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Translate.vc / Espanhol → Inglês / Mandã

Mandã tradutor Inglês

7 parallel translation
Cuando lleguà © al hospital, tenà ­ a la nariz rota, la mandà ­ bula destrozada, y sujetada con un alambre.
When I went to the hospital, her nose was broken, her jaw was shattered, held together by wire.
Una organizacià ³ n de ultra-derecha en Japà ³ n mandà ³ un asesino... llamado "Inoue" para cambiar la historia.
An extreme right-wing organization in Japan sent an assassin named "lnoue" to change history
Me golpean en la mandà ­ bula me estrangulan.
They punch me in the jaw strangle me.
Le cuesta trabajo hablar con la mandà ­ bula alambrada.
Kind of hard for the guy to talk with his jaw wired shut.
 ¡ Tenemos 5 segundos para mandà ¡ rsela de regreso!
You got five seconds to pick it up and throw it back.
Te mandà ³ un mensaje.
She sent you a text.
Alguien te mandà ³ un maldito porro.
Someone sent you a fucking joint, bud.

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