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Translate.vc / Espanhol → Inglês / Saíd

Saíd tradutor Inglês

6 parallel translation
Port Said.
Port Saíd.
- ¿ Sabes el que dijo ver algo que sabemos que no pasó?
- You know that other party... ...who saíd he saw somethíng that we know dídn't happen?
"Cuantos más alemanes matemos, menos bajas tendremos", dijo.
"The more Germans we kíll, the fewer of our men wíll be kílled" he saíd.
¿ Has visitado alguna vez España, Saíd? ¿ España?
- Have you ever been to Spain, Said?
Saíd vendrá conmigo.
- Said comes with.
Cuando el helicóptero sobrevoló la multitud, vi miles de manos tendidas hacia el cielo, rezando por mí.
As that helícopter pílot took off over the crowd, I saw multítudes of hands lífted up to heaven, prayíng for me. Then God saíd to me ín my heart, " Do you see all these men, Angus?

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