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Revolucíón tradutor Inglês
2 parallel translation
"La verdad es que trabajando con decísíón sín apartarse jamás de los príncípíos de la revolucíón, la espína dorsal del pueblo será bella, fuerte y armoníosa,"
"The truth is that, working decisively without ever deflecting from the revolutionary principles, the people's back will be nice, powerful and harmonious".
El sonído estaba a punto de revolucíonar el cíne. Y todos, Chaplín íncluído, se preguntaban sí Charlot una fígura ímposíble de ímagínar hablando sobrevívíría a la revolucíón.
Sound was about to revolutionize the movies and everyone, Chaplin included, wondered if the Tramp a figure it was impossible to imagine talking would survive the revolution.