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Translate.vc / Espanhol → Inglês / Nat

Nat tradutor Inglês

2,060 parallel translation
- Ya sacaron a Nat.
And they had got Nat out already.
Estoy aquí por mi tío Nat, que murió en la tormenta.
I'm here for my Uncle Nat,'cause he died in the storm.
Que puedo decir, Nat?
What can I say, Nat?
Bueno, eso es lo que se supone que ellos vean, Nat.
Well, that's what they're supposed to read like, Nat.
- Le dije a Nat que estarìa allí.
- I told Nat I'd be there. - Hmm!
- Què le dirè a Nat?
- What am I gonna tell Nat?
Te hice una reservación.
NAT : I've accepted a booking on your behalf.
Nat, tu ves a este tipo, este Bobby Brooks?
Nat, you see this guy, this Bobby Brooks?
- Segura?
- Are you sure, Nat?
- Nat, estoy en vacaciones.
- Nat, I'm on a break.
Es Nat de 232.
It's Nat from 232.
- No te incumbe, Nat.
- It's none of your business, Nat.
Habla Nat.
Nat speaking.
- Nat...
- Nat...
Nat, Necesito media hora despuès de este cliente.
Nat, I need half an hour after this client.
Podrìas decirle a Nat.
If you could let Nat know.
Ya sabes, Nat debe estar en esto.
You know, Nat should be in on this.
Nat, cuánto dinero tienes para mí?
Nat, how much money are you holding for me?
Es muy importante, Nat.
This is really important, Nat.
Nat, ¿ cuánto crees que vale este lugar?
Nat, how much do you think this place would go for it it was sold?
No estoy vendiendo nada, Nat.
I'm not selling the place, Nat.
De acuerdo, Nat, Volveré enseguida, OK?
Alright, Nat, I'll be back in a while, OK?
Ralph Tyner te reservó para mañana.
NAT : Ralph Tyner booked you for tomorrow.
Nada vale la pena con ese hombre, Nat.
Nothing is worth extra time with that man, Nat.
No, solo déjalo claro, Nat.
No, just leave it clear, Nat.
Muy predecible.
NAT : So predicatable.
The Days Lazy-Crazy-Hazy del álbum verano con Nat King Cole, que era la misma gente haciendo eso que estaba haciendo The Beach Boys.
The Lazy-Crazy-Hazy Days of Summer album with Nat King Cole, it was the same guys doing that that was doing The Beach Boys.
Peggy Lee, Nat King Cole.
Peggy Lee, Nat King Cole.
¡ Dah! - Nat...
Usted es Nat.
You're Nat.
¡ Tú puedes, Nat!
You got it, nat!
Nat, dile que si te da el collar... eso lo redimiría, y que votaríamos por Amanda.
Tell him if he were to give you the necklace That would redeem him and we would vote for amanda.
Nat hubiera votado conmigo y tú, y Cirie se hubiera ido.
Nat would have voted with me And you and cirie would have been gone.
Dile, Nat.
Tell him, Nat.
Nat, dame una malteada y papas fritas extra crujientes.
Nat, give me a shake, French fries, extra crispy.
- Buena pregunta, sí. ¿ Nat?
- That's a good question. Yeah. Nat?
Sí, ve a comprarle un helado de yogurt a Nat, y cuando regresen, tendremos todo listo para irnos ¿ verdad?
yeah, go get some frozen yogurt with nat, and when you get back, we'll be all packed up and ready to go, right?
¿ Dónde está Nat?
hunter : hey, where's nat?
Oye cariño, dijiste que Nat estaba en tu viejo cuarto ¿ no? - Sí, ¿ no está?
hey, sweetie, you said that Nat was in your old room, right?
revisé todos los dormitorios, pero hay tantas escaleras y esas puertas... ¿ Nat? ¿ Natalie?
no, no.i mean, i checked all the bedrooms, but there's so many stairways, and these doors- - nat?
- Bien. ¡ Nat!
all right.
- ¿ Natalie?
- ¿ Nat?
Nat, ¿ cariño?
¿ Natalie?
nat, honey? natalie?
- ¿ Quieres que susurremos?
nat, where are you? natalie : how come you want us to whisper?
Nat... Muy bien, ¿ qué querías mostrarme?
nat... ok, what you want to show me?
¿ Nat nunca ha visto a nadie con abrazaderas para piernas?
so did nat ever see anyone maybe with leg braces?
Nunca vi a Nat con este chico en el hospital o en otro lado.
i have never seen nat with this boyat the hospital or anywhere. but i gotta say, i'm really proud of you, honey.

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