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Pensè tradutor Inglês

45 parallel translation
Siempre pensè que debía darle algo a mi primer norteamericano algo que me gustara mucho.
I have been thinking that I must give something to my first American something I like very much.
Quizás debí habèrtelo dicho la primera noche, pero pensè : " Sam es soldado.
Maybe I should've told you that first night, but I thought to myself, " Sam is a soldier.
Pensè que sería mejor pasar y ver cómo estabas.
I thought I'd better report in and see how you are.
Pensè que le gustaría una taza de tè, señor... ya que no tomará ningún descanso.
Thought you might like a cup of tea, Sir, long as you're not going to take any rest.
Pensè que con seguridad Ud. debería haber estado casada o algo.
I thought that surely you must be married or something.
Nunca pensè que algo como esto podría pasar.
I never thought a thing like this would happen.
Pensè que Uds, querrían pasar un par de meses en Inglaterra.
I thought you blokes would like a couple months in England.
Escuchè lo de su hijo... asi que pensè decirselo.
I heard about your son so I thought I'd tell you.
Pensè que en este punto, estaría celebrando, señor... pero me temo que no puedo.
I thought I'd be cheering, Sir, at this point, but I'm afraid I can't. I know.
Yo pensè que íbamos a agarrar a Genovese.
I thought we were gonna get Genovese.
Muchachos, no pensè que yo iba a tener una oportunidad de juzgar.
Boy, I didn't think I'd have a chance at the judgment.
Nunca pensè que ella llegara tan lejos.
I never thought she'd go that far to make us disappear.
y pensè en llevársela.
so I thought I'd take it to her house.
Pensè que podría leer aquí.
I thought I couId read some of it here.
¡ Lo que pensè!
Ah-ha. I thought so.
Esta gente es más inteligente de lo que pensè.
These people are cleverer than I thought.
Yo no le dì sentido pensè que estaba delirando.
It conveyed nothing to me. I thought, well I thought he was delirious.
Pensè que habìa visto lo ùltimo de èl lo arrojé violentamente hace 15 años...
I thought I'd seen the last of him. I sent him packing, 15 years ago.
Yo siempre pensè que eran bolas de gas ardiendo a años luz de aquí.
I always thought they were balls of gas burning billions of miles away.
Pensè que querrías comer algo mientras trabajas.
I thought you might like a snack while you were working.
Pensè que a Ios pasajeros siempre Ies servían un buen almuerzo.
I thought that passengers were always served a nice lunch.
Pensè que debía intentar ser como una planta rodadora.
Pensè que la idea era ir juntos a Washington, no que termináramos.
I thought the idea was that we were gonna go to Washington together, not break up.
Thought I heard you talking softly. Pensè oirte hablar suavemente.
~ ~ Thought I heard you talking softly. ~ ~
Pensè que serìa bueno que que regresáramos... juntos.
I thought it would be cool if we went back. You know... together.
Pensè que eran las tuberías.
I thought it was the pipes.
Pensè que era Kira.
I thought it was Kira.
Pensè que cuando ganáramos, Las luces del escenario van a darme aún más brillo.
I figure when we win homecoming, the stage lights will really bring them out.
Pensè que lo hice, pero no lo hice.
I thought I did, but I didn't.
Pensè en dejarlo desde mucho antes de que ella creciera.
I just thought I'd quit long before she could understand.
Pensè que la cebolla estaba muy bien picada.
I thought the onions were very well cut.
Yo pensè en tì.
I did think about you.
Pensè que no necesitábamos toda esa mierderìa.
I thought we didn't need all that bullshit.
Y yo pensè, en mi locura, sin explicar porqué, que tù tambièn podrías querer eso.
And I thought, in my madness, without explaining why, that you might want that too.
Pensè que querìa ver...
I thought I wanted to see...
- Pensè que te gustarìa alguna prueba.
- I thought you might like some proof.
No pensè que la conseguiría.
I didn't think I'd get it.
- Pensè que habías sido tú.
- I thought you must have said...
Sè que probablemente no quieres habar conmigo pero la policìa està haciendo preguntas sobre el cheque y pensè que te gustarìa saberlo.
Look, I know you probably don't want to hear from me but the police have been asking me some questions about your cheque and I just thought you might like to know.
Pensè que si lo vamos a vender, debemos organizarlo.
Just thought if this place was gonna be sold, we should get it organised.
Lo siento, Sè que debí consultarte, por lo menos sobre las flores, pero no pensè que a él le interesaran las flores.
I'm sorry, I know I should've consulted you, at least on the flowers, but I just didn't think he'd give a stuff about flowers.
Pero, querida, estoy de vuelta y pensè que te gustarìa saberlo.
But, darling, I'm back and I just thought you might like to know.
" Asi que pensè,
" So I figured,
- No, pensè que era azul.
- No, I thought it was blue.
Nunca pensè que podía ser posible sentir tanto dolor.
I didn't think it was possible to feel such pain.

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