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Translate.vc / Espanhol → Inglês / Gustã

Gustã tradutor Inglês

6 parallel translation
El tiempo pasà ³, a la gente le gustà ³ la historia oficial... mà ¡ s que lo que podà ­ a haber ocurrido.
Time went on people liked the story we told better than what the truth might have been.
Seguro que no les gustà ³,  ¿ verdad?
I'll bet you guys didn't like that, did you?
Les puedo decir que cuando vi "Calvin". Yo lo vi el primer dà ­ a en L.A. Times. Me gustà ³ mucho.
I can tell you when I saw Calvin, I saw the very first day in the L.A. Times, I liked it.
 ¿ Te gustà ³ ese final?
How do you like that end?
Me gustà ³ que me llamaras.
I was so pleased you called.
Me gustà ³ verte.
Good to see you.

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