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Kirk tradutor Inglês

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¿ Kirk Whitby?
- Kirk Whitby?
"The girl with the dragon tattoo", Kirk Baxter y Angus Wall.
"The girl with the Dragon tattoo" irk Baxter and Angus wall.
"The girl with the dragon tattoo", Kirk Baxter y Angus Wall.
"The Girl With The Dragon tattoo," Kirk Baxter and Angus wall.
Angus Wall es la parte del equipo que pone la diligencia y Kirk Baxter la paciencia, este es el segundo para el equipo que ganó el año pasado por "La red social".
Angus wall with his diligence and Kirk Baxter had the vigilance, this is the second for this team who won last year for "the social network."
Kirk se desconecta.
Kirk out.
Lip, éste es el coronel Kirk McNally.
Lip, this is Colonel Kirk McNally.
Pero esa es tu silla del Capitán Kirk.
But that's your Captain kirk chair.
Es decir, estaba sentado en la silla de Kirk, entonces me dio un masaje en la espalda, y...
I mean, I sat in his kirk chair, he gave me a back rub, and...
¿ Te sentaste en la silla Kirk?
You sat in the kirk chair?
Dios mío, ella lo hizo pelear con Kirk.
Oh, my gosh, she made him fight Kirk.
- Es James T. Kirk.
- It's James T. Kirk...
Es el nombre del medio del Capitán Kirk.
It's Captain Kirk's middle name.
- James Tiberius Kirk.
- James Tiberius Kirk.
El nombre de la víctima es Kirk Armstrong.
Victim's name is Kirk Armstrong.
Voy a llamar a Gideon Kirk, el entrenador de las estrellas.
I'm calling Gideon Kirk, trainer to the stars.
Dímelo a la cara, Gideon Kirk.
Tell me to my face, Gideon Kirk.
Es el del Capitán James Tiberius Kirk de Star Trek.
You're thinking of Captain James Tiberius Kirk- -
¿ Sabes que te ves como Kirk Cameron?
You know you look like kirk Cameron?
Bueno, ¿ entonces que tuvo Kirk Douglas?
Well, then what did kirk Douglas have?
Acabo de dejar a Kirk.
I just left Kirk.
- Cuando me reuní con Kirk temprano, me dijo que La Guardia quiere a Audrey en el granero mañana.
- When I met with Kirk earlier, he told me The Guard wants Audrey in the barn tomorrow.
Las armas no resolverán esto, Kirk.
- But- - - Guns are not gonna solve this, kirk.
Es como lo dijo Kirk Cameron, nunca es tarde hasta que es demasiado tarde.
It's like Kirk Cameron said, it's never too late... until it's too late.
¿ No será, Kirk Sanders, verdad?
Sanders? You don't mean Kirk Sanders, do you?
Kirk Sanders.
Yeah, yeah.
Porque noté que enloqueciste más de la cuenta, cuando Woody mencionó a, Kirk Sanders.
So, Connie, have you been taking your meds? Because I noticed you went a little more bat-shit crazy than usual when Woody mentioned the name Kirk Sanders.
¿ A Kirk Sanders?
Prove to who? Kirk Sanders?
Me encanta hacérselo.
Kirk Sanders? [Screams ] [ Thud]
Bueno, seguro que en una lucha, Kirk ganaría.
Well, sure, in a wrestling match, Kirk would win.
¡ Kirk al transbordador 1!
Kirk to Shuttle One.
¡ Kirk fuera!
Kirk out!
- Puente al capitán Kirk.
- Bridge to Captain Kirk.
Jim Kirk.
Jim Kirk.
Que si alguien se merece otra oportunidad es Jim Kirk.
That if anybody deserves a second chance, it's Jim Kirk.
El Sr. Kirk se está acostumbrando a su nuevo puesto.
Mr. Kirk is just acclimating to his new position as First Officer.
Si tiene algo que decir, dígalo.
You got something to say, Kirk, say it.
¿ El principio de qué?
The beginning of what, Mr. Kirk?
Una guerra con los klingon es inevitable.
All-out war with the Klingons is inevitable, Mr. Kirk.
Capitán Kirk.
Captain Kirk.
Kirk fuera.
Kirk out.
El capitán Kirk está en ruta ahora.
Captain Kirk is en route to you now.
Yo me rendí porque... a pesar de sus esfuerzos por ocultarla, Ud. Tiene una conciencia.
I surrendered to you because, despite your attempt to convince me otherwise, you seem to have a conscience, Mr. Kirk.
Scotty, habla Kirk.
Scotty, it's Kirk.
James Kirk.
- James Kirk.
Es Ud. Mucho más listo de lo que sugiere su fama.
You're much cleverer than your reputation suggests, Captain Kirk.
Mi tripulación... es mi familia, Kirk.
My crew is my family, Kirk.
¡ Kirk Sanders!
Kirk Sanders!
¿ A quién? ¿ A Kirk Sanders?
You'll finally have the chance to prove to him that you do have what it takes.
James Donzig y Warren Kirk.
James Donzig and Warren Kirk.
No, Kirk.
No, Kirk.

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