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Translate.vc / Espanhol → Inglês / Her

Her tradutor Inglês

1,136,825 parallel translation
Es su corazón.
It's her heart.
Así que simplemente... hackeé su computadora.
So I just hacked into her computer.
Su corazón.
Her heart.
Era efímera como la nieve de primavera. Se escondió tras su madre y me miró como con miedo.
She was as fragile as spring snow, and hiding behind Mom, she cast her eyes down as she glanced at me.
Cuida de ella, por favor.
Please take good care of her.
Para sacar a mi hermana de su cuarto y para superar los problemas de cualquier estudiante.
Against my little sister who refuses to leave her room. My irritation that I'm still only a high school student. Masamune Izumi.
Lo que pasó hace un año hizo que se encerrara en su habitación.
From that incident a year ago, my little sister shut herself in her room
Izumi-sensei la mató en el volumen tres.
Though, Izumi-sensei killed her off in volume three. Silverwolf of Reincarnation She's my favorite character! Though, Izumi-sensei killed her off in volume three.
¿ Cómo puede matar a una chica tan adorable?
He mercilessly killed off such a cute girl like her.
Cuando hables de tu sueño, ¡ sonríe!
lololol - best ever - her butt lolololol That's it for today. Thank you for watching!
¡ No voy a revelar su nombre!
Wait, I can't disclose her real name!
Quiero comer con mi hermana y ayudarla siempre que pueda.
I'd like to eat meals together with my cute little sister. And I want to take care of her, too.
Pero no son hermanos biológicos, ¿ no?
But, you're not related to her by blood, right?
También quiero hacerme amiga tuya.
I want to get along with you, her big brother, too.
¿ Por qué lo dejaste entrar?
Why did you let her inside our house?
Haz que se vaya.
Chase her out of here!
Escucharé lo que tiene que decir antes de echarla.
But I can't chase her out immediately, so I'll just listen to what she has to say. Later.
¿ No fuiste a llamarla?
I thought you went up to call her down?
La avisé, pero...
Yeah. I did call out to her, but...
No va a salir.
She just won't leave her room.
Así que no va a salir...
To think she won't leave her room....
Llevo un año intentando todo lo que pude para que salga de la habitación.
For the past year, I've been doing my best in my own way so she'll come out of her room.
Será la "Alianza para arrastrar a Izumi-chan fuera de su cuarto".
We'll call it the "Alliance to Drag Izumi-chan out of Her Room"!
Qué chica más irritante.
What's with her? So irritating.
¿ Sabes qué hace tu hermana todo el día en el cuarto?
Brother, do you know exactly what Izumi-chan is doing, all cooped up in her room?
A primera vista parece una chica inexpresiva, tranquila y dulce, pero cuando hablas con ella ves que tiene muchas facetas.
At first glance, she's expressionless, and quiet. But she's truly a lovely maiden. When you talk to her, her facial expression changes often, and she's really charming.
Te pregunto si realmente quieres que vaya a la escuela.
Are you really serious about making her go to school?
Yo solo quiero que Sagiri salga de su habitación.
- What? I just want Sagiri to come out of her room.
Ella ya tiene ami... Tiene a mucha gente que la valora.
She does have friends, or rather, lots of people who think dearly of her.
Aunque no vaya a la escuela o no salga de su habitación, es mi hermana y estoy orgulloso de ella.
So, even if she's not going to school, or even if she doesn't leave her room, My little sister is my pride and joy. I'm proud of her.
Estoy hablando yo, no te entrometas.
I'm talking to her right now. Please don't butt in!
Espero que no la traumatizaran.
I hope what happened earlier didn't traumatize her.
No deja de repetir anime, anime, anime.
This kid... Every time she opens her mouth, it's anime, anime, anime...
¿ Son amigos?
You get along with her?
¿ La viste desnuda?
- You saw her naked?
Así que la viste.
So you saw her...
Conque así se comporta cuando está sola.
So that's what she's like when she's alone in her room?
Nunca la había visto tan sonriente.
I've never seen her look so merry like that before.
Ni se imagina que el ilustrador que busca está justo delante de sus narices.
She probably can't think the Eromanga-sensei she's looking for is right in front of her eyes.
Si no tuviera a Eromanga-sensei, me gustaría trabajar con ella.
I'd love to work with her, if Eromanga-sensei wasn't around.
Son la misma persona.
That's her right there, though.
Es la primera vez que la veo tan seria.
Such a serious look on her face... I've never seen it before.
Creo que entenderá lo que sientes por ella.
I think your thoughtfulness will get across to her.
Desde que la conociste estás muy motivado.
Since you started seeing her, you seemed really motivated.
Es fan de Eromanga-sensei y quiere trabajar contigo.
Sh-She's a huge fan of Eromanga Sensei, and wants to work together with her.
Lo siento. Pero la vencí.
I'm sorry but, I've already defeated her.
¿ En serio la venciste?
That's amazing. To think you'd win against her...
Decidí que me convertiría en su familia.
I decided that I was going to be her family.
¿ Por hacer trampa en sus impuestos?
For cheating on her taxes?
Si quiere a su madre, no querrá verla procesada por fraude impositivo.
If he loves his mother, he won't want to see her prosecuted for tax fraud.
Hablaré con ustedes y pagaré sus impuestos atrasados si eso es lo que hace falta, pero no tengo nada que vaya a ayudarlos.
Now, I'll talk to you, and pay her back taxes if that's what it takes, but I don't have anything that's gonna help you.

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