/ Espanhol → Inglês / Dániel
Dániel tradutor Inglês
18,823 parallel translation
Cuando Daniel se presentó en nuestra casa ese día.
When Daniel turned up at our house that day.
Daniel Edward Holt.
Daniel Edward Holt.
Me gustaría acabar esta particular aventura contigo, Daniel Edward Holt, si quieres que esté contigo.
I would like to finish this particular adventure with you, Daniel Edward Holt, if you'll have me?
¡ Daniel!
Fue invitado a la casa de Daniel Troyer...
He was invited to Daniel Troyer's house...
¿ Es Daniel Troyer wesen?
Is Daniel Troyer wesen?
¿ Qué sabemos acerca de Daniel Troyer?
What do we know about Daniel Troyer?
Estamos buscando a Daniel Troyer.
We're looking for Daniel Troyer.
Daniel Troyer. ¿ Me estás vacilando?
Daniel Troyer. Are you kidding me?
Pero te aseguro que lamentará haber apuñalado a su amigo el resto de su miserable vida.
But I guarantee you, he's going to regret stabbing his friend for the rest of his miserable life. Daniel Hardman's office.
Sr. Daniel Gascoyne y su esposa, Martha, trabajaban como maestros de escuela en la provincia de Guangdong, y he estado bien establecida en la zona por más de una década.
Mr. Daniel Gascoyne and his wife, Martha, were working as school teachers in Guangdong province, and have been well established in the area for over a decade.
Estaba preocupada que Daniel era teniendo una aventura.
She was worried that Daniel was having an affair.
Oficina de Daniel Hardman.
Daniel Hardman's office.
Daniel Hardman acaba de captar un cliente billonario...
Daniel Hardman just signed a billion-dollar client...
De ningún modo Daniel Hardman pondrá un pie en esta oficina.
There is no way Daniel Hardman is setting foot in this office.
Daniel Hardman no volverá a este bufete bajo ninguna circunstancia.
Daniel Hardman will not return to this firm under any circumstance.
Si has venido a recuperar tu viejo despacho, Daniel, no rompas la cinta métrica todavía, porque tu plan de colarte ha fracasado.
If you're here to take back your old office, Daniel, Don't break out the measuring tape just yet, because your plan to worm your way in just failed.
¿ Te refieres a mí o a Daniel Hardman?
Are you talking about me or Daniel Hardman?
Tú no has venido aquí por Daniel.
You're not here about Daniel.
Corta el rollo, Daniel.
Oh, cut the shit, Daniel.
- Déjame adivinar, Daniel Hardman.
- Let me guess, Daniel Hardman.
¿ Crees que si abandono de repente a Daniel
You think if I suddenly abandon Daniel,
Daniel Hardman me trató como un hijo.
Daniel Hardman treated me like a son.
Daniel Hardman quiere vengarse de mí.
Daniel Hardman has a vendetta against me.
Entonces poner el nombre de Jack en la puerta solo le da más poder a Daniel.
Then putting Jack's name on the door only gives Daniel more power.
Así que puedes venir a por nosotros lo que quieras, Daniel, pero acabará todo siempre igual.
So, you can keep coming after us all you want, Daniel, but they're all going to end up just like this.
Nos vemos, Daniel.
See you around, Daniel.
Perdone, señorita, ¿ podría asegurarse de cortarle cuando empiece a farfullar que cómo ya no hacen series como "Welcome Back Kotter"? ¿ Qué haces aquí, Daniel?
Excuse me, ma'am, could you make sure to cut him off when he starts mumbling about how they don't make shows like Welcome Back Cotter anymore? ♪ ♪ What are you doing here, Daniel?
Sal de mi oficina, Daniel, antes de que haga algo de lo que te arrepientas.
Get the hell out of my office, Daniel, before I do something you'll regret.
La noche que Harvey y Mike ataron cabos sobre Daniel y CM, estaban colocados.
The night that Harvey and Mike put it together about Daniel and CM, they got stoned first.
