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Translate.vc / Espanhol → Inglês / Estâ

Estâ tradutor Inglês

640 parallel translation
- Estâ bien.
- All right.
- Estâ bien, Bill.
- That's all right, Bill.
El que se estâ bajando es él.
That's him getting out.
Estâ en casa a esta hora.
He's at home at this hour.
Estâ bien.
That's fine.
Estâ arreglado.
Then it's all arranged.
Estâ bien.
That's all right.
- Estâ histérica. Se fueron donde Irene.
- She's hysterical because everyone went over to Irene's.
Estâ bien, querida.
It's all right, my dear.
El Sr. William Legendre, Jr. Estâ esperando verlo, señor.
Mr. William Legendre, Jr is waiting to see you, sir.
Mary, el pan no estâ fresco.
Mary, the bread's not fresh.
- No estâ aquí. ¡ Largo!
- He's not here. Get out!
Estâ borracho.
He's drunk.
Su corazón se estâ muriendo.
Her heart is dying inside of her.
Estâ en el lugar equivocado, jovencito.
You're in the wrong place, my young man.
- Estâ bien, corazón.
- That's all right, dearie.
¿ Estâ resentido con alguien?
Did you bear anyone a grievance?
Estâ en mi habitación.
He's in my room.
- Estâ cerrada, te Io digo.
- It is locked, I tell you.
Estâ bien.
Oh, that's all right, sir.
¡ Estâ cayendo!
Get down!
- ¿ Estâ asustado?
- You're scared?
Estâ entrando mucha agua.
We're taking a lot of water, sir.
- Estâ bien.
- All right. All right.
Estâ más caliente.
Hotter now.
Estâ en hielo y el doctor quiere derretirlo y examinar el cuerpo.
Tell him the body's in ice and Dr. Carrington wants permission to remove the body from the ice for examination.
¿ Estâ nervioso?
Getting nervous?
No estâ muerto.
- Estâ cerrado.
- This door's locked.
- Estâ cerrada.
- Door's locked, sir.
- No estâ dentro.
- He's obviously not inside.
La llave no estâ.
The key's gone.
Estâ bloqueado.
We've got the rear door blocked.
- ¿ Estâ latiendo, doctor?
- This pulsating, doctor?
No estâ pensando qué ocurre en el vivero.
You aren't thinking of what's happening in the greenhouse.
Estâ cansado.
He's tired.
No duerme desde que hallaron esa cosa y no estâ lúcido.
He hasn't slept since you found that thing. And he's not thinking right.
La criatura se estâ multiplicando.
The creature in the greenhouse is obviously multiplying itself.
- Estâ allí.
- There she is, captain.
- Estâ bien, creo.
- I guess it's okay.
! Estâ bien!
Oh, all right.
- Estâ lleno de espías.
The joint's full of spies.
Estâ ansiosa por verlos.
Mama is so eager to see you.
- Adorable.? Estâ laqueado?
- lt's lovely. ls it lacquered?
-? Estâ rota?
- ls it broken?
- Estâ cerrada desde hace 1 5 aòos.
It's been boarded up for 1 5 years.
- No lo tocamos.? Estâ el tío Willie?
We barged in. ls Uncle Willie around?
" "Cuando el gato no estâ... -... el ratón se porta como una rata" ".
" "When the cat's away, why should the mouse act like a rat?" "
- Estâ bien.
It's all right.
-? Estâ sonando un teléfono?
Do you hear a telephone ringing?
Estâ atenta al publico.

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