey.
Excelencia, he actuado ante el rey de España el jedive de Egipto, el bey de Túnez.
Excellency, I have played before the king of Spain the khedive of Egypt, the bey of Tunis.
Dentro de poco vendrá el Bey Kahn de Agapur,
The Bey Kahn of Agapur will be here shortly.
Debe ser el Bey Kahn de Agapur.
He must be the Bey Kahn of Agapur.
¡ Es el Bey Kahn de Agapur!
It's the Bey Kahn of Agapur.
- Portero, ¿ ha llegado el Bey?
- Porter. Hs the Bey arrived?
¡ Arrepiéntete, Bey Kahn de Agapur!
Repent Bey Kahn of Agapur.
¡ Bey Kahn de Agapur!
The Bey Kahn of Agapur.
Conozco bien al Bey Kahn de Agapur. ¡ No es ese!
I know the Bey. That's not him.
El Bey, Baronesa, mire, se baña vestido.
Look! The Bey is swimming with his clothes on.
Mira al Bey, míralo.
Look at the Bey!
Te han confundido con el hijo del Gran Bey Kahn de Agapur.
They've taken you for the son of the great Bey Kahn of Agapur.
Ni mía. Es del Bey.
It belongs to the Bey.
Que él es el verdadero Bey.
He is the real Bey.
He venido a avisarte por última vez, Bey Kahn de Agapur.
I've come for the case for the last time, Prince Bey Kahn of Agapur.
¡ Arrepiéntete, Bey Kahn de Agapur!
Repent, you sinners.
¿ Has visto cómo saluda el Bey?
Did you see how he greets people?
Su Alteza Omar Bay, heredero al trono de Agapur. El cual después de haber roto en un solo día, el corazón de las mujeres más bellas de Capri,... incluida nuestra Sonia Bulgarov,
His Highness Omar Bey, heir to the throne of Agapur, who, after breaking the hearts of the most beautiful women in Capri,
- ¿ Bey?
- Bey?
- El Bey, que se hace llamar De Fazio.
- The Bey, alias De Fazio.

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