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Translate.vc / Espanhol → Inglês / Fidel

Fidel tradutor Inglês

755 parallel translation
; fidel!
Y usté don fidel no olvide que hay que enfrentarse a esta gente con dignidad y valor.
And remember, Mr. Fidel we must face these men with dignity and courage.
? Quién es fidel bernal?
Who is Fidel Bernal?
Yo soy fidel bernal.
I'm Fidel Bernal.
- Don fidel.
- Mr. Fidel.
Mando matar a don fidel y casi al mismo tiempo aceptó mi súplica.
He had Mr. Fidel killed and almost at the same time, he accepted my plea.
La viuda de don fidel bernal.
Fidel Bernal's widow.
Huy, fidel-di-di
Whee, fiddle-dee-dee
¡ Fidel!
Pase lo que pase, Fidel.
Whatever happens, happens, Fidel.
- ¡ No la tires, Fidel!
- Don't get rid of it, Fidel!
Vamos a buscar a Fidel y a Shorty y hacemos planes.
Buddy boy, we find Fidel and Shorty and then we make plans.
- ¿ Qué te cuentas, Fidel?
- What do you say, Fidel?
- Recoger a Fidel y a Shorty.
- Pick up Fidel and Shorty the Greek.
A Fidel Io mataron en un atraco.
Fidel killed in a holdup.
Fidel, quiénes eran los Reyes Católicos?
Fidel, who are the Catholic Monarchs?
Fidel Ruiz, campo militar.
Fidel Ruíz, military barracks.
Fidel Ruiz.
Fidel Ruíz.
Fidel, aquí tienes tu bate, por ser el mejor tercera base.
Fidel, here's your bat, for being the best third baseman.
Fidel los vendió en su trabajo.
Fidel sold them at work.
Fidel, que era el que más me había molestado por su deseo de jugar... no se presentó al primer juego, ni me dio ninguna disculpa.
Fidel, who was the one who bothered me the most with his desire to play... didn't show up for the first game, nor did he offer me an excuse.
¿ Dónde está Fidel?
Where's Fidel?
Perdone, ¿ no tiene ninguna información sobre un joven Fidel Ruiz?
Excuse me, but do you have any information about the boy Fidel Ruíz?
¿ Fidel Ruiz?
Fidel Ruíz?
Nos vemos, Fidel.
See you later, Fidel.
¿ Pancho Cortés, Fidel Ruiz?
Pancho Cortés, Fidel Ruíz?
Cuídate mucho, Fidel.
Take good care of yourself, Fidel.
Fidel, dale las gracias.
Fidel, thank him.
Típico de Fidel.
Typical of Fidel.
Recoge, Fidel.
Collect things, Fidel.
Un viaje como ese... es una magnífica oportunidad para alguien tan joven como tú, Fidel.
"A trip like yours... " is a great opportunity for someone as young as you, Fidel.
Fidel tenía razón.
Fidel was right.
Ángel me dijo que Fidel pensaba que era algo más que simples reglas... que esos tipos en el campo la traían con nosotros.
Ángel told me that Fidel thought it was something more than simply the rules,... that those guys in the field were trying to cheat us out of our chance.
Le dije que Fidel estaba loco.
I told him that Fidel was crazy.
Y descubrí que Lockie compartía la opinión de Fidel.
And I figured out that Lockie had the same opinion as Fidel.
Fidel tiene razón, hay algo en esto que no me gusta.
Fidel was right, though there's something in this I don't like.
Fidel Ruiz llega a primera.
Fidel Ruíz reaches first base.
Fidel Ruiz anota el home.
Fidel Ruíz has stolen home.
¿ Y tú, Fidel?
- How about you, Fidel? - We'll keep winning.
¿ Oyó lo que dijo Fidel?
Did you hear what Fidel said?
Sereno, Fidel.
Take it easy, Fidel.
Fidel Ruiz, tercera base.
Fidel Ruíz, third base.
Pero solamente hay un out, y Fidel Ruiz sube al plato.
But there's only one out, and Fidel Ruíz is at the plate.
Fidel Ruiz ahora se prepara.
The guys are getting ready.
Para entonces... ya Fidel había obtenido la respuesta que buscaba :... de qué lado vivía su entrenador.
By then... Fidel had already obtained the answer he was looking for :... which side his coach lived on.
¿ Fidel quién?
Fidel who?
Fidel Castro me preguntaba sobre física.
Fidel Castro was questioning me on physics.
¿ El Presidente Johnson o Fidel Castro?
President Johnson or Fidel Castro?
Uh... ¡ Fidel Castro!
Uh... Castro!
¿ Fidel Castro o Von Braun?
Castro or Von Braun?

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