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Dior tradutor Inglês

234 parallel translation
Christian Dior, Jacques Fath, y el mundo entero que acude deslumbrado por sus maravillas.
Christian Dior, Jacques Fath, and the whole world that comes running, dazzled by all those wonders.
No vas a enseñarme, trabajé en Dior.
You do not teach me anything, I've worked at Dior
Dior, creo.
Dior, I think.
Jacques Fath, Christian Dior.
Jacques Fath, Christian Dior.
Olvida qué dice Dior del negro y el rojizo
Forget that Dior says black and rust
- ¿ Qué es? ¿ Paquin o Dior? - ¡ Cielos!
- What is it, Becker, Dior?
- ¿ Cómo me sienta el Dior?
- How's the Dior?
¿ Te vas a dejar engañar por esta santa vestida con trajes de Dior?
Are you going to let yourself be taken in by this saint in dior's clothing?
- Hermes, Dior, Schiaparelli, Cartier.
Hermes, Dior, Schiaparelli, Cartier.
¿ Me compras el vestido en Dior?
Buy me a dress at Dior's?
A Dior sólo se va para llamar.
You don't buy dresses at Dior, you make calls.
Crema Rubinstein, Christian Dior,
Creme Rubinstein, Christian Dior...
Christian Dior, peluquerías, whisky... Y más whisky.
Christian Dior, hairdresser, whisky... more whisky!
- Entonces, ¿ un cachemir de Dior?
- So, it's the cashmere from Dior?
Y esto es lo que hago con Dior...
And, that's what I do with it. Dior...
Nada de Dior, entenderá, señora.
Nothing out of Dior, you understand, madame. A rag.
Tienen una ropa de maternidad maravillosa en Christian Dior.
They have some marvy maternity clothes... at Christian Dior's.
- ¡ Una mujer, que salga enseguida de Dior!
Out in a minute from Dior?
- Dior, Givenchy.
- Dior, Givenchy.
Mañana a Dior.
Tomorrow to Dior.
Dudo que distinga un Dior de una tela de saco.
I doubt if he'd know a Dior from a gunnysack.
Es un modelo de Dior.
Right off a model at Dior's.
Exterior. Christian Dior.
Christian Dior. La cámara toma una panorámica y vemos parar a un Rolls-Royce blanco.
The camera pans, and now we see a white Rolls-Royce pull up and come to a stop.
Medias Dior, directamente de París...
Socks by Dior, straight from Paris... Oh, really?
San Antonio de mi corazón, quiero un sombrero de Christian Dior.
O merciful St Theodore, my hat is from Dior.
Lleva una corbata Christian Dior.
He's wearing a Christian Dior tie.
¿ Me pescarías enterrada en esta creación Dior si no fuera así?
Would I be caught dead in this Dior creation otherwise?
En mi escritorio en el piso 41 llevaré una imitación de una imitación de un vestido de Dior y recibiré a grandes magnates a los que indicaré dónde sentarse.
Sitting at my desk on the 41st floor In my copy of a copy of a copy of Dior I'll receive big tycoons And I'll point to a chair
Me robo los diseños de gente como Dior, Cardin, y Givenchy.
I steal designs from people like Dior, Cardin, and Givenchy.
¡ Han secuestrado a la princesa Dior Yacine!
Someone has kidnapped Princess Dior Yacine!
Han secuestrado a la princesa Yacine.
Princess Dior Yacine has been kidnapped.
Estos hombres, esclavos del trono,... han osado poner sus manos... sobre Dior Yacine,... tu hija mayor.
These citizens, slaves to the throne, have dared to carry away Dior Yacine, your eldest daughter.
En cuanto a tu hija, Dior Yacine,... su vida o la nuestra.
Regarding your daughter, Dior Yacine... Her life or ours.
Jaraaf, dile a Demba War... que ninguna agua calmará mi sed... a menos que me sea servida por Dior Yacine.
Jaraaf, tell Demba War... that no water is sweet enough to refresh me... unless it is served by Dior Yacine.
Cuando me enteré del rapto de Dior,... acudí aquí dejando todos mis asuntos.
When I learned of the kidnapping of Dior, all business ceased, and I rushed here.
Por el cinturón de mi padre, yo liberaré a Dior.
By the belt of my father, I shall rescue Dior.
Hazle saber a Saxewar que mientras yo viva, Dior no será su esposa.
Make it known to Saxewar, that as I live, Dior shall not be his wife.
Dior es mi esposa legítima.
Dior is legitimately mine.
Dior es la hija de mi tío,... yo soy el sobrino del rey... y no he renunciado nunca a mi legítimo derecho de desposarla.
Dior is the daughter of my uncle, I am the nephew of the king and I have never relinquished my right to marry her.
Juro que traeré de regreso a Dior.
I swear to bring back Dior.
Dior en mi cama o en mi tumba.
Dior in my bed or in my grave.
Mientras yo sea el heredero,... Dior es legítimamente mía.
As much as I am the heir apparent, as much as Dior is legitimately mine.
La madre de Dior es la hija mayor de mi padre.
The mother of Madior is the firstborn of my father...
Consiento tu casamiento con Dior,... pero me opongo en lo referente al trono.
Your marriage to Dior, I consent... but as to who takes the throne, there I oppose.
El hijo invencible del gran león,... heredero del trono, protector de Dior...
The invincible son of the great lion... heir to the throne, protector of Dior...
Juro por Alá... que traeré a Dior de vuelta.
I swear by Allah... to bring back Dior. I have spoken!
Biram, por la hermandad que nos une,... déjame a mí ir a rescatar a Dior.
Biram, in the name of our brotherhood... Let me go to rescue Dior.
Dior, el villano ha muerto.
Dior, the villain is dead.
Puede ser un film de Christian Dior.
[In French] We must be actively and solidly behind their struggle.

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