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Picasso tradutor Inglês

1,303 parallel translation
Le compré un pequeño Picasso.
I got her a little Picasso.
¡ Mira, Jam, soy un Picasso!
Hey, Hamm. - Look, I'm Picasso!
Picasso se está resfriando.
Picasso here is getting a cold.
Vamos, Picasso.
Come on, Picasso.
- ¿ Conoces a Picasso?
You know Picasso?
Betty me golpeó con el Picasso.
So Betty had hit me with the Picasso.
Debes conocerle ; a Bernard Picasso.
You know Bernard.
Sí. Picasso decía que el arte es la última perpetración del fraude.
Picasso said that art is the ultimate perpetration of fraud.
Mi retrato va a parecer como un Picasso.
My portrait's gonna look like a Picasso.
Digo, acaso le dijeron a Picasso, "Sin pincel"?
I mean, did they tell Picasso, "No brush"?
No te han preguntado a menudo Eres un Picasso?
No one stops you on the street and says you're a Picasso? No? Never?
Me alejé del Atelier de Picasso por varias semanas.
I didn't return to Picasso's studio for several weeks.
Controlan sus papeles día tras día, ni sus padres o abuelos, ni sus bisabuelos eran judíos.
Once a week I tell them, let alone his parents and his grandparents, even Picasso's great-grandparents are not Jewish.
Después de la liberación de París Picasso era considerado un gran artista héroe de la resistencia francesa.
After the liberation of Paris, Picasso, who was already a world-famous artist, also became a hero of the French resistance... not that he had done anything very heroic.
El secretario de Picasso, Sabartes, afirmaba, que los turistas visitaban Europa, después de la guerra, por tres cosas : El Papa, Pompeya y Pablo Picasso.
Picasso's secretary sabartes claimed that after the war, tourists only came to Europe to see the pope, Pompeii, and Pablo Picasso.
No había alcanzado a conocer a Picasso.
Not till I met Picasso.
Bueno, debes vestirte bien para visitar a Picasso
Well, one has to dress up a bit to visit Picasso.
Picasso embarazó a Marie Therese cuando ella tenía 17 años.
Picasso had met Marie-therese when she was 17 years old.
Picasso puede resultar menos inmortal que el esqueleto de alguna extinguida ave de rapiña.
Picassos may turn out to be no more immortal than the skeleton of some extinct bird of prey.
"Gracias a Dios", pensaba Picasso.
"Thank God for that," Picasso said.
" Yo, Françoise, juro que amaré a Picasso, sólo a Picasso.
"I, francoise, swear to love Picasso " and only Picasso
Yo, Françoise, juro, amar a Picasso, y sólo a Picasso.
"I, francoise, swear to love Picasso " and only Picasso
Y se llaman Picasso.
My business is called Picasso.
Dile que Picasso tiene dolor de panza.
I don't know. Tell them Picasso has a stomachache.
Crees que Picasso le esté mostrando algo?
Do you, do you think Picasso will sell him something?
El es igual a mí Un auténtico Picasso.
Doesn't he look exactly like me?
Quizás se parecen en el peinado.
An authentic Picasso. He certainly has the same hair.
Picasso decidió que los niños necesitaban el aire del mar. Ibamos en la Primavera a lo de Juan y nos quedábamos allí hasta el otoño.
Picasso decided that children need sea air, and as soon as it was spring, we went to golfe Juan and stayed right through the autumn.
Por supuesto a dónde Picasso fuera, su familia debía ir también.
But, of course, wherever Picasso went, his assorted families went, too,
Soy la única Madame Picasso. - Dónde esta tu hijo?
I am the only madame Picasso.
Olga y Picasso se casaron en 1918.
Olga and Picasso were married in 1918.
Al casarse, Picasso estaba encantado con el círculo al que entraba con Olga.
When they were first married, Picasso was amused by the smart social circles to which Olga introduced him.
Al poco tiempo Picasso se cansó de las fiestas. Y en los años'30 sus obras mostraban estos sentimientos. Olga ya no se dedicaba a la danza, los años la convirtieron en una esposa desagradable, que él detestaba.
It didn't take Picasso long to tire of all the snobbish parties, and by the 1930s, his paintings of her, always the surest indication of his feelings, no longer showed a radiant dancer, but a prematurely aged and shrewish wife
Oh, qué maravilloso! Solo verle.
I am madame Picasso.
Puedes pasear en cochecito tantos bastardos como quieras.
Me! Olga Picasso!
Pero hay una sola Madame Picasso.
He has killed her, and you're being haunted by her ghost.
This is my home.
Y los millonarios quebrados se tiran por la ventana.
In all the years we were together, Picasso gave me no money at all, and I never asked him for any.
100, 50, 20. En todos los años que vivimos juntos Picasso jamás me dio dinero
She knew I had to provide for myself and for Claude, and soon there would be the new baby.
Picasso no me había influenciado directamente, pero estaba rodeada por él como si fuera un elemento.
He said, "painting can't be taught." It can only be found. "
Si el elemento era agua, yo nadaba.
"Don't try to be Picasso. Be yourself."
Stalin! Picasso! Gracias.
Picasso had followed many other artists and intellectuals for whom communism was a new theology, with God replaced by Stalin.
- Picasso ¿ Qué tal?
Picasso. ¿ ¿ Que tal?
¿ Has oído hablar de Pablo Picasso?
You ever heard of Pablo Picasso? Yeah, I heard of him.
Nunca? Tenemos una cita con Monsieur Picasso. He pintado tu cara Antes de que hubieras nacido. "
" I know your face so well.
Ni siquiera aunque fuese Picasso.
I'd let myself be destroyed by a man, even if he is Picasso?
Otro Pablo Picasso.
Why not Pablo?
Eso combina muy bien con tus pantalones... Picasso conoció a Olga en 1917.
Nobody. Garbage. That goes very well with your trousers.
Yo soy Madame Picasso! Soy su mujer.
You can push as many prams with as many little bastards in them as you like, but there is only one madame Picasso.
Picasso! Could you sleep?
Olga Picasso!
Leave you alone?

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