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Translate.vc / Espanhol → Inglês / Coop

Coop tradutor Inglês

1,992 parallel translation
Gallinero demócrata...
A democratic chicken coop!
Ay, lo siento, Coop.
Oh, sorry, Coop.
Coop, ¡ vamos!
Coop, come on!
Coop, Coop, todo está bien, cariño.
Coop, Coop, everything's okay, sweetie.
Oye, Coop.
Hey, Coop.
Mira esto.
Coop, check it out.
Coop, look.
No sé. ¿ Tú qué crees?
I don't know, Coop.
Hodges me dijo que te escapas.
So... Hodges tells me you're flying the coop.
Tómate el fin de semana, ve a Nueva York, encuéntrate con Billy y sorpréndelo.
You could take off this weekend, fly the coop, go to New York, see old Billy and surprise him on Valentine's Day.
Si quieres a la gallina en el gallinero, consigue los pollitos primero.
If you wanna get the chicken in the coop, you gotta get the chicks in first.
Oh, esa ave ha volado del gallinero.
Oh, that bird has flown the coop.
Era tiempo de fisgonear un poco por la trasnoche alrededor del gallinero.
It was time to take a little late night snoop around the chicken coop.
Vamos, Coop, ven a terminar el desayuno, por favor.
Come on, coop, come finish your breakfast, please.
Te lo vas a pasar genial con papá y Coop y Gabe.
You're gonna have such a good time with your dad and coop and gabe.
Oye, Coop, ven aquí y dame un abrazo.
Hey, coop, come on over here and give me a hug.
Vale, Coop, ¡ vámonos!
Okay, coop, let's go!
La tierra que Matty usó para el montículo debió de estar debajo de un gallinero.
The dirt that Matty used to build his pitcher's mound must have sat under a chicken coop.
Es imposible que deje a Paige y a Coop. Y mucho menos con lo que tienes en la tripa.
There is no way that she's gonna leave paige and coop, much less what you've got going on in the oven.
¿ Crees que mamá dejará a Paige y a Coop?
You don't think mom wod really leave paige and coop, do you?
El cual me gustaría acabar para poder ir a buscar a Paige y a Coop.
Which I would like to finish so that I can go pick up paige and coop.
No, ey, no te puedes... ey, ey, Coop...
No, hey, you can't just... Hey, hey, coop...
Tengo un montón de ideas Esto es lo que pienso, Coop
I have a lot of other ideas. Here's what I'm thinking, Coop.
- ¿ Te importa si te llamo Coop?
- Do you mind if I call you coop?
Quizás sea el momento de que deje el nido.
Maybe it's time for her to fly the coop.
Este pájaro se fugará.
This bird is flying the coop.
Padre Celestial, te pido que vuelvas a meter las gallinas al gallinero para que ella tenga huevos para hacer sus pasteles y tortas para la iglesia.
Heavenly Father, I ask that You would put them chickens back in that coop so she can get eggs to make her pies and cakes for the church.
Él no coope
He's not coop...
Ha sido secuestrada, Coop.
She's been abducted, Coop.
Se fugó con mi secretaria, Liz.
Flown the Coop with my secretary. Liz.
Coop y Alice se sumaron.
Coop and Alice jumped on it.
Cuéntame del cuadro de Coop.
Tell me about Coop's painting.
Es Zanzíbar, Coop.
It's Zanzibar, Coop.
- Hola, doctor Coop.
DEAN : Hey, Dr. Coop.
Naomi, Coop está tratando de hacer lo correcto.
Naomi, Coop's just trying to do the right thing here.
Siempre nos gastamos la mitad en quemaduras de sol y recuerdos borrosos.
We always blow half of it on sunburns and hazy memories, Coop.
Tengo calzones sin entrepierna, Coop.
I'm wearing crotchless panties, Coop.
Es tu turno Coop.
Your turn Coop.
Buen trabajo con El Coop.
Good work with the Coop.
Sólo sé que un camionero me dijo por radio que vería un buen espectáculo si me detenía aquí.
All's I know is some road dawg came over the squawk, told me that I'd get quite a show... if I pulled over at this here chicken coop.
¿ Quieres venir a mi casa?
Can I take it back to my coop?
¿ Tienes casa?
¿ No es muy difícil obtener los creditos hipotecarios?
Isn't it tough to get approval from the coop board?
Necesitamos decir algo agradable sobre elos que de una buena impresion.
We need to say something nice about them that'll impress the coop board.
- quédate aquí.. termina eso..
- Stay here and clean the chicken coop.
Le gusta estar aquí como en su gallinero.
She likes it here she likes the coop.
Una vez que voló el gallinero, terminaron aqui.
Once they flew the coop, they took up roost here.
Pensé que tu pequeña artista estaba de gira.
I thought your little Mini-Me flew the coop.
- Tu columna está floja, Coop.
- Your column's weak, Coop.
Coop, vamos.
Hey, Coop, come on.

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