/ Espanhol → Inglês / Harà
Harà tradutor Inglês
36 parallel translation
Aún no me la ha pedido pero creo que lo harà.
He hasn't yet but I think he will.
- Por supuesto que lo harà.
- Gives? Of course He will.
- ¡ No lo harà!
- He won't.
¿ me harà el favor de irse?
Will you leave me and go?
- Si, lo harà.
- Yes she will.
Ya no harà nada.
He won't do anything now.
Mi hijo no harà nada.
My son won't do anything.
- ¡ Gulliver no harà lo que le pedí!
- Gulliver wouldn't do my bidding!
El sastre de la corte le harà nuevos vestidos.
And the court tailor will make him new clothes.
Harà historia.
It'll be history.
Porque eso sí que le harà enloquecer.
That'll make him sure enough wild.
Ten, esto lo harà despertar.
Here, this will wake him up.
Tengo un plan que harà que se igualen las cosas.
- Probablemente te harà un guiño.
He'll probably wink at you. He doesn't know That you know.
Con tal de que lleve faldas ¡ ya usted sabe lo que harà!
As long as she wears a skirt, you know what he'll do.
¡ Ya usted sabe lo que harà!
You know what he'll do.
¡ Ya usted sabe... ¡ Ya usted sabe lo que harà!
You know, you know what he'll do.
Masetto parece enloquecido. Harà falta usar el cerebro.
Masetto seems beside himself, we'll need to use our brains.
Una pizca de esto te harà fuerte como un toro.
A pinch of this will make you strong as a bull.
La razón de que esté en el ejército es que saben que harà Io que se le diga.
Only reason he's in the Army is'cause they know he'll do what they tell him to.
Lo que le harà a la gente nadie antes lo ha hecho.
What she'll do to people has never been done before.
Harà lo que sea para conservar sus pastos libres.
He'll do anything to keep his range free.
ÉI no me harà nada si està muerto.
He can't hurt me if he's dead.
La entrega se harà a tiempo
The delivery will be on time.
Si se mueve un poco, le harà picadillo
Slip up just a little bit, it'll cut you to ribbons.
Sr. Green todo lo que puede hacerse, se harà vaya.
Mr. Green, everything that can be done will be done. Go.
Tendrà una cita con el oficial de la condicional que me harà una recomendaciòn sobre su sentencia.
In the meantime, make an appointment with a probation officer who will make a recommendation to me regarding your sentence.
No se harà pruebas dolorosas hasta que descartemos todo lo demàs.
He won't have a painful procedure until we cancel out everything else.
Harà de canguro.
He's gonna be babysitting.
Excepto Junior Healy, que harà de matojo.
Except for Junior Healy, who will play a weed.
Y eso es un resultado saludable, que harà más fácil hacer la administraciòn.
And that ´ s a healthy outcome, that will make it easier to do the management.
Hablo del poder del hombre! Señor, usted disparará algo y mi gente me harà cenizas!
I'm talking about man power!
Yo se que lo harà
I know he is.
El reto de las carreteras comarcales se harà aún màs evidente cuando nos aproximemos a los famosos
... only by the challenge that becomes evident...