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Care tradutor Inglês

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Take care.
Hace días que no he tenido tiempo, ya sabes, de hacer nada, así que...
I haven't had any time in days, you know, to take care of anything, so...
No me importa si no saben dónde está el refugio más cercano,
I don't care that you don't know where the nearest bomb shelter is.
¿ Qué tal esto de ser el jefe en el Rancho de los Osos Amorosos?
So... how is it being the boss of the Care Bears'Ranch?
¿ Qué más me da el aspecto que tenga por detrás?
What do I care what the back looks like?
Por cariño.
You do it because you care.
Me importas.
I care about you.
Porque te acabo de decir que me ha insultado, y tú te preocupas por su bienestar.
'Cause I just told you that she insulted me and you seem to care more about how she's doing.
Yo cuido a mi equipo.
I take care of my crew.
Les dije a mis primos que podían trabajar de jardineros en casa.
I promised my cousins they could have a job taking care of my yard.
Me importas mucho como para dejarte aquí.
Yeah, I care about you too much to leave you here.
No les importa quién vaya en esa dirección.
They don't really care who goes in that direction.
No lo sé... ni me importa.
I don't know... and I don't care.
No hay problema. Yo me ocupo.
I'll take care of it.
Si es sobre tu camisa, no me gusta mucho.
Well, if it's about that shirt, uh, I don't much care for it.
Me encanta cuidar de los animales ".
I love taking care of animals. "
¿ Crees que me preocupo por este niño tanto como tú?
Hey, Colt, do you believe I care just as much about this kid as you do?
Debo ocuparme de algunos asuntos.
I have a few things I have to take care of.
Cuídate, Abby.
Take care, Abby.
La cuidaremos.
It's taken care of.
Tengo cosas que debo que cuidar.
I got some things I gotta take care of.
Esta bien, cuídese.
Okay, take care.
- ¡ Cuídese!
Take care!
No me importa lo que vosotros penséis, vamos a vender los Cortadores de Humo y se acabó.
I don't care what you people think, we are selling these Smoke Cutters, and that is final.
No le importa, ¿ vale?
She doesn't care.
¿ Pero podemos, por favor, no pelear por quién se hace cargo de...?
But can we please not fight over who has to care of...
- Okay, take care. Okay.
¿ Alguien quiere champán? - Sí.
Would anyone care for some champagne?
No me interesa.
I don't care.
Cuídense, chicos.
Take care, guys.
- Acompáñennos al Museo de Brooklyn.
We're going to the Brooklyn Museum. - Care to join?
- Cuídate, Jeff. - Adiós.
Uh, take care, Jeff.
No les importa.
They just don't care.
Deja de cuidarme, ¿ sí?
Just stop taking care of me, okay?
No me importa el programa.
I don't care about the show.
No quiero lastimarte, porque me importas mucho. Basta.
I don't want to hurt you because I really, really care about you.
Ya me he encargado de eso.
It's already been taken care of.
No me importa lo que tome.
I don't care what it takes.
Take care of yourself.
Cuiden bien de mi hijo.
Take good care of my son.
Cuidaré muy bien de tu médula ósea. Lo prometo.
I'll take really good care of your bone marrow.
Me preocupo por tu padre y creo en él.
I care about your father, and I believe in him.
No me importa.
I don't care.
No me importa Lagertha.
I don't care about Lagertha.
En cuanto a ti, dulce hermana, te aconsejo cuidar de tu alma.
As for you, sweet sister, I counsel you, have a care for your own soul.
Cuida de Kattegat.
Take care of Kattegat.
Cuida de mi madre.
Take care of my mother.
Cuida de tu hermano que también es especial.
Now, you take care of your brother for he is special too.
Cuídate, Björn.
Take care, Bjorn.
¡ Todos saben que te pones a ti misma por delante!
We all know you care for no one but yourself.
Ya, bueno...
Yeah, well... they don't care about the business. They just want the land.

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