/ Espanhol → Inglês / Mandã
Mandã tradutor Inglês
7 parallel translation
Cuando lleguà © al hospital, tenà a la nariz rota, la mandà bula destrozada, y sujetada con un alambre.
When I went to the hospital, her nose was broken, her jaw was shattered, held together by wire.
Una organizacià ³ n de ultra-derecha en Japà ³ n mandà ³ un asesino... llamado "Inoue" para cambiar la historia.
An extreme right-wing organization in Japan sent an assassin named "lnoue" to change history
Me golpean en la mandà bula me estrangulan.
They punch me in the jaw strangle me.
Le cuesta trabajo hablar con la mandà bula alambrada.
Kind of hard for the guy to talk with his jaw wired shut.
 ¡ Tenemos 5 segundos para mandà ¡ rsela de regreso!
You got five seconds to pick it up and throw it back.
Te mandà ³ un mensaje.
She sent you a text.
Alguien te mandà ³ un maldito porro.
Someone sent you a fucking joint, bud.