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Translate.vc / Espanhol → Inglês / Tambièn

Tambièn tradutor Inglês

120 parallel translation
Quisiera creer tambièn yo...
I would like to believe her too...
Y le tienes miedo, tambièn.
"And fear him, too," says you.
Debe tener algun talento, tambièn.
She should be talented, too.
Si la novia es afortunada, nosotros seremos aliviados tambièn.
If the bride is fortunate enough, we'll get it released, too.
Su padre tambièn era como èl.
His father too was like him.
Tù tambièn y toma algo.
You also come and take some.
Tù tambièn toma alguno.
You also take some.
Tù tambièn toma un poco.
You also take some.
Haz que Shamu tambièn ponga su huella sobre esto.
Make Shamu also put his thumb impression on this.
Es mi parte, tambièn.
This has my share, too.
- Yo tambièn.
- Me, too.
Mi madre tambièn.
My mother will also starve.
¿ Tambièn tendrás hambre?
Will you also starve?
Dale esto tambièn al prestamista.
Give this too to the money lender.
Bien, asì como ha regresado el buey, regresen el préstamo tambièn.
Fine. Just as you have returned the oxen, return the loan too.
En esa mano tambièn.
In that hand too.
La diosa que retornará a mi marido tambièn ayudará a mis niños.
The goddess has returned my husband She will also return my children.
Ella traerá de vuelta a tu esposo y tambièn a tus niños...
She'll return your husband and kids.
Tambièn nos quitó 20 acres de tierras.
He has even taken away 20 acres of our land.
Tù tambièn cierra los ojos.
You also close your eyes.
¡ Esto tambièn le pertenece!
This also belongs to your Pop!
Y escucha, aunque no lo haya hecho tambièn le darè unos buenos...
And listen, if you've done anything, I'll break your head too!
¡ Yo tambièn sé de tus cositas!
I know all about your antics too!
Agàchate tambièn.
You also bend over.
Tiene otros vicios tambièn.
He has many vices too.
Tambièn lo soy yo
So am I.
Mi viejo tambièn era empresario.
My old man was in business, too.
Wiley tambièn era bueno.
So was Wiley.
Y tambièn era un hombre de color.
He was also a Negro.
Yo tambièn haré mi parte, teniente.
It works both ways, Lieutenant.
Tambièn dijo que tambien tendría que arrojarle biscochitos.
He said for all the good our guns'd do, we might as well throw crumpets at her.
El Norfolk está ahi, tambièn, señor.
Norfolk's there, too, Sir.
Tambièn, que el almirante está enviando sus órdenes.
- Also, the admiral's sending his intentions. - Aye-aye, Sir.
Ahora es como si Yo fuera capaz de ir a Wall Street tambièn.
Now, it's like I am very capable of Wall Street too.
¿ Y a mì no me da un libro tambièn?
Don't I get a book?
¿ Te interesa la seguridad de ellos tambièn?
Do you care about their safety as well?
Yo tambièn.
Me too.
Tù has estado envuelto en en esto tambièn, Joseph.
You're involved in this thing too, Joseph.
puede que París sea la ciudad del amor, pero tambièn puede ser la ciudad del desengaño.
Paris may be the land of love, but it can also be the land of heartbreak.
Yo tambièn salgo en esa, Douglas.
That's the same heat I'm in, Douglas.
Señorita, para mí tambièn es muy importante.
Lady, I got a few things to prove myself.
Cuando un coche como Herbie viene a París y conoce una bella Lancia, que tambièn es un coche como èl...
When a car like Herbie comes to Paris, he meets a beautiful Lancia, that is also a car like Herbie, with a, with a...
Tù tambièn, Herbie.
You too, Herbie.
- Lo sè, yo tambièn.
- I know.
Nosotros tambièn. Lo que nos faltaba.
Well, so are we, and all we need is her hanging around.
Tambièn es nuestro medio de transporte.
It's also our transportation, if you wouldn't mind.
vino tambièn con Mortemart a quien presentó ".
came too with Mortemart whom he introduced. "
Actuar, Sherlock actuar todos mis instintos estàn en contra de esta explicación y creo que los tuyos tambièn no por nada somos hermanos usa tus poderes ve a la escena del crimen pregunta a la gente implicada no dejes piedra sin remover en toda tu carrera nunca tendrás una mayor oportunidad de servir a tu paìs.
To act Sherlock, to act. All my instincts are against this explanation and yours too, I think. We are not brothers for nothing.
Y para mi tambièn pero he aferrado ya una idea que quizas nos lleve lejos.
And to me also, but I now have a hold of an idea which may lead us far.
Si, y el boleto tambièn.
Yes, and the ticket too.
Ella es la hija del Sr. Turner tambièn Australiano, quien posee toda la propiedad.
She is the daughter of Mr. Turner, also Australian who owns this whole estate.

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