Pensaban que Daniel y tú los estabais fastidiando y pensaron "¿ Qué más da?".
They thought you and Daniel had them and they were screwed and they figured, "What the hell?"
- Sí y si lo revisases, sabrías que Daniel Hardman ha subido su oferta un 20 por ciento.
- You do and if you'd check it, you'd know that Daniel Hardman topped our bid by 20 %.
¿ Qué pasaría si le decimos que solo le haremos socio principal si se pone públicamente contra Daniel?
What if we tell him we'll only make him name partner if he takes a public stand against Daniel first?
¿ Qué demonios tiene Daniel Hardman contra ti?
What the hell does Daniel Hardman have on you?
Y si es así de malo, y Daniel lo sabe y yo no, entonces solo tengo una opción.
And if it's that bad, and Daniel knows it and I don't, then I only have one choice.
De eso nada, porque sabemos qué va a pasar con el inversor de Daniel y Harvey esta a punto de pararle ahora mismo.
- I'm not on shit, because we know what's going on with Daniel's investor and Harvey's about to put a stop to it right now.
Si supieses lo que pasa de verdad entre Daniel y su inversor, sabrías que eso no va a pasar.
- If you really knew what was going on between Daniel and his investor, you'd know it's never gonna happen.
Estás jugando a un juego mucho más caro que ese, financiando a Daniel Hardman para que sea tu hombre.
- You're playing a lot more expensive game than that, funding Daniel Hardman to be your frontman.
Quieres que deje de respaldar a Daniel Hardman.
You want me to stop backing Hardman.
Porque no me importa una mierda tu guerra con Daniel Hardman.
- Because I don't give a shit about your war with Daniel Hardman.
" Respecto de la carta a los grandes juristas rabínicos de parte de los Rabbi's Dov Lior, Daniel Shilo y Eliezer Melamed,
" Regarding the letter to the great rabbinic jurists from Rabbis Dov Lior, Daniel Shilo and Eliezer Melamed asking about the content of the Din Moser concerning the PM and his ministers.
Acorde a la carta a los grandes juristas rabínicos... La carta de Dov Lior, Daniel Shilo y Eliezer Melamed la misiva fue sobreestimada y no contiene elementos para substanciar imputaciones criminales
Regarding the letter to the great rabbinic jurists, the letter from Dov Lior, Daniel Shilo and Eliezer Melamed, the letter was weighed up... and deemed insufficient grounds for criminal charges.
Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, secretario del Comité Rabínico de Judea-Samaria y Rabbi Daniel Shilo, rabino de Kedumim.
Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, secretary of the Judea-Samaria Rabbinical Committee, and Rabbi Daniel Shilo, rabbi of Kedumim.
Rabbi Dov Lior, Rabbi Eliezer Melamed Y Rabbi Daniel Shilo. "
Rabbi Dov Lior, Rabbi Eliezer Melamed and Rabbi Daniel Shilo. "
Ellos son Ricky y Daniel.
This is Ricky and Daniel.
A Daniel ya lo conoces.
Daniel know you from before.
Si quieres que me vaya, convoca una votación, porque sabemos qué sucede con el inversionista de Daniel y Harvey está por ponerle un parado ahora mismo.
You want me gone, call for a vote,'cause we know what's going on with Daniel's investor, and Harvey's about to put a stop to it right now.
Porque me importa un carajo tu guerra contra Daniel Hardman.
Because I don't give a shit about your war with Daniel Hardman.
El asunto en cuestión es asegurarse de que tengamos más gente de nuestro lado de la que Daniel y él tienen en el suyo.
The matter at hand is making sure that we have more people on our side than he and Daniel have on theirs.
Vas a averiguar qué tiene Daniel contra ese hijo de puta deshonesto, y hazlo antes de las siete de esta noche.
You're gonna find out what Daniel has on that weaselly son of a bitch, and do it before 7 : 00 tonight.
Y no te tienes que disculpar por él porque sé lo bastardo que es Daniel Hardman.
And you don't have to apologize for him because I know what a bastard Daniel Hardman is